>have to kill animals for bounty, but not all of them drop paws/hearts/heads >Main protagonist that won't SHUT THE FUCK UP >Batman/Witcher senses that make every quest easy as fuck
And not really a game design flaw, but i also hate it when the village needs your help to kill a wild animal when one guard is strong enough to kill at least 10 of them alone.
Liam Cook
so is that just his scalp or a chunk of skull flying off?
Jonathan Hernandez
just the scalp
Jaxon Brown
Looks like scalp , is there a gif ?
Jeremiah Diaz
>hates detective mode damn op, how does it feel to be the cancer killing video games? seriously off yourself
Joseph Bailey
>kill animal >drops 10 gold and a dagger
Landon Sanders
He survived that attack, but he still had toupee a hefty price.
Carson Edwards
>get to crime scene >protagonist says "whoa, looks like i better turn on my Witcher Senses™" >follow trail until you encounter an enemy or protagonist says something new
Yeah, fucking great
Lucas Adams
is that the demon leopard barber of pajeet street?
i see what you did there.
Daniel Nguyen
>map markers >useless crafting in RPGs >boring useless collectables meant to pad out gametime >"""open world"""" games with completely empty open worlds
Josiah Taylor
you don't want to see a picture of the same guy being escorted away
Eli Ortiz
Jace Edwards
>"""open world"""" games with completely empty open worlds Is there any open world game that doesn't suffer from this?
Gabriel Perez
>unskippable cutscenes
Dominic Murphy
>waaaa I don't value my time and would rather pixel hunt like an autist xD
Thomas Bell
I haven't played all of them but I personally can't think of a single one
Brayden Fisher
Why not hire someone else to play the game for you while you do something valuable with your time?
Cooper Powell
u dont get head/furr/etc from EVERY drop cos when ur character is in the process of killing the animal the dmg done to it may dmg the head/paw/furr etc to the point vendors wouldnt buy it
Wyatt Wright
You're just fucking lazy.
Carter Evans
>insanely rare drops from a hard-to-kill enemy
I hate this in Dark Souls with the dumb lightning-spewing drakes that hardly drop dragon scales
Austin Myers
how old are you?
Michael Taylor
24 y??
Zachary Lee
>Strategy game doesnt alert you when something bad is happening Fuck you They are Billions, tell me immediately when a building is getting slapped, not after the infected already snowballed in my base
Brandon Torres
>I don't know what a YouTube LP is see, you would probably know that if you hadn't spent half your life searching for pixels
Jacob Bennett
>party members get stuck on everything >if you leave the room, they remain stuck in the room >if they're stuck in front of you, they won't move out of the way, and you're stuck there forever
Brandon Barnes
Brody Hughes
Jordan Lewis
>guards do nothing when bad guys attack you >guards freak out and will attack you together with the attackers if you try to defend yourself
Bentley Morales
>Guards get into the crossfire >immediately pounce on you
Carson Foster
>guards are extremely telepathic
Xavier Wright
>Party members don't gain xp when not in the party >Either you stick with the same people for the whole game or everyone is underleveled
Alexander Ward
We should define empty here, but I also think we all know what we mean by "empty" so fuck it.
Mount and Blade X series, especially X3 AP (granted, all those games suck donkey dick without mods) Distant Worlds: Universe (this can be played like a sandbox)
David Baker
>game comes with a single page manual
Thomas Clark
Ryan Lee
>Steal an item from an empty room >5 days later in a different continent a guard insists on searching your intentory for no reason >instantly knows which items are stolen
Daniel Cooper
>Party Member dies in the same turn a Boss is defeated >Every member but them levels twice from the experience.
Luke Ross
>enemies self destruct
Jacob Young
>red barrels are explosive
Parker King
>enemies who follow you around in a megaman-like 2D platformer
Lucas Richardson
>red barrels aren't explosive
Lucas Stewart
>red barrels explode from melee damage
Brandon Thomas
>Cutscene bullets being the only bullets that injure your character >The wall jump in Super Metroid >Acceleration/deceleration with any character that isn't a car And yeah, agree with OP, any town guard in any Elder Scrolls game could probably complete all the quests. Makes it seem like the adults are just letting my character play at kid games.
