How does Sup Forums afford their vidya?

How does Sup Forums afford their vidya?

Rob pizzamen for their spare change.


I don't play video games

What kind of third world country uses a fucking =C to denote their currency

credit card debt

I buy gift cards and games with my best buy credit card and my parents pay it off.

>order pizza
>this happens
How do you respond?

I'd give her more than just the tip

Isn't that the Euro currency?

By buying off websites like Kinguin and CDkeys instead of Steam

Data analyst

I've got a tip for you, *unzips dick*

shitty job. but i'm not buying anything anymore until i get a ps4. actually applying for a 2nd one on monday

I sell my semen

>using a credit card
>using a credit card and accruing any amount of debt
Your retardation brought this on yourself.

by not rewarding dumb doggos

I pirate just like everyone with a brain.

I dabble in a little bit of prostitution.

give her 23.99 and say
>and here's a tip for you - find a better job
I don't remember were I heard this joke to be honest

I work, sadly.

my sugar daddy bought me a ps4 pro and a ton of weeb games for christmas


Allkeyshop always knows where the cheapest shit is at.