Final boss is killed by their right hand man, who then becomes the final boss

>final boss is killed by their right hand man, who then becomes the final boss.

Other urls found in this thread:

Their characterization of Luke was great. And that last scene with him transposing himself across the universe was really creative and cool. Props for them on that, even if the movie was a mess overall.

>final boss exists in a overrated garbage franchise

no luke's ending was shit, I'd of rather seen Luke cut kilo ren's head off and shoot a three-pointer with it using the force.

Eat shit Rian.

that was the only thing TLJ did right

If you havent already, see what Mark Hamill has to say about Luke here

yeah, and like this he dosn't get kylo the satisfaction or the power ups

>I'd of

gimmie that disney bribe money

I liked a lot of the scenes in the movie but I also didn't like a few. It has that about it but I'm an optimistic person who doesn't focus so much on the negatives that I can't like the positives.

>backstory is kept a secret and mislabeled a mystery

Hi, George Lucas.

I think people who complained about Luke haven't watched the movie or didn't understood what the movie flat out tells the audience.
>too arrogant
>look into nephews heart and get scared
>draw lightsaber and immediately regret it and be ashamed of yourself
>nephew wakes up and is fucking scared
>kills some students and takes the rest with him
I mean, he's so ashamed of just drawing that lightsaber. It fits when you think about it.

Most, if not every problem can be traced down to the space chase plotline. It only leaves little time for everything to resolve, all the plotlines have to come together for some reason, all the dumb/useless subplots. Everything just to make Hargot Monecker look brave and capable. You could save so much screening time by dropping the chase plot and do something else.
I think they killed Luke off postproduction though because he complained so much.
Also I like how they showed why the resistance is in such peril but that seems to went over people's head too.

The movie is not very good thanks to the chase plot but it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected from what I've heard here

I legit feel my soul hurt when i saw those interviews, he looks like he's in pain the entire time. Its like watching someone torture your pops.


But muh Luke has to be a perfect Mary Sue. He can't be arrogant reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>what the movie flat out tells the audience.

Fuck off Rian.

George Lucas, please. You sold it off. Shitposting on Sup Forums isn't gonna change that fact or fool anybody.

There are plenty of great motives to shit on The Last Jedi. Being a Sup Forumstard about it and going "muh SJWs" is doing your position a gigantic disservice. You make everyone that dislikes the movie look much dumber.

Luke drawing his lightsaber at all was the problem. It ignored 3 movies worth of character development.

Which of these is your article fellow white male Sup Forums posters?

This is really pathetic, Lucas. How long did you spend making that collage?

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

>look into nephews heart and get scared

Fundamentally fucking stupid. Luke faced down fucking Vader with the diehard intent to redeem him or perish in the attempt. But he gets so scared he draws a deadly weapon on his innocent nephew? Fuck off with this bullshit, Disney pays you too much for this low effort garbage.

If only Mark wouldn't have complained so much in public about the movies, Luke might've gotten back to his old self.
He was already recovering at the end

What's your point? Luke outright says he was too arrogant.
Not really sure what you're trying to say with that .webm

It's a left-wing political movie though.

Again, if you are attempting to shit on TLJ with these shitposts, you're failing miserably. You're making yourself out to be the fool. No one takes Sup Forumstards seriously.

He instantly regretted doing that.
Luke got too arrogant which leads to stupid mistakes

2 mouse shekels have been deposited into your account.

Lucas, I'm afraid to tell you that no amount of bitter posting is gonna give you Star Wars back.

user, he's written to be a retard.
>hmm, my nephew might be an asshole, what should I do?

OK then, my dear kike shill, how about these reasons?

>most of the leading women (especially Rose and Holdo) make retarded decisions that blow up spectacularly in their faces and leave the Resistance worse off in the aftermath.
>Leia not communicating properly with Poe
>Rey openly trusting Kylo
>Rose stopping Finn’s sacrifice, allowing the Nu-Empire to assault the bunker door and the two of them somehow not getting sautéed by Walker fire
>everything that comes out of Holdo’s mouth.
>phasma portraid as a total loser who can't do anything right.
>Finn and Rose being shocked they were double crossed by DJ. He wasn't an old friend like Lando to Han in ESB, but a random, shady, indifferent criminal who made it clear he had no moral compass.
>portraying Yoda as a cackling, drunken old master like in Empire. The problem is that Yoda only acted like that in Empire in order to test Luke when he didn't suspect he was Yoda at all. He drops the act for the rest of the trilogy once Luke finds out. It's not actually Yodas personality.
>Why did Holdo pull rank on Poe, even though he’s like the 3rd highest ranking officer left, if she’s later going to tell Leia that she thinks he’s the next choice to lead the resistance?
>Shitting on fans by having Supreme Leader Snoke call Kylo Ren a lame Darth Vader cosplayer. He literally called his helmet ridiculous, and told him to take it off. Ren smashes the helmet and crys.
>Luke handing Leia her late's husband golden dice as a keepsake, but LOL IT WAS JUST AN ASTRAL PROJECTION.
>Leia just leaves the dice on the floor before she knows they are fake. Because who cares about Han.
>Lacking in actual alien diversity, focusing instead on diversified humans
>Literally ZERO character development, the only thing that happened is characters died or became ambiguous in nature, that's it.
>Pink hair for the captain's chair
>Luke becomes a literal useless infant
>A full galaxy and only 400 human rebels? What is this, a joke?

