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Video Games #4033
Video Games
Those we failed to save
This is Mae. Say something nice about her
Mass Erect Andromeda
Why does the Fat/Stay Night franchise pander to lolicons and pedophiles these days? It used to be good
Remastering the best and most overlooked game in the series
Garbage game
Are games worse?
ITT: Shitty game design that you hate
What's worse: being a manlet (under 6'0" / 182cm), having a receding hairline, being fat, or being non-white?
Should I bother playing the butchered Nier western "localization" or just wait for the PS4 remaster of the original?
How is this acceptable?
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Are you going to play it?
Like RTS
One hit melee kills
Do you feel represented in video games user?
Is Animal Crossing Switch going to be announced during the January Direct?
Which RPG have the best battle system?
Total War Warhammer 2
Fucking when?
Open up MSPaint and draw kirby. You should be able to do this
Fuck ADGQ 2018
ITT: games that are 10 years old
Did they mean something by this?
AGDQ 2018: The Autopsy
Biggest Nintendo release of the year with its biggest IP
Marry, fuck, kill
What should i play next?
A KISS TO BUILD A Classic Fallout thread
Gta 4
My keybinds are objectively the best
You did the right thing, right Sup Forums?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Games or franchises that are not only dead but Sup Forums also never talks about
The state of video game streaming
2018 barely started
Nintendo Swich emulator
January Nintendo Direct
Shit design why?
Worst gunplay in vidya history
Assassins creed goes SJW
Media Create Sales
So I know the first game was really great but what do you guys think about the "possible sequel"...
Switch emulation is here
Play on Master Mode on my first run because I enjoy difficult games
Filename thread
AGDQ 2018
AGDQ 2018
How do I play this fucking game? I started it because of a thread earlier but I have no idea what I'm doing...
Cast him in!
9/10 on Steam
Tfw we are not only getting the intented version (aka the only that counts) but we also can play it outside our home...
ITT: "Dead" multiplayer games you still enjoy playing
Those bigots better add an easy mode for us light-hearted gamers who just want to sit back and enjoy the game
I'm about to start Dragon's Dogma and I'm torn
Marie or Kasumi?
Is VR still a meme?
ITT post the things you hate in a game
Just summoned this beast, how OP is he?
AGDQ 2018
What is this game made of?
Just finished my first playthrough in this game
Ask too many stupid questions
Meanwhile, on the stupid version of Sup Forums
Can we get a vidya OST thread? prefer older stuff
This is a game released in 2014
God here, with patch 2.18 uploading
Dragon Ball FighterZ:
Can we get a reaction image thread? Need to build my folder up a bit more
Does it bother you if a game has fanservice tropes?
Furi Plot Discussion
SFV shitpost edition
Meanwhile on the Sup Forums MMO
Our governments have limited powers by design
AGDQ 2018: "Girlfriend" on the Couch Edition
Wtf is this shit
This is Beatrice Santello. She's been having a hard time lately, maybe you can say something to cheer her up
Is Xenoblade 2 the best JRPG you've played in the last 10 years?
What went wrong?
Was he right?
Share your unpopular gaming opinions with me, Sup Forums. This is a judgement free thread
Buy console for next to nothing
I've heard people say this is the "best wrpg of all time" Are they talking out their ass or is it just that good?
One of the most underrated games of all time
Anons, I need your suggestions
AGDQ: 3 Hours Left Edition
If every video game character were teamed up based on their color schemes, which team would be the most powerful?
Just played the beta and Uninstalled it
Are you going to buying yakuza 6: the song of life, user?
Hey guys im new to gaming. ha. just found this forum actually
Game has an empire
What are some games where the hero loses?
Do you have faith in it?
Why'd they make Peach a bitch in this game
Joined the master race
Fires lead creative director/writer
AGDQ 2018: GotY 2017 Speedrun Edition
I just blasted through the second half of Catherine in a single sitting and loved every second of it...
*one shots you*
What was the best version of this game?
Jackbox Thread
How do you find a grill like her in real life?
4 shot into enemy, he turns around 1 shots you
AGDQ 2018: 2 million dollars edition
The Great Debate continues
What remakes do you guys actually want to see?
Play any fighting games today, user?
What was their fucking problem?
Not so nice when women objectify male characters, is it?
Stealth games thread
Fifteen years ago I had the pleasure of meeting Claudia Black who voices Chloe in the uncharted games...
What did they mean by this?
