Is this game with the Season Pass worth $20? I've heard it was like destiny but shittier

Is this game with the Season Pass worth $20? I've heard it was like destiny but shittier...

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if that's what your paying for it, then its worth it. I much prefer this over Destiny 2, and I got destiny for free.

the survival mode sounds interesting but I'm still on the fence about getting the season pass too

where can I find it for that price?

The game has actually come a long way since release. Too bad everyone that left is still under the impression that it's shit.

not op but i saw it on

enjoy dropping 1000 lmg rounds into 1 enemy in end game and needing 4 guys to focus on 1 npc to take em out, don't bother with ubishit

Only get this game if you are seeking out some of the most boring gameplay ever conceived in a video game. Not even forcing friends to play it saves you from the boredom.

You will end up regretting the time you waste on it, for sure.

I really want that Underground DLC but if feels like some bs that it is not part of the base game. Can't support that at all.

its a very good game, just buy it OP

it's a snooze fest

>wanting the underground
It's pretty dull, though. Just randomly generating endless sewers.

20 bucks is probably an alright price, just don't expect to do any multiplayer

I didn't really care for how none of the DLC really ties into the base game at all. Each feels like a mode that could have been its own separate game more than anything.
Also rewards from missions are full random, so building specific sets is a pain is more about grinding than overcoming which is boring.

Honestly, getting sets and stuff is pointless. Not like we're getting raids or anything worth maximizing for.

I had a dream last night about a Division 2 where you could switch between third and first person and the combat was better. Of course the sequel would only be good in a dream...

I like doing it to give gameplay a tiny bit of variety not for min maxing. I've never understood how people can do the exact same thing for hundreds of hours, just not my thing.

OP said game+season pass

Thats just season pass

I just got top gear score and then moved on to something else. Didn't really feel like Division was worth much else, except maybe dicking around in the blizzard survival mode.

>doesnt know its an action rpg not a ghost recon game.

Is it worth it if one likes games set in NYC? I live here and I love being able to explore places I see every day.

The city is approximately 40% garbage bags stuff is arbitrarily blocked off. If you're fine just walking the streets, sure, but there's not a lot of places to enter.

>Tfw job had me working from penn to central park
>Nitpick everything that isnt 100% accurate

Its still relatively close

I'd maybe pay $10 for that. Any other games that recreate NYC faithfully?

Not really no. Gta4

I am from day 0 with Division.
The game is unique in atmosphere.
Best recreation of NYC in anygame/anytime/ever.

For Op and anyone in the same case.
I bought the game for atmosphere.Later it became good.
Depending on you its better/worse than Destiny.
Survival is worth the season pass alone.

>FYI the game was supposed to be an advanced hardcore Survival mode only.(the reason devs like Survival more) But was dropped later in development.
I wonder if ppl would compare it with PUBG and the likes back then

I've played since launch. It was ok at the beginning, hackers and balance ruined it in the middle, its currently bretty gud.

I dont play rpgs or grind-for-items games but it was a lot of fun and the armor sets and customization they added made new builds very fun.

Stopped playing because my friends did, but I feel like my $100 was well spent after ~120 hours.

>i-i like bullet sponges




>wojak posting


The base game is worth $20. The survival DLC is the only thing really worthwhile, so if you can get both for that price it's a great deal.