>try to save the world in the first game
>turns out you were destroying it in the sequel and now you play the former villains in order to stop the "heroes"

The third doesn't exist

To be honest,the movie should have ended with the snoke guard battle. Everything else afterwards felt way too dragged on,but Luke completely making a fool out of Kylo was hilarious though.

Also, the whole Code Breaker side plot was completely fucking pointless and was just pure filler to force that shitty romance with Finn and Rose.

Lucas, this isn't healthy for you.


>Rey is a Mary Sue. She has 0 training, but is a match for Kylo and even Luke. Why not just give her some kind of back story that explains how she became so good at fighting and using the force.
>Lukes character assassination.
>Milking of weird space creature.
>Fishing in the most ludicrously complicated way possible.
>Attempted to kill his nephew because he “sensed potential future” evil, even though he never gave up on Vader, who had already committed mass genocide, and personally killed children.
>Turning his back on friends, family, religion, existence.
>Luke fakes out Kylo with a hologram, in order to avoid being killed. But then he dies seconds later, from the exhaustion of projecting the hologram.
>Leia flying like marry Poppins.
>All other star wars movies have a span of time between them, to create an Epic that spans the ages. That is why there is a crawl at the start of the movies. It’s to explain what has been going on. However, TLJ happens moments after TFA, with no time for epic character development.
>Where are the knights of Ren?
>Pointless Casino Planet side story that added nothing to the overall plot.
>If Rose and Finn can escape together to a distant system, and then return, undetected, why can’t everyone take turns sneaking off and on in this fashion? Two or more leave in a pod, one comes back, two or more leave, one comes back, etc.
>Kylo Ren shirtless scene wearing urkel pants.

>fully expected Rey to turn to the darkside as part of the whole Ying and Yang themes Star Wars has going on
Man, fuck these movies.

>Forced Jokes that make no sense.
>Iron/spaceship gag
>Finn walking around in a bubble suite.
>Luke drinking space milk.
>All random Porg scenes.
>Captain Phasma being killed by the Janitor.
>Basket Ball 8 driving a walker... hohoho, so funny. So much funnier than when cheque and the ewoks did it in RotJ
>Finn, trying to save his friends with an amazing act of Love (Agape), is stopped and told, “we’re going to win this war, not by fighting what we hate, but by saving what we love”. The problem, is that Finn was not full of rage at this moment, or trying to kill anyone, he literally was motivated by saving people.
>How did an injured Finn and Rose run all the way back to the Base without being killed by all the First Order troops that were standing right next to them
>Benicio Del Toro stuttering for no reason.
>Death of Admiral Ackbar for no reason. Just a mention of him dying. Why even bring him up. Should have just not even mentioned him. Why even include him in the movie just to kill him in such a pointless way.
>Based on the timeline of the movie, Han just died. No one talks about it? No funeral? Seems odd that no one noticed that he died. No one seemed upset about it.
>Why wouldn’t Holdo or Leia just tell Poe her plan to stop the mutiny?
>How is Holdo’s plan even a secret. The New Order would easily be able to track their trajectory to the next closest planetoid.
>Why can’t the New Order just use hyperspace to jump in front of the resistance ships and surround them, how does this make any sense.
>the First Order has a tracker on just one ship, so why don't all the other ships jump to hyperspace and just abandon the lead ship with the tracker on it?
>Luke throwing his lightsaber over his shoulder for comic relief. This totally ruined all of the build up of TFA and makes no sense at all.

>Rose getting anything done
>Spends most of the movie with Finn doing nothing and stopping Finn from doing something for once

>there are people alive right now that think Holdo did the right thing shutting down Poe and leaving everyone including other people on the bridge out of her plans.

