Predict Microsoft's E3 2018

Predict Microsoft's E3 2018

>xbox one x is doing great
>please checkout this new xbox game*

>*also on Windows 10

Honestly I do have high hopes. I thought the bone was trash as a console at lose but I am really enjoying my One X. Hope they keep pulling their head out of their ass

multiplats and delayed/canceled games

Announcement that they are suing Platinum after the recent rumors that they were embezzling all the Scalebound funds.

Why do I have a feeling we're going get another bait and switch akin to Super Lucky's Tales, instead of Conker or Banjo-Kazooie?

I'm cautiously optimistic.

Please god this. Kamiya needs to be put out of his misery.

gay shit followed by Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay trailer

Halo 6
ReCore 2
Fable 4
Forza Horizon 4
Mech game
Perfect Dark reboot
Banjo Kazooie remake
Crackdown 3 mp
Phantom Dust reboot

Halo 6: This Time the Campaign isn't Completely Horrible

I really like my xbox, I just wish I had a reason to use it.

My prediction is Microsoft will not give me a reason to use it this E3.

>most powerful console ever
>also available on Windows 10

Well that's easy; all the shit they showed off last year.

Friendly fucking reminder that this might be the third fucking year in a row that Microsoft shows off Crackdown 3, and the third year in a row that Sony shows off Spiderman, Detroit, and God of War and STILL no fucking release dates

A delayed game is eventually good. A rushed game is, uh, bad forever.

Insiders have said Crackdown 3 will pretty much guaranteed launch prior to E3 this year.

Ori 2

What's fucking shit show. Sony has three conferences a year, and they don't show shit. Meanwhile Microsoft does the same. Why don't these two ass holes learn from Nintendo and do internet directs?


>praising Nintendo direct
>the "here's some ports of games you already played before" show

This, after watching that garbage it put me off buying a Switch until sometime in 2019.

>Why don't these two ass holes learn from Nintendo
Dark Souls 1 at 30 fps LOL! I fucking hope they don't take any notes from Pretendo.

>*Console launch
>Developed by: Fullbright
>Also here's more Halo and Gears, fuck off we're not going to rest them for a bit to stop fatigue.

That's fine, just next time don't reveal the game ahead of time when you know it won't be done for another few years. Remember The Last Guardian? Or The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild? Cuphead perhaps? Games that took YEARS to come out constantly being shown year after year with no release date.

This E3 is gonna be pathetic for Sony and Microsoft. More so Sony if this tweet is any indication of something big coming for Xbox.

Halo 6: More Fucking Req-Packs, Less Fucking Fun

>not rest them for fatigue

Bruh halo will be on a 4 year rest if 6 isn't out by 2019 which signs are pointing to considering 343 is making something fuller in the meantime

>Developed by Fullbright
It's pretty much guaranteed at this point to be developed by Playground, which is fine by me as they've proven themselves to be great devs.
>No rest for Halo
Halo 5 will be over 4 years old by the time Halo 6 comes since 343 basically confirmed it isn't coming out this year. The Coalition is apparently helping with a Perfect Dark game and is working on a new IP. MS may have said they aren't but that's a pretty big typo to make and they have been hiring a bunch of people recently, same with Rare.

Fable 4, come on lads

Microsoft is Crackdown 3 May be there or not depending on if it releases before or after E3 in June.

That's 2019 user. 2018 is gonna be stale

KI4. Dating sim mode launches with the game. Date characters like Hisako, Fulgore, and Aganos. CIA is a guest character.

Firstly, it was a mini direct. Secondly, Nintendo does show things in their livestream broadcasts. Sometimes it's big like Mario Odyssey, or little like a Dark Souls port. My problem with Sony and Microsoft (mostly Sony) is that they do these semi-important press conferences to hype people up about nothing. Games that could've of easily been in a rapid fire video update are put on a spotlight, and it's fucking nothing.

