Are games worse?
Are games worse?
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Worse than what?
I'd ask for saus, but I'd rather ask if she gets boned or at least shows her face
This is a blue board. What you posted is illegal here.
overall ya as AAA developers place greater emphasis on a pretty image and political correctness
Girl comes to you and does this. What do?
The people making them are worse.
Idk i just like tits
You don't recognise the lips?
mount her
Well alright then disregard the pronoun I don't even care, just answer the question
i wish i had a gf
what do her knees look like are they pointy?
damn, perfect tits
run away
Gib souce please.
Call the police
Suck on em tiddies heh
When did Sup Forums start liking 3D?
I'm disappointed
if she isnt asian i dont care
No but nostalgia makes you think otherwise.
Ain't the slightest clue
Thank you user!
>attention whore
Start sucking on some tittys
>saying the same thing twice
Are there seriously people out there who would prefer left to right?
>blond aryan goddess that would further your race with beautiful children
>bog-standard chink with the same brown hair/eyes as all the rest of her kin
From a personality perspective, I see how an argument can be made, but from a visual one, bugs are literally inferior in every way.
>Nose ring
>Not even asian
Just fuck off lmao
what if I'm black and both would be considered racemixing
I feel bad for dudes that date girls like this, they're pretty much guaranteed to have some type of mental illness or end up cucking you.
Left is definitely prettier
>it's a Sup Forums reveals why he's still a virgin episode
White women look like frogs.
Goddamn I love me some big ass titties
user! It's time for your milkies!
welp now it's most likely confirmed that she'll never show her face. thanks anyways
>panic attack because i thought it was a trap
>looks name up , finds a subreddit of her.
>not a trap , just a reddit nsfw poster
i love my life. Her pussy looks better tho
The average game quality has improved slightly but its all become a formula and publishers enforce that formula harder than the ten commandments so we get less fantastic games compared the 90s and early 2000's
>inverted nipples
i don't know if you think these girls date dudes who aren't turbochad but it seems like you think dudes would date this kind of girl not expecting serious mental issues
I heard this was the milky thread
tfw chestlet
Awww yes my favourite time of the day
Why are you so insecure about your small cock? Oh wait..
Post feeties femanon
r u a gril
Yeah. Is there any good profiles there where girls show their faces?
If you have good feet it doesn't matter
But honestly footlets should remove themselves from the gene pool
>tfw tit cows bullying chestlets is my fetish
>>panic attack because i thought it was a trap
The fuck?
Not videogames.
I heard it too !
kawaiikitten on reddit
That woman has some ugly tiddies.
Why don't chestlets just get bigger breast, we have the technology
Monitoring this thread.
>panic attack
Fucking tumblrina
Dog shit face
cringe and leave
How come tits are becoming more popular again?
Even chads get fucked by these types of bitches. Theres one that used to be called Snorlaxx but I think she goes by Ryden now or some shit, but basically she ended up killing her chad boyfriend and made it look like a suicide. Not to mention the dude had a daughter.
How so, it's a video and the objective of the game is to see how long you can go without fapping
File for sexual harassment.
Get implants fuccboi
Ass is still king but tiddies are nice too
+1 for inverted nipples.
You're right, I should sudoku myself in shame
why don't homeless people just get a house?
Don't guys love girls with pegs and dress like a pirate
A real man prefers neither over the other.
Modern men desire large breasts
>my husband's daughter
>>panic attack
>fake boobs
What emotion does that image convey?
>muh projection
like clockwork
go to my room and fap.
>blonde bimbo vs anri
not a hard decision
Wtf she is cute as hell
Organic will always be better.
>plastic tits
just leave.
i didn't say the chads don't get fucked over, i'm saying chads are just as likely to cheat or just be dickheads so it's even
>belly piercing
Looks better here, big nose though