So what was the point of the false protagonist thing...
AGDQ 2018: Daw of the Final Run Edition
She literally did nothing wrong
Battle stations
Tfw got kicked out of bank today because I got caught taking pictures of the qt pi light-skinned castizo mexican bank...
School shooter starts bunny hopping
What are some games that take place in Australia?
How does it compare?
Thoughts about this?
Dissidia NT: Exdeath edition
What is the best snes emulator, and why is it zsnes?
Oh no, look at what you've fucked up and done! Now you have to take responsibility. What will you do now, Sup Forums?
AGDQ: Breast of the Wild Edition
What are your thoughts on competitive Overwatch Sup Forums?
What are some games where the characters are completely ruined by the awful localization?
Yfw you enter The Zone
Fallout compass
Why couldn't they bundle it with Returns?
Poisons you
Messed up one conversation 2 planets ago with Bastilia
What the fuck is going on?
Doki Doki Literature Club!
Release game
What controller should I get for gaming on PC? Tired of sitting in my desk while playing games
Hey guys. It's been awhile since I've posted...
How do we fix horror genre?
AGDQ 2018: Finally a Fun Run Edition
We can all agree this had one of the best multiplayer of Halo games. Why do people hate the story again...
I wanna get into jrpgs but I am scared of pointless boring grinding...
Why aren't you sucking on a cock right now Sup Forums?
Comfy Nintendo Switch Thread
Um, no sweetie
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Viscera Cleanup Detail
Kingdom come deliverance
AGDQ: The Final Stretch edition
Good modern games made with Old School Philosophy?
ITT name game series with no bad games
Post games which were meh/shit but got fixed by expansions
Nintenders are actually more concerned about the color of there controller than the gameplay and library variety
Thoughts on e sports?
Mexicans of Sup Forums, what are your thoughts on this character?
There's no such thing as a 10/10 game because 10/10 means perfect and no game is perfect
He named the Persona 5 MC "Akira"
Your mom's Left 4 Dead thread
What is the WORST video game related meme?
Start sucking user
When did you realize pcgaming was dead?
Welp were playing it. First person to reply to each of my posts picks what happens
Great setting
How do we fix europeans?
Anons, I need your suggestions
What made A Link to the Past feel so enchanting?
Devil May Cry thread
AGDQ 2018:
So this crypto-currency mining bullshit is going to crash at some point, right?
Was it kino
He spends his saturday nights alone playing video games and shitposting on Sup Forums instead of going outside and...
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
How the fuck do i beat this bitch i took over her entire base but she just dodges bullets like she's neo when i have...
Monster Hunter World
Going to Gamestop what should I get
It's a your hardest hitting character in the party misses during a tough fight episode
It's the best Zelda game
Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?
Where does hell does the "Fire Emblem is so difficult" meme come from...
Grill Gamers
Yfw you have 1hp left
ITT: Sup Forums makes a vault and all posts that end in 5 add to the lore besides ones that contradict previous lore or...
What did Not-Obsidian mean by this?
Final boss is killed by their right hand man, who then becomes the final boss
Most pros have already gotten bored with the beat
Why did the mech genre die out?
This is your main for the evening
"Listen here you cheeky cunt, five minutes here and I've already had it with your lip...
Huge souls fan, so I stumble across Nioh:The Complete Edition for 40 dollars. Is it worth the money? Should I try it...
Sup Forums BTFO
Filename Thread
Played the demo AMA
What's holding graphics back?
You faggots will argue about literally anything
Poorly describe your favorite character from any vidya and others will guess who he/she is
Played only Sims 2 in the past 10 years
Is there any video game character that could survive a serious punch from saitama?
Did you like it?
What are your thoughts on the Shantae series?
Is this the holy trinity of weabism?
I'm a poorfag is this game worth it?
What are you playing while drinking tonight?
What are some vidya franchises where the protagonist ends up being replaced and fundamentally disgraced?
When should i pull the trigger guys?
How does it feel knowing that we're getting closure and possibly a new game if The World Ends With You Final Remix...
Did kaiju games cease to exist?
AGDQ 2018
AGDQ 2018
Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem 3 book 1
And now the true test, hold fast, or Darkest Dungeon Thread
/v will defend this
Is it immoral to pirate video games?
This is Kaho. She's a brave priestess. Say something nice about her!
