Mexicans of Sup Forums, what are your thoughts on this character?

Mexicans of Sup Forums, what are your thoughts on this character?

Not as good as the guys in Snow Kingdom.

inb4 autistic underage spic circlejerk

Love them, they're so happy and jolly and do no harm and spend the game travelling the worlds and having a blast, its a fiesta everywhere with these guys.

That your threads used as secret mexican shitposting clubs should be deleted and your butthurt should keep flowing

looks dumb

not kewl

this but unironically

this but ironically

ummm, es muy ofendido, carino

Is cute, would purchase a figurine
The worst combination


Stay mad, normal furfag

>secret mexican shitposting
Nothing secret about our mexican shitposting, gringo

These threads are as much shitposting as pic related

Chicos, como escojo una waifu?

Its okay when Nintendo does it

Tu no escoges a tu waifu, solo sigue con tu vida hasta que encuentres a alguien que te haga sentir como el hombre mas feliz del mundo

tu no escojes a la waifu, la waifu te escoje a ti, solo mira a fuukafag nadie puede tener a fuuka como waifu excepto el

No soy gringo, solo me gusta arruinar tu diversion puto pendejo de mierda

>Ella te escoge a ti


seƱora ya duermase

Less interesting than the muchacha you fight later in their world.


Es hora, now in english so I don't get el grande ban
>Where you from
>What you playing
>What you eating
>You gonna pick up Dark Souls for Switch?
>How's the cold treating you?