>it's portable!
It's portable!
Anything to get that fatass to lose some weight.
>the fat neckbeard meme guy has better skin than me
I wash my face every day, and splash water compulsively after I use the bathroom. Can a smoothskin tell me their secret?
Who are you quoting?
not being genetic trash
Start with warm water use a nonfoaming clay-based face wash, wash it off with cold water, use toner to help close my pores and moisturise
He is so hansome without the fedora
Too bad your not
also clean up your living space from dust and don't play in the dirt all the time
Thanks. If this makes mustard gas you're under arrest.
great english pedro
In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.
Exit puberty.
That guy looks more handsome every time I see his photo.
Just visit a dermatologist to see what is causing the issues? Whatever they are since you weren't very specific what your problem is
Otherwise this
Yeah, it's called diet. Don't listen to any of the meme answers that people have replied to you with. Don't fall for any bullshit "buy this product!" meme or any shit like that. Cut out all sugars, cut out all filler foods. Eat fruits, vegetables, and non processed meats. Your skin will clear itself up. I eat clean all week, and then I'll get a shitty meal on Saturday night, usually a burger and fries and a soda, and the next morning I am usually greeted with a pimple or two.
>cut out all sugars
>eat fruits
>Cut out all sugars
>Eat fruits
terrible, terrible bait. Not even worthy of a "you"
You don't understand! Fruit is natural sugars! Unlike that stuff in the store!
>eating an orange is the same as eating a twix bar
damage control
Don't go saying stupid things anywhere other than Sup Forums or you might get funny looks
>""""""""natural"""""""" sugar
A large orange has almost the same amount of sucrose as a twix bar has sugar so as far as "cut out all sugars" is concerned it is almost the same
How do you not recognize an obviously sarcastic reply? How many more exclamation points would it take?
Opps, I meant to type this comment for this guy >A large orange has almost the same amount of sucrose as a twix bar has sugar so as far as "cut out all sugars" is concerned it is almost the same
Please. For the love of god, never say that out in public or you will garner stares and possibly a /fit/ bro coming up to you to laugh at your skinny weak physique.
>A large orange has almost the same amount of sucrose as a twix bar has sugar so as far as "cut out all sugars" is concerned it is almost the same
>A large orange has almost the same amount of sucrose as a twix bar has sugar so as far as "cut out all sugars" is concerned it is almost the same
>a large orange has the same amount of sucrose as a twix bar
>large oranges are just as bad for you as twix bars
Only on Sup Forumseddit will you find uneducated, horribly dumb and insulting opinions like this.
>diet is the sole cause of bad skin
>a fatty like the guy in OP has perfect skin
really makes you think
and what is the one thing that beats diet, hard work and training? Genetics!!!
I'm not saying you shouldn't put any effort into that stuff, because you should.
But all the other advice given is pretty helpful too