Dubs decide new profile picture
A company approaches you to make a King of the Hill fighting game that is beginner friendly and faithful to the series
Holy fuck guys
Why didnt you faggots told me her ass is even better than her titts?
How would you fix this?
Just bought this Sup Forums. What am I in for?
Why do games never feature drugs very prominently when they could be used for so many interesting mechanics
Why hasn't any video game tried to compete with Dota 2 yet?
What's his name Sup Forums?
Choose male character
If I ever get a girlfriend, will I have to stop liking this series?
I feel bad for anyone that bought this game full price
How do we fix game design culture?
Blazblue Cross Tag Battle Confirmed to Have Half of the Roster as Paid DLC
Attack and parry share the same button
Is there any video game character that could survive a serious punch from saitama?
"上 (Can't read the middle) コード64"
How do I get someone VAC banned on steam?
Post racist vidya characters
DragonBall FighterZ thread
Why does this game even exist?
This game's too scary
Are we ever going to get a Thief 2?
Stage is extremely easy
Game comes out
How does Sup Forums afford their vidya?
Nintenders are more concerned about the color of there switch than the variety of games and gameplay quality
I haven't played any Souls-like game. The main reason is the boss fights, it tries to distort my world view. You see...
Sup Forumsermin Weekend
What is your favorite pokemon mod Sup Forums?
Are you going to be playing CLASSIC WOW when its released?
Are you going to be purchasing Yakuza 6: The Song of Life?
F-Zero Thread
AGDQ 2018
Dissidia NT
AGDQ 2018: Blueglass Edition
Master Chief should've joined Cortana and taken over the UNSC for the good of humanity...
Sup Forums is incapable of doing this
What game would you play if you knew you were going to die?
How powerful is Jack in terms of RE monsters
Whoever programmed this guy is a god damned genius
If this game didn’t have the DB liscence everyone would call it trash...
Battlefront thread, let's get to playing, faggots
So, what are you excited about in the new a Kirby that is new to this game and couldn't be found in other Kirby games?
I'm so fucking depressed
Overwatch is balanced
Why are gamers so violent?
Hey is castlevania dead? latest news I've heard was the 4 ep anime on netlix
Aonuma on why Nintendo games stand out. Do you agree?
Have you fapped to me recently, Sup Forums?
JPRG are the lowest form of gaming
Four Days Remain In The Vote
CRPGs: what should I play next?
I bought this today, what does Sup Forums think?
"[Breath of the Wild] is the best launch title Nintendo's ever made." - ProJared
How do you feel about internet leaks?
Sonic Adventure 3
Comfy FF9 thread
Is The Elder Scrolls really that popular with Japanese gamers or is it just Skyrim?
Mario Party thread. Any hopes for MP11 when it's eventually announced?
Any more crossovers we could see on the Switch?
What are your true thoughts on this game
Fire Emblem Warriors
Is there a more underrated japanese franchise?
Main menu background changes with in-game progression
Finished Inside
Recommend me games where shotgun is op and fun to use
Looks like ww2 vidya is back on the menu boys
Could they still redeem themselves?
What's your steam avatar?
Is there any video game character that could survive a serious punch from saitama?
Why do games always get worse as they get popular?
Boss disguised as low level enemy
What do you think about this year's AGDQ?
What a great year for fighting games
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Civilization NO!
Thoughts on their content?
It's finally dead, right?
Games only you have played
So, Rich
Going on a road trip tomorrow. What games should I play while I drive?
Ludo Souls gets remastered
Best girl thread
We haven't talked and hyped this nearly enough yet. It's a stupid comparison...
You're given a budget and a development team that has the skills to make whichever genre of game you wish
What is the apeal of kirby games
AGDQ 2018: OH NO NO NO Edition
Predict Microsoft's E3 2018
What are the odds that this will actually be good?
Journalists don't get sarcasm
So, uh, why does this exist again?
Remember that time Goofy fucking died in Kingdom Hearts 2?
Don't mind me just pirating this money
Is this game an unabashed masterpiece or are there glaring flaws?
If you think historical accuracy is more important than diversity and including minorities then you are literally a...
Dragon Ball FighterZ Beta
Yakuza 2
Save the cat from the tree using vidya knowledge!
What's the gayest game that you have played?
I fucking hate this nigger
Best girl
Hey Sup Forums why don't you browse /x/?
We've reached this point. There will be ero doujins about it soon
Post some masterpieces
Hollow Knight Thread
Team with the most Koreans wins
Do quest markers, radars, and fast travel inherently ruin open world RPGs...