>Holdo tells Poe not to go on a suicide mission. Holdo then goes on a suicide mission
>Bringing back Maz and giving it screen time. What was with that out of place shoot out / video conference. Very hokey.
>C3P0 does the same old joke about calculating odds. Droids do nothing in the movie, just like TFA.
>The imperial ships turbo lasers can't hit a ship directly in front of it.
>Why is Finn reprimanded for trying to sacrifice himself to stop the First Order in between Luke and Holdo doing the same thing?
>Why did the two former slaves rescue the race horses instead of the child slaves?
>How the fuck does this force balance thing work? How is Rey stronger after Snoke dies? Why does she more powerful than Ben if she’s supposed to meet his power? Why is she able to move the rocks if Luke and Leia are still alive? Isn’t that 3 super powerful light side users compared to one darkside user? Shouldn’t she have had to wait for Luke to die to have enough force mana to lift the boulders?
>The explanation TLJ gives for Rey being a Mary Sue, is pretty lame. Kylos training powered her up. She is the light side that meets the dark, so whenever Kylo trains and becomes more powerful, she automatically 'levels up' to meet that power without having to do a single thing. It is such a shitty and unsatisfying explanation. Just very bad writing.
>After seeing TLJs force balance logic: Why isn't Luke as powerful as Vader in ESB? Obi Wan died in the last film, so there are now equal Jedi to Sith (Yoda/Luke, Sheev/Vader). Training in Nu-Wars is irrelevant as long as there is someone on the other side of the force who is powerful to give you a boost, so did Luke need to find Yoda to train at all? Shouldn't he have 'Rey-ed out' on Bespin and kicked Vaders ass?

Luke was ok. Didn't make much sense why he would panic so hard that he wanted to kill Kylo for a split second when he saw Snoke had influenced him. They needed to make Snoke seem like an actual threat for that scene to work right, but to the audience he didn't seem like a big deal so it fell flat for a lot of people.
It was also obvious as fuck that Kylo was the one that was gonna kill Snoke.

Plot and 80% of the characters are fucking shite but the cinematography is great mostly, which keeps it from being a total trainwreck.
That director is a fucking hack too.

Kinda cheating, but it works:
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence

>portraying Yoda as a cackling

When Yoda did this, I honestly thought it was some bad guy pretending to be him, because it was so out of character. what the fuck

Not really. The only aspect I didn't like was the mandatory SJW pandering with Holdo, it's impossible to develop any kind of empathy towards that character, but all in all, it's probably the best SW in a matter of directing.

It's has a lot of Kurosawa in it and that's what makes TLJ my personal favorite.


Alrity thin.

Sup Forumstard arguments aren't good arguments, they just make you look like a Sup Forumstard. No one takes Sup Forumstards seriously.

>Dude is completely, 100%, objectively right.
>Trying to make a new Todd-posting meme.
Disney fans are fairly fucking retarded. I mean, you have to be pretty god damn stupid to have a cartoon about a lion be your entire childhood.

>'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Criticized in China for Insulting IQ of the Audience

>Another factor in the disappointing reception in China, according to Tao, has to do with Chinese audiences gravitating towards films featuring traditionally attractive stars and films more rooted in reality.

>“These actors aren’t very beautiful, which may deter a lot of Chinese from seeing the recent films,” Tao told SixthTone. “We fans often joke that if Finn were played by Will Smith, Chinese people might be more inclined to watch it — because he’s very handsome.”

>Disney fans
Ah, so I'm a Disney fan now? I was being accused of being a paid shill or the director of the movie just a while ago. We're making progress. I'm not a fan of Disney. I don't even watch Marvel movies. I'm vaguely interested in Star Wars and I thought TLJ was a mixed bag.

You can argue that the movie straight out says that women are shit leaders.
>Rebellion is almost dead
>Nobody wants to help them
>crew attempts mutiny only after a few hours after queen of east-germany is in charge
>Can't even properly pull off a suicide mission
>ruins an entire movie
>loom over with a lightsaber
Did we watch the same movie? He goes in to see how he's holding up, gets scared, pulls out lightsaber, immediate shame, ben wakes up and has now been pushed over the edge
He fucking hates himself for pulling it out.

>Star Wars was never a cultural phenomenon in China, and The Force Awakens and Rogue One were nails in its coffin. It's not just that Chinese moviegoers didn't grow up with the franchise—there were virtually no foreign films screened commercially in the country in the 1970s—but it's also that the franchise hasn't done itself any good there with its last two pictures. The Star Wars lore and characters held little interest for moviegoers who weren't familiar with the previous six films, and Force Awakens and Rogue One only served to confuse them. Disney tried to make up for this in The Last Jedi by popping in little cards on the side of the screen every time a major character appeared, with the character’s bio in both Chinese and English. It didn’t help much to allay the confusion caused by the convoluted plot.