Jackson Adams
>Go to crime scene. >Protagonist says "Better use my witcher senses" >Can clearly see an obvious piece of evidence. >Can't interact with it without using witcher senses.
The vision mode is fine on it's own, but it should be used as something the player activates when they can't figure out how to proceed without it, or to look for more information. If a quest or segment can't be finished without using the meme vision, the game is overusing it.
Josiah Collins
>MC takes extreme damage throughout the game >dies in a cut scene to a single bullet
Dylan Ortiz
>open world game without interesting and fun methods of traversal
Carson Carter
>you are the chosen one, the hero of the realm >people hail and kneel for you in the streets >"it's him, the hero!" they whisper >you still have to pay for the potions and weaponry
Evil wizard will open the gates of hell that will unleash the demonic horrors to murder and rape your entire world? Whatever, gotta make that coin, son.
Juan Johnson
>game doesn't let me win
Nathan Gutierrez
Bioware games are the worst with this, you have some minor achievement during a FUCKING TIMESKIP and everyone instantly knows you
Jack Stewart
Wyatt Ross
>Achievement: 100% >Do every little shitthing you can do fuck you Mad Max, such a fun game without this bullshit
Grayson Cook
I couldn't be fucked going back into the airport to find the last two bits of scrap I missed but I completed everything else. I take it nothing happens if I get them?
Colton Nguyen
>Game requieres 3+ playthroughs to get every ending/see every place/get all achievs/whatever
Henry Phillips
>Healing items that only heal a fixed amount of health
Just make it percentage based, so they stay useful for the entire game
Nolan Butler
>multiplayer achievement >multiplayer is dead
Not really bad design, just frustrating. I can never 100% Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition because of this, I have all the other achievements.
Christian Lee
you get the annoying achievement. But seriously i have 35h in this game, did every outpost, got the last carparts, all that shit but i'm forced to spend another 10 hours looking for this now useless scrap
Joshua Hernandez
>Straight up advertising in the game >It'd DLC what the fuck Mad Max? why?
Daniel Morgan
Luke Wilson
This please for the love of god.
Ethan Hall
>shitty reboot makes fun of the beloved original game
Isaac Parker
I'm chums with the dungeon keeper
Caleb Murphy
Tomb prospector Olek, you fuck.
Carson Cooper
>Merc missions >Grinding >Shuffling party members to get access to skills Xenoblade 2 has all this
Michael Morales
Landon Bell
>have to obtain item Z >Z isnt hard to obtain, however its avery rare dropfrom a random chance by killing X >people say its a difficult quest >its not you just have to kill X 1000+ times which is a time consuming and boring
Singleplayers games dont need thing is especially. I understand in mmorpgs, you need rarity, singleplayer its just a shitty mechanic.
Jeremiah Rodriguez
>fall 50 feet and keep running with no issues >Protag trips and falls in a cutscene and the next sequence has him limping and only able to use a pistol
Jack Reed
There is literally nothing fun in any mmo. You get vague enjoyment out of social interactions but you're fighting through a shitty boring clunky grind to get any of it.
Charles Foster
>MC is super athletic and /fit/ >dies by jumping from anywhere higher than 10 feet
fucking Geralt
Easton Howard
>player character does something in a cutscene that you can't do during gameplay
Ayden Martinez
Every MMO has grinding because grinding is the laziest most efficient way to pad out a game's content and keep players paying subscription for longest period of time.
They're literally fucking scams.
and what actual content they have is so utterly boring and sub-par they're BARELY a step above your average fetch quest.
99% of MMO are absolute 11/10 cancer where you're just getting fucked in the ass by BBC developer in pic-related.
