I never got why people hated her. Yeah, her whining could be a little bit much sometimes, but she was honestly pretty adorable. From when she goes "Yes!" with her little hand movement when you get a headshot, to other little quirks like that, I just don't understand all the hate she gets.
Casuals who prefer playing escort missions where the escorted is invincible (Ellie in TLOU).
best re girl we'll likely never see again
also best grappler once you learn how to suplex monks with her
Ellie at least gets a degree of shit done.
>Getting anything done
She pretty much saved Joel's ass after the university bit.
>no way fag
You call that "getting things done"? Joel constantly fucks up, just like Ellie.
Ashley can suplex mother fuckers. Ellie can't even swim.
Can Ashley hold off dozens of bandits and zombies at the same time with 0 help?
Can she free herself from her captors? Oh wait no, she can't, that's why they have to send Leon.
I like her. Would absolutely do overtime with her.
>she goes "Yes!" with her little hand movement when you get a headshot
dunno why, but I loved that shit
Um, she's a civilian with no combat training, so, no? Would the average Sup Forumsirgin do any better?
i loved her
Ellie can, and she is 14
she looks like a goblin
Yet Ashley would head explode Ellie in a suplex.
>Sup Forums is so contrarian they'll praise shitty characters who are hated just because they have nice tits
Ellie lives in zombie world
shitty AI
Ashley wasn't a shitty character though. Her reactions are perfectly normal for someone in her situation, she is one of the better escort mission characters ever, and she stops with the freaking out shit the farther into the game you get.
Shes loud and ugly.
>she looks like a goblin
How is that a problem?
>shitty AI
literally one of the best escort AI’s ever
>sticks to you like glue
>will hop in a dumpster on command
>ducks when you aim while she’s in wait mode
>cheers on your headshots
Ellie is hipster bait that's why they made her look like Ellen Page and 14 years old.
Her AI is actually pretty good compared to a lot of other escorts
If you pull out a gun or knife and she's behind you, she'll duck behind your back and stay there
If you pull out a gun or knife and she's in front of you, she drops down and crouches on the floor to get out of the way
She follows right behind you, never straying away
You can command her to stay in an exact spot if you want to clear an area without her getting in the way
She can hide in dumpsters to become completely invincible
iconic design. the special costume for her is much less appealing imo.
Sweater puppies >>>>>>> shitty nip pop star outfit