>For Chinese audiences, the fights are yawn-fests. Many commenters on China’s social media have complained that The Last Jedi’s lightsaber fights are dull, poorly choreographed, and pale imitations of the swordplay that can be seen in any run-of-the-mill Chinese wuxia martial arts movie. Among those who have seen all three of the Disney-era Star Wars films, the only fights worth watching were Hong Kong star Donnie Yen’s battles in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

>It’s not sci-fi, it’s soap opera in space. Chinese audiences love big-budget science fiction movies. They’ve made massive hits of the Transformers franchise (until The Last Knight, that is), Guardians of the Galaxy, Interstellar, Resident Evil, and countless other Hollywood sci-fi tent-poles. But The Last Jedi isn’t like any of those. It’s more like an extended episode of All My Children, with its Oedipal leanings, its hackneyed romance, and its focus on deus ex machina plot twists and melodramatic dialogue at the expense of meaningful action.

>So I'm a disney fan now?
Why wouldn't you be? You are retarded after all.
You're also talking to me like I'm the person you were talking to before. Like, I know you're retarded, but you have to at least try to hide the fact that you eat glue and fuck vacuum cleaners.

>>Leia just leaves the dice on the floor before she knows they are fake. Because who cares about Han.
Other than this one, right. Leia knew Luke wasn't really there, she didn't feel him in the force. You can see it in her expression, she knows and knows not to say anything. The Dice are included both to make others think he's there + let her know without words he knew about Han and was sorry. It's all silly expressionism. But Leia knew he wasn't there from the start, but didn't say anything because that would spoil the Hope he brought with his presence.

>>Shitting on fans by having Supreme Leader Snoke call Kylo Ren a lame Darth Vader cosplayer. He literally called his helmet ridiculous, and told him to take it off. Ren smashes the helmet and crys.
Kylo is a fucking Darth Vader cosplayer, he's been that even in TFA.
I don't get how it's shitting on fans.

After 2 movies I think we can all agree Finn's actor is also just bad at acting. He isn't given much to work with because the writing is horrible too, but his delivery reminds me of someone who doesn't act for a living being forced onto the camera.

No? I was lukewarm on TLJ, that doesn't make me a fanatic of anything.

>"Last Jedi" started burying the thought by Luke Skywalker himself in just a few minutes to start. As soon as revealed, Luke was exhausted and closed his mind. But was there really a need to let Luke throw away the light saver? The depiction of this kind should have been the work of a robot chicken that is a parody. If you show that you want to refuse, you should have just returned it to Rey or just drop it. The abandoned Saber was coincidentally found on the ground, but there is a possibility that it could not be recovered by falling into the sea as it was. The slippery comedy sense only invites disillusionment.
>It is the thought of long-running fans that makes light saber shine.

>And the new Star Wars Force will abandon its dignity and abandon its dignity. Searching for how to destroy the shield with 'Force of Force' When Finns mouths with 'Let's use the force', Han solo warned that "Force is not like that." However, suddenly in the "last Jedi", depictions that doubt that "Force is not such a thing" will appear dramatically and often. Leia thrown into outer space flies like Krypton star and survives and Rei and Kylo Ren make Skype calls through the Force. Luke's alter ego suggests that the future Star Wars "is already there".

>Like the strange Porg which nests without permission inside the Millennium Falcon that should be the place of remembrance, "the last Jedi" enters the sanctuary with shoes.


>>Shitting on fans by having Supreme Leader Snoke call Kylo Ren a lame Darth Vader cosplayer. He literally called his helmet ridiculous, and told him to take it off. Ren smashes the helmet and crys.
I agree with everything else you said but I'm glad this happened. Ren's helmet was fucking stupid, and him smashing it to bits was the high point of the movie

Lucas, Lucas. This is pathetic of you.

he's also an anti-white racist and ruined Pacific Rim 2

China is just pissed that the only asian character in the movie looks like an asian

>he's also an anti-white racist and ruined Pacific Rim 2
What happened?

His peanut nigger brain didn't like how slow the robots moved in the first movie so now they all move like, as he calls it, 'ballerinas' and it destroys any sense of scale or weight the Jaegers had.

>I think people who complained about Luke haven't watched the movie or didn't understood what the movie flat out tells the audience

Mark Hamill complained about Luke, and he plays him in the fucking movie. Maybe the movie just kind of sucks, and maybe Mickey Mauschwitz should admit they fucked up instead of trying to pay off the press to spin it as a success.


>If you havent already, see what Mark Hamill has to say about Luke here
I have.