I thought this was a fun game...
Misophonia and games
Is it OK to never turn it off and leave it docked in sleep mode forever ?
Ok, We still heaven't discussed this
After so much time I finally gave in and I tried it
Constant dbfz threads saying its shit
AGDQ 2018
What games can I play that will help me escape suicidal thoughts?
Why the fuck are we getting this trash instead of a Demon Souls remaster?
Black woman in a western-made video game
ITT:Images that are no longer relevant
So I just got this game, but I don't really like doing the shrines. Other than the main quest...
Don't mind me, just pirating this woman
What is he getting to eat?
Tfw I literally don't enjoy video games anymore
Good Sonic games don't exi-
My Switch is Broken?????
A Chie
"How do you afford to buy all those video games, user?"
Hey user glad you could make it!
How do we fix horror genre?
Why do girls like sidon so much?
"Listen here you cheeky cunt, five minutes here and I've already had it with your lip...
AGDQ 2018
AGDQ 2018
Thoughts Sup Forums?
What games let me call out countries for being shitholes
PC gaming is che-
Fighting Games
Why does this guy attract autism and mentally ill people like a magnet...
Game is so unanimously hated not even the shills can defend it
Tfw it's that time to play Resident Evil 4 again
Bloody hell!
Snipes you across the map
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Oh boy, I sure enjoy being alive
AGDQ 2018
Aww, shit, anons. What are ya
Are there any graphics mods or even just reshades to make the game look better?
When I was 18 I made a pledge that when I turned 25 I would stop playing video games for good
This kills the sonyfriend
Black Italians
Battlestation Thread
ITT: Post a screenshot from a game that perfectly describes that game
How the fuck can overwatch be a bigger e-sport than sc2?
ITT: Video game characters you want to marry or fuck
AGDQ 2018
Will Yume Nikki be the next e-celeb gravy train?
What is the best armor in Dark Souls 2?
Wait so like
Why is Nintendo so magical, lads
Daily reminder that when you get in your mid-late 20s you're going to regret spending so much time on MMOS, jrpgs...
Elite: Dangerous
Projared puts ddlc above super mario odyssey, sonic mania and resident evil 7
Man kills his mom over video games
Why did arcades die out?
What happened to the cool made up dinosaur designs? why are pokemon just cartoon animals now?
AGDQ 2018
*casualizes your game*
Bayonetta absolutely BTFO
Never done an honest day's work in your life for all the coin you're carrying, eh lass?
How the fuck do I get good at this game?
Are you still excited for a new Devil May Cry game?
Outside your generic WWII vidya, which games let you feel the "america fuck yeah"
Well, look who finally decided to leave their cave for once
This game might have the worst combat system out of any game I've ever played
Moved back to ps4 last year, what else should I buy?
AGDQ 2018
AGDQ 2018
So, did the dwemer become immortal or they all died?
I'm tired of living
Literal labor of love by devs who give a shit about what the fans want
Cyberpunk 2077 Soundtrack
Is it acceptable to have fun when you lose a game?
Is there any way to improve reaction time as you get older...
And I just won!
ITT: games only you've played
About to play this for the first time, anything I should know when creating my character?
Name an RPG that does political problems well other than New Vegas
AGDQ 2018: 2 million imminent
What games should stay on the Pii U and what games genuinely deserve to migrate...
CSGO getting twice as many viewers as Overwatch League
List 1 good thing about Halo 5
Subs or Dubs
Goddamn FF X is a great game
This is the greatest game ever made
Is this game with the Season Pass worth $20? I've heard it was like destiny but shittier
Filename thread
It's portable!
AGDQ 2018: Cancer is like Dark Souls edition
What would you say has been the most important game in the last 20 years? And why?
What does Sup Forums think of big, strong monsters?
Is Sup Forums willing to admit this game was overhyped kusoge now?
Well respected studio makes another game after a hugely successful and cult following
Are there any decent MMOs flying under the radar right now, or possibly something with a beta I can sign up for...
Tfw poorfag
AGDQ 2018:
What went wrong?
What's Sup Forums's consensus on gaming laptops? Are they worth the money or just a meme?
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Thread
Is he a respectable businessman?
ITT: stuff you would put in a game just to troll the player
VRChat thread
AGDQ 2018: Sup Forums freaking out over a girl edition
Samus Returns was a huge hit
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...