Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO

Traps or Futas?

antifa supporter


His article is clearly sarcastic. Being autistic you probably didn't notice this.

Never played it

why would Sup Forums get btfo over a reddit game

ok question:
If traps ARE NOT GAY, then why you fap to them instead to normal 2D girls?

If you were in front of me, I'd punch you in the face

t. reddit

No one knows what the worst game ever is until they've played DR4.

just telling you know no one reads video game journalists retard.

futas. can someone explain to me why they would fap to a trap when they can have fictional actual woman with a dick(futa)

Its not

>Jim Sterling doing his "pretend I'm retarded" act via text
>isn't funny when you hear it
>is actually cringeworthy when you read it
who would have thought

Destructoid is still around?

Futa trap.

You're wrong. This is clearly a tongue in cheek joke about how Sup Forums and other people on the internet overreact to games. Ironically the joke went over Sup Forums's autitistic head and people are overreacting to a joke article from 7 years ago.

Because I like cute boys.


Highly relevant and topical

Vaginas are gross