Literal labor of love by devs who give a shit about what the fans want

>literal labor of love by devs who give a shit about what the fans want
>people still talk shit about it


Other urls found in this thread:

who talks bad about it?

>people still talk shit about it
[Citation needed]

no one talk much about it because it's 5 years old now

This has the best music of any fighting game ever made,

>literal who eceleb

>making a fighting game that is not smash or SF
>thinking anyone will care

that's a blunder only second to making an arena shooter that is not Quake 3

>he doesn't know Sajam

hello newfag

>fans wanted retro costumes
>double helix mocked them until they got to much shit for it
>caring about the fans

I should iron galaxy does care it was just double helix the original devs who did not care about the fans

>making a fighting game exclusive to the Xbone
>thinking anyone will care


Double Helix hasn't been the developer since 2013/2014.

I know thats why I posted though iron galaxy made fun of people wanting KI2 orchids costume and calling it stupid. They stopped doing that after all the cammy pic got posted

it's not exclusive anymore been on win 10 for a year and some and was put on steam about 2 months ago, hell it's even on sale for 20 bucks right now

my favorite fighter this gen for sure.

Capcom didn't make it, that's why

Theres your problem

One of if not the best fighting game of the gen. It's just so much more fun to play than the other fighting games out there.

If Ki wasn't an Xbone Win10 exclusive I bet it would've been ten times more popular.

sajam is a newfag

I used to play the shit out of this game back when I owned an Xbone. Surprised me how good of a fightan game it is. Is it worth picking up on Steam? Do people still play online?

I never enjoyed fighting games but this game stuck with me for some reason. I think it's the characters and how different they are from each other and the combo systems is fun to learn.

it's crossplay between bone and win10 versions,

Still salty KI got snubbed at EVO for yet another fucking year of UMvC3.
>b-b-but it was the last year because Infinite
2016 was supposed to be the last. And I guarantee it'll be back since Infinite flopped so badly. Fucking streammonsters.

Finish reading his post.

i dropped 50 bucks on it and got something like 500 matches in so i'm satisfied overall
but there's a lot of characters i fucking hate and shitty mechanics that never should've been included

Which mechanics do you find shitty?

Literally only weebs shit over it because they can't understand how western developers managed to make a better 2D fighting game than their favorite moeshit airdasher.