What are some games that take place in Australia?

What are some games that take place in Australia?

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Mad Max and Homefront.

Earth Defense Force.

>No good Mad Max games with an engine built with a focus on freeform vehicle building, like a more realistic Banjo: Nuts and Bolts or Scrap Mechanic.
>YWN form a road gang, passing down your old custom rides to NPC followers as you design new and more over-the-top ones.
>YWN have a rolling battle between two player's convoys of spiky scrap vehicles and their NPC followers.
>YWN play post-apocalyptic no-holds-barred wacky racers with other players and try to outmaneuver their moving fortresses and spikebikes with just your rusty muscle car and a sawnoff.


That one Forza game.


path of exile.

That's a fun idea. Not allowed.

Ty The Tasmanian Tiger
Finding Nemo
Project Gotham Racing 2 had a Sydney street circuit

Crash Bandicoot

I don't know about the later ones but the first 2 Ty games were legit fun.

Best Australian stage/map coming through

Motorsport is better. It has Bathurst so it's also in Australia.

I'd say Mad Max but there were too many yanks

That opening song is pretty catchy tbqh


Beneath a Steel Sky.

One of the most underrated but fantastic point 'n clicks.

>Ty the tasmanian Tiger
The third game is also coming out for Steam in this year

How the fuck do you cunts deal with playing online vidya? I swear not even three months into a games life and all servers here are pretty much DOA. Having to compensate at 250-300 ping is bullshit.Being kiwifag is suffering.

Fallout doesn't take place in Australia. It's inspired by Australia.

and Holdens

Reckon it'll be good?

Never played the second game

A Mad Max solely focused on vehicle customisation and massive road battles with multiple players would be a money printer

The steam version will get HD textures, fixed models and bug fixes. But also some new features that improves upon the original as like the earlier 2 games. I think it'll be still the same as the original game, but the game itself is pretty good although worse than the earlier 2 games.

I'd recommend giving the second game a try if you liked the first game, but there's more gimmicky stages and is more open than the first game.

>A Mad Max solely focused on vehicle customisation and massive road battles with multiple players would be a money printer
Its not I've played it and it sucks balls.

>Be Australian
>Enjoy Fight games
>By the time I actually git gud at a character the playerbase is already dead
>at least the connectivity isn't too bad against Japs

Asian servers are fucked with rampant cheating tho, at least in the games that I've played.

The steam versions of the other games are great

By playing games where the latency isn't too important, like Dark Souls or EDF. That or play tactical FPSes, there's almost always populations for those games here.
>tfw trying to play Supreme Commander multiplayer but get kicked out of half of the lobbies because you can see player's nationalities and there's an immense stigma against strayans

Name a more iconic duo.

Jackie Chan

Anyone besides me play this game? It's like an Australian Broken Sword/Kings Quest.

As a kid I had to cheat my way past the pelicans, and didn't know what to do. I just did the rabbit shooting minigame and then reloaded before it.

Simon and Garfunkel

Easy. our hearts.

>Decide to play GTA Online again
>70gb download
>900kb/s from midnight to morning
>200kb/s to 400kb/s during the day
>3 days later only 40gb done
Hello my life is pain please end my suffering

What are your thoughts on Steve Hughes?

No wonder you guys shitpost so much.


Im not kidding here, iv literally driven to a friends place with a USB to give him games I purchased and downloaded days before because it was faster than him downloading it.

Fucking Australia.

Castlevania Symphony of the Night

5 localization when

I'm on one of the iinet subsidiaries and I never get below 1.2mb/s, what kind of shit-tier ISP are you with?


>and a gameboy color


Shadow of Mordor.

Spider: The Video Game

I hope you don't mean that ubisoft abortion. user meant a game where they actually gave a crap and put some effort in. Features like moving vehicles being climbable/crawlable like BotW/SotC enemies. Jamming the pedal so you can crawl out on the hood and fight. Custom built vehicles, not just pick from a list of parts for each section, actually able to say, rip the fuel tank off the back of a tanker and replace it with bunkers made of truck cabs.

Getting Over It

Monster Hunter World was based on Australia


Telstra, on the most expensive ADSL2 plan there is

The problem is its all copper tier shite in a neighborhood of Netflix kiddies.

Nice complete map of Australia there, m8.

>A place where a fucking rock is a tourist attraction

Madworld is just a regular day in Melbourne.

you are all now remembering this game

Not anymore they just banned climbing it

Hey, to be fair, it's not just a rock, it's a fucking red rock.


>talking shit about the great rock
kys cunt

Jokes on those faggots I already climbed it

It was shit its a fucking red rock

I used to think it was a huge ass asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. That would have been cool.
>Welcome to Australia, we fucked up an entire planet of creatures

>faggot with no stones is jelly of cunts who have some


I am Australian you cunt

Better than you too, Radelaide is the best

At least you still have Net Neutrality.



I dont think anyone wants Telstra to have more power. They basically own the net here.

your beer is alright but not much else is going on in sa

>tfw even if companies like comcast decide to jew the fuck out of us and throttle internet to some places it'll still be faster than aussie speeds

Its funny you say that because my family owns Coopers

The whole thing.

No one had an N64

Do I have to turn my screen upside down to play?

Adelaide cunt here, g'day cobba


Metal Max

>"You dont need faster net"
>t. every Australian PM ever


>We fucked up an entire planet of creatures.
I mean you aren't wrong. The megafauna we used to have were killed off by the abos who torched most of the continent.


>also you dont deserve rights and you need to pay more tax for the privilege

why the fuck do Asians cheat so blatantly and so hard? do they just not care about their rep?

Umm, user, we never had it...

But user you just need to believe. If you don't believe in the internet speeds they'll never increase. No one believes so the speeds remain slow. Seriously though, Fuck those cunts with red roo's dick.

i was okay with 500kbps download 10 years ago but now it's laughably bad. why do games have to be so fucking big

>yfw all tourism there dries up so the abos reinstate climbing it

>ywn have Street fighter: Australian politician edition.
I would main Bob Hawke.

>buy fallout 4 on disk so i dont have to download it on shitty net
>only 1/3 on the disk

>Actually expecting politicians to do anything that needs doing instead of just seeing to the cheap, easy busy work so it looks like they're doing something.
Spotted the nippers.

Far Cry

FUCKOFF Rupert Murdoch you thieving Lying cunt!

Uncompressed audio files and every language option under the sun because people can't be fucked to delete the irrelevant languages by region. Its only going to get worse with people being even lazier about compression since they have the 4k meme to back them up.

>what are some games thread
I saw the new episode too, OP. You fucking shit poster.

Not maining Abbot and stopping the boats. Its like you want chinks and shitskins to roam freely.

Chun-Li's spinning bird kick is based on the emu who flies upside down

Doesn't Nier automata take place in Australia? I recall the lore revealing that Australia was one of the last bastions for androids because the aliens and machines had claimed 80% of the planet.

>buy physical game
>its just a link to download steam

Budgie Smugglers is too weak of an attack though and leaves you open.