Pfhahahahahaha, Sup Forums BTFO

>It fits when you think about it.
No, it absolutely doesn't. Luke had completed his character arc. For the jedi we were left with in Return to switch to a guy who just gives up and contemplates decapitating a child in his sleep, and then go on to be lectured by a teenager about leaving the past behind is just retarded subversion.

>Like the strange Porg which nests without permission inside the Millennium Falcon that should be the place of remembrance, "the last Jedi" enters the sanctuary with shoes.
Every time. Based Japs

>Luke had completed his character
Oh, ok. I guess he can't have any character development anymore. Pack it up, boys.

>I was really disgusted at what they did to Luke and Star Wars in general, but then the Mouse gave me a dump truck of hush money and threatened me with murder so I love nu-Luke now.

Sorry, sweetie, you lost. Get over it.

What happened wasn't character development, it was full blown regression. Maybe even something worse.

Character development doesn't have to be "progressive"; you brainlet.

>In order to give an older, legacy character depth they need to do something colossally retarded that goes against their character and the lessons they've already learned.

>I don't have an argument so I'll shove words into the opposition's mouth and argue with that
The classic. I sincerely doubt anyone defending Rian's abortion was actually invested at all in Luke's character.

There wasn't development here. Luke had all of his shit thrown into the garbage so they could have another evil empire against the underdog rebels again.

i'd a conraction of I would, what are you suggesting?

I think he wants to please fans but Luke barely appeared in TFA, has barely any screentime in TLJ and even gets killed off.
He wants his character to do something which I agree with.
If it wasn't for the space chase, we might've gotten more time for Rey and Luke. At the end I thought they're going to make people want to see the next movie to finally see Luke doing stuff but then they killed him off for whatever reason.
>He's finally in peace with himself
Bitch, he just helped out for like a minute.
I really think he had a big role in the next one but Mark doesn't give a fuck. I like that about him and if Luke has really been killed of because of
it's really sad.

>No, it absolutely doesn't.
He hates himself so much for fucking up that he fucked off to an island to die and starts projecting his self-hatred to the Jedis.
> Luke had completed his character arc
Characters/people never stop growing/changing.
I mean we have Rey, so I guess your wish for a boring, shitty character is fulfilled

Anyone else think Rogue One was absolutely fantastic? I saw it 3 times in theaters. Fucking awesome adaption of the setting. Atleast that director and writer is still on Disney payroll, so I have hope


I suppose a cynical person might conclude that Disney's PR department reminded him that he was under contract to sell Rian Johnson's steaming turd.

But there's no way 49% of users on Rotten Tomatos could be wrong ehh?

>In The Last Jedi, Luke Skywalker tries to murder a child in his sleep
Stopped reading there. Willful misrepresentation of the scene.

It wasn't regression.
It's full blown depression and self-hatred due to one fuckup.

>that darth vader doom march
i wish he had more flat out moments of showcasing his raw power level. shit was cash watching as all the rebels folded like fucking paper in front of him

>tries to murder a child in his sleep
Fuck off, Kylo

Hard to believe there's people on this very board that go see the shitty comic book movies that nu-star wars emulates and think they're actually good.

>But there's no way 49% of users on Rotten Tomatos could be wrong ehh?
It's funny how people pick rotten tomatoes users to score it after years of talking about how inaccurate rotten tomatoes is. While Cinemascore(which isn't just people who use the internet) told a much different story.


He's pointing out that you said "I'd of" instead of I'd've"

I agree, shit gave goosebumps. The audacity of that cunt Rian to not include kino light saber action in his SJW fest is probably biggest insult to the franchise.

wow faggot thanks for spoiling it

People complain about how inaccurate the reviewer amalgam on RT is because every reviewer in the country has the same group think agenda biases and scores anything that conforms to the Hollywood establishment's philosophy as a fucking masterpiece.

This is the user score.

Are user submitted reviews inaccurate? Maybe I should have bought that 1 star rated home laser eye surgery kit from Amazon.

Cinemascore(which isn't just people who use the internet)

No, its not just people on the internet. Its a firm hired by the production studio.....the studio that makes money off the film. And surely they couldn't have any bias right?

>Are user submitted reviews inaccurate?
Sometimes, yeah.

Just look at the userscore of Company of Heroes 2 on metacritic. Shit is hilarious

Yeah, I thought Rogue One was great and I say that as someone who hated 7 and 8.

Stop right there and come up with a better reason for Luke exiling himself on Ach-To

Why do people care about critic score at all?
User score has a way larger sample size and even though its mostly normies, I find that its always closer to the truth. I always mentally discard critic scores when choosing a movie to watch.