Look at the wasted opportunity Sony had last PSX to give release dates for the games they showed almost two years ago. Completely wasted in favor of boring people talking to an equally bored audience.

can't wait for ninja gaiden, dead rising and mechassault

>Dead Rising
No thanks. Make an actually fully funded Recore game. Game has tons of promise it was just very clearly rushed out the door.

I want some more of that sweet bc and even more so if they enhance them. I don't think they'll go over it too much at their next E3, though.

What a pleasant surprise this game was. It's one of the few, if only games that I am considering on buying after playing it with Game Pass. I really hope it gets some more attention and gets a prequel or sequel.

Jokes on you, they're going to go full madman and announce that Dreamcast backwards compatibility is coming, like it was initially planned with the HUEG

>ok guys, this is gonna be the BEST exclusive game lineup on xbox WHOLE HISTORY!!!1
>shows and releases LITERALLY nothing
They have been doing this BEST LINEUP ON XBOX HISTORY meme for quite a while

Shadows Die Twice ends up being an Xbone exclusive with no PC version. How does Sup Forums react?


>Japanese support
>Not on Windows 10
Come on, son.

only first party goes on windows

>xbox classic multiplayer, mechassault
>halo 6
>mcc maybe fixed
>kingdom hearts 3 on the most powerful console(to show it's multiplat)

>Uuuh, we cancelled everything, thanks

I bet you they suck off a tranny live on stage to prove that they’re progressive.

>Cancel two shitty games

I only say no Windows 10 version because prior to a few months ago Phil Spencer had to answer directly to the Windows development team but since was promoted and now basically heads his own department. Also, there are a few Japanese devs with good relations with MS from at least a personal level, Swery, Futatsugi, Sakaguchi, and FROM are some of them.

I kinda doubt it. Phil follows Rand Paul.

To be fair, Scalebound looked like a dumpster fire.

Rumors are Platinum was pulling a Randy pitchford and basically using Scalebound funds to fund other shit, which would explain alot. There's very little logical reason Platinum couldn't at least get the game running above like 10fps after 3 years of development.

Cuphead is a weird case where they intended for it to be shorter, however, the positive reception resulted in an expanded scope

I mean there's no way E3 can be shittier than last year right?

how about new metal wolf chaos

Also trying to convince people to drop win 7 for 10 by holding more games hostage.

Most of those are coming out this year.

E3 last year sucked for literally all the company's. Worst E3 since probably 2012-11


Forza and Crackdown are the only ones that probably would, maybe a banjo remake too

They give Joseph Staten his own studio and poach Shi Kai Wang from Bungie and give him art director status. I just want Joe to be able to make the game he wanted with Destiny instead of having it shitcanned by Jewson Jones Also I want my fucking moth people


Was this a controlled leak or another fake?

Ninja Gaiden, Dino Crisis, Crimson Skies, and Dead Rising are most likely fake. Dark Tide was pretty much confirmed by the author of the original story.

>b-k remake
never ever

Well Halo is confirmed 2019...

Halo is not coming this year so (X) Doubt

Ready for E3 2016 part three?

>Dino Crisis
I laugh every single time. What next? Capcom is gonna bring back Resident Evil: Survivor?

Appeared in the Xbox API

If you were in charge which dev would you rather handle a Perfect Dark reboot. The two most likely choices would be Arkane who is probably about to get the axe after two hard bombs and IO interactive which recently went independent. I would love Respawn to do it but they are dead as EA owns their soul now.

I would fucking love this.

why wouldn't they release it on Windows 10 though?
literally every single extra windows 10 user means more revenue for MS
plus every sale on the windows store also benefits MS

>Mech game

dammit OP I like mech games but not like walmart shit mech games

Steel Battalion 2 with full controller and everything. $100. Would you buy it?


This plus new ninja gaiden and adding og xbox titles to the online store would win them the year

will there be a vr version?

>implying any Japanese are gonna work with MS after the Scalebound shitshow

I think AR would work better if you still want the controller set up as it wouldn't impede your vision.