A Chie
A Chie
Other urls found in this thread:
A shit
Chei's feet probably smell real bad huh? Haha just wondering.
A Rise
>not "I raise you a Rise"
A shit
A slut
>pic related
A goddess
Het sister is better.
>whore outfit with cum stains
if you dont post her feet im gonna be MAD
An Ann.
>Not even in Cross Tag Battle
why does she have two left hands?
A cute
correction: a whore
her sister is a femcel
a chie
post yukari
An Aigis
>playing Persona 3 for the first time
>constantly worried about whether I'm managing my time well/doing enough Tartarus/doing the right activities
Help Sup Forums. How do I stop trying to mix/max? I'm worried about ruining my run and wasting hours of time.
*beep* *boop*
Okay, might as well say it here since its an obligatory Persona thread.
Sae romance is totally possible and I hope P-Studio does it for Crimson™.
Since her SL goes from 7-10, you could use the entire month dedicated to Shido to introduce her SL, being able to meet her and talk to her so she can get to meet and care for Joker (which would explain why she looks after him during Christmas and is actively working to help him get a reduced sentence) and develop a possible romance.
Rank 10 would be her realizing Joker is not a bad kid and promise to help hi mevery way she can (which she does story wise) and give Joker the opportunity to romance her (and hopefully use that moaning voiceline).
Why are there so many of these
>two left hands
Holy shit whoever drew this needs to go back to anatomy lessons.
her fucking thigh is thicker than her body
Larry has a design I really like but she's so fucking boring
An Hero
a sweaty
Please help me not be neurotic Sup Forums
>liking the boring japanese girl
She's not actually boring. She's just not in your face like the other three are so this tricks people into thinking she's boring.
I want to be Makoto's boyfriend! And plow Sae like a rutting animal every chance I get. Makoto knows, how could she not after the sounds she hears? But everyone maintains the fiction, because Makoto feels like she would lose everything if she didn't.
The full moon bosses are all piss easy so you can't really fuck this up.
help me out with this source user
A Chu
Justice, Chariot, and Hanged Man can at least put up a fight.
I want Aigis to take my virginity!
>ywn take advantage of a run down, drunken, fully exposed sae in the heat of the moment.
>ywn have a secret relationship with her.
>ywn accidentally impregnate her and hide it from makoto.
>ywn then impregnate makoto later, having offspring with both hot sisters.
Rise is CUTE
it's really easy to find on sadpanda
W-what does she mean by that?
Socks need to be higher
Yeah i found it in a single search, we good
>tfw no Meltyfate GF
>Not having a threesome with all parties fully consenting
Chie is the best
Now we're talking, socks-wise
>not wanting to keep your interactions separate so you can have loving relationships with both of them.
It is you who is the pleb user.
One doesn't preclude the other you know.
Aigis is not a virgin
i wonder what they taste like, haha
Never underestimate /pg/'s autism.
>persona 3 on the calendar
People who think Tae is for femdom need to actually kys
there's no way it can be innocent love when both sisters fuck at the same time user.
As long as makoto is in the dark, it can have some semblance of a genuine relationship.
Reminder that you'll never smell the genitals of any Persona girl
People who think Tae is not for femdom need to actually kys
Tae is for lewd innuendos
i fucking hate makoto fags.they really are the most obnoxious
what i did during my run of persona 3 was get to the top of the current tartarus block asap and spend the rest of the time leveling up social stats and working on social links
try to be at least level 80 or so by the final boss. like another user said the full moon bosses are fucking cakewalks, it's really the tartarus guardians that you have to worry about.
also as soon as you max out the death arcana (you'll know when you do, it's impossible to miss) try and fuse thanatos, he's a fucking beast
hope this helps
Alex "where'd my kids go?" Jones
>tfw no melty wife
Christ why is 3D so revolting?
Tae is for stepping on me in those fucking shoes
wtf is that?
yeah fuck real women. i can't wait for my body pillow to get out of the wash so i can continue giving it massive facials until my kidneys fail from dehydration forcing the cops to kick down my door once the neighbors complain about the smell, only for them to find my half rotted corpse cradling a pillow; the only thing that ever loved me back. cant wait for them to gain sentience and join the workforce because bedding can't complain about wage gaps PROBLEM SOLVED
real women are going to be obsolete anyway. The sex bots are already on the way and once they're programmable they'll literally be able to replace all of the functions of 3D women
basic bitch taste senpai tbqh