Isaiah Fisher
and only 1 ear for the quest
Grayson Mitchell
Then why does WoW have boosts to level 100 or so?
Oliver Lewis
WoW is an enigma.
It's been around for so long and and made so much fucking money, to keep it's playerbase nowadays is to actually develop worthwhile content and get new players into player run organizations to keep them around for any signficiant amount of time.
Think EVE online and how they constantly try to push players into corporations.
Players in player run orgs are almost GAURANTEED to spend more money on subscriptions and otherwise for longer.
Jacob Thomas
WoW isn't really an enigma. WoW was the first one to hit the jackpot and get the formula right. All other MMO's are just trying to imitate it.
Blake Barnes
> I want games with no challenge so I can play more titles because quantity > quality, and I hate wasting my time playing video games
Are you okay, user?
Colton Young
>multiplayer achievement requires you to be ranked number 1 in the entire world in multiple categories >you can only become rank 1 by beating the old rank 1 >they don't play anymore >they will concede their rank to you if you pay them
John Wilson
use overlapping patrol routes nigga
Colton Perez
>WoW was the first one to hit the jackpot and get the formula right.
Which makes it an enigma.
Also level boosts were only added WAYYYYYYYY later after it's release. WoW was released in 2004. Boosts were added in 2014 ffs.
Nicholas Gutierrez
>The hand of evil strikes again >EA logo follows Never 4get
Anthony Gutierrez
The bullfrog flags were worse imho
Connor Murphy
lol what game does this?
Tyler Taylor
>escort mission >walk speed is slower than NPC >run speed is faster than NPC
Jeremiah Parker
Ryder Flores
Because grinding sucks and takes a long time because it's designed to make you buy boosts, but can still be done really quickly. Even a new player can max a character in under a month and that's 15$, compared to a 60$ boost.
Carson Rivera
Depends what you consider empty. Real life has "empty" areas so video game worlds that mimic that tend to be more immersive. You could argue that the maps in Assassin's Creed games are pretty full in comparison to, say, GTAV. But GTAV has a much more believable and detailed map, even though not every little nook and cranny of it is filled with icons and stupid activities.
Julian Mitchell
Playing skyrim at launch anf being real hyped for a random dragon fight. Turns out three town guards can ass blast a dragon themselves. Killed the mood.
Brandon Gutierrez
Are you fucking kidding
Parker Reyes
Fallout one you just gotta wait it out
Jordan Martinez
>enemies can destroy items in your inventory >literally coded to target your most valuable items first
Jeremiah Reed
>enemies can steal items from your inventory >including key items you need to complete the game Fucking Wizardry IV.
Eli Morales
>enemies scream Allahu Akbar during combat
Cameron Taylor
>steals your items >flees >can't get item back
Landon Anderson
>run from random dragon because they're so easy they're annoying, don't drop good items and are just a chore to right >accidentally aggro a bear while trying to loose the dragon >bear one shots me
Fucking Skyrim dragons. I still can't believe the hype trailer music just became annoying because of them.
Logan Jenkins
Fuck this. Why can't they just make NPCs have your movement speed?
Hunter Nguyen
>branching paths in a dungeon/level >Oh I'll just see what's down this way real quick and swing back around to check the other bit >saunter on down path A >path gets blocked behind you
Luke Gray
Oblivion is superior anyway
Aaron Ross
>quest reward is less valuable than the loot you gathered on the way
>elemental boss drops gear that boosts resistance to that element; also you never run into a powerful elemental again afterwards
>you can't trigger the next event until you've talked to every NPC in the room; even though none of them say anything important
>you have to search for an item; you know where it is but you have to search a bunch of random areas before it appears in its actual spot
Eli Gonzalez
Heh. Good job there.
Gavin Collins
Or worse:
>Powerful status effects aren't worth using against trash mobs >bosses are immune
Kayden Robinson
>unavoidable instant party member kill moves in a fight you're expected to win in a game with character permadeath