"[Breath of the Wild] is the best launch title Nintendo's ever made." - ProJared

"[Breath of the Wild] is the best launch title Nintendo's ever made." - ProJared

Was he right?

It's probably the most important.

1) It proved Nintendo were still at the forefront on game design when people were beginning to question doubt them.

2) It cemented the success of their new console almost overnight.

3) It fucked Sup Forums sideways in the most hilarious way possible. They still can't believe it happened.

Launch title sure. Game no.

Making it a launch title is probably the smartest thing they could have possibly done. It's also a great game.

mario 64 was more important

>BotW is better than Super Mario World
highest of keks

SMW is a bottom tier mario game. BOTW is better

Fuck no

An argument can be made for every Nintendo home console except for maybe the GameCube which was a late bloomer. The Wii had Wii Sports which pretty much turned the gaming world into everything else.

Luigi's Mansion is better than BotW tbqhwy

You make a good point.

I love Luigi's Mansion to death but in no way can it hold a candle to the miracle of open world HD 3D portable Zelda with a robust physics engine.

>SMW is a bottom tier mario game.
The fuck am I reading here?

Luigi's Mansion, it was the true Zelda Killer all along.

BotW has potential to have a great sequel but I don't get the praise at all

Not really Mario 64 was superb but it didn't save the N64 from being considered a disappointment overall whereas BOTW alone put Switch on the map.

That’s a bit of a stretch.

This dude thinks bioshock infinite is a 10/10 right? who gives a shit about his opinion

Talk shit about Super Mario World one more time. I dare you.

>The fuck am I reading here?
A troll fishing for replies, move on. SMW and 3 are the best Mario games, period.

complete retardation

It's a deceivingly standard open world affair. But the amount of Nintendo polish and love put in, the physics and the truly numerous ways you can complete any task and the updated versions of every character and monster you know already, it's nostalgic and brand new.

The fact that you can actually use the freeze and object manipulation runes to their full extent for any situation is actually miraculous that it isn't game breaking but still makes you feel like a genius when you think you've fudged something, only to find they intended you to do that. It's not the greatest game in the world but it's definitely impressive.

>it fucked Sup Forums sideways

Sup Forums is always contrarian therefore always wrong by default

>muh open world
Literally Skyrim for Nintenbabs

What the fuck is with the sudden jared shilling?

It's Zelda so it's good

Skyrim is Skyrim for Nintenbros idiot. Open world games are here to stay. Take your visual novels, make like a banana tree and remove yourself.

Same phenomenon as Skyrim really.
People who are easily impressed and don't know any better, i.e. children, retards and video game journalists fucking love it.

t. incapable of roleplay or imaginationfag

Most open world games are shit but so are hallway simulators

Breath of the Wild is a shit game for role-playing. Why would I want to RP in a Zelda game when tabletop games have existed for decades.

TIL that if a console isn't very successful, the hugely influential launch title that changed 3D gaming doesn't matter

Sorry linear games, I was wrong about you

It must be hard being so smart, user! Do people often having trouble keeping pace with your intellect?

>Witcher 3

But these games are more fun than BotW

Breath of the Wild is not a launch title because it was also available on a system that was already available on the market years before, in this case, the Wii U.

Launch Title
>A video game available at the launch of a new console.

The Wii U was launched years before BotW.

>Launch Title
>>A video game available at the launch of a new console.
BotW was a game that you could play day 1 on the Switch, thus it is a Switch launch title. Period.

So Twilight Princess wasn't a launch title either?

Imagine being so much of assblasted denial that you have try and make up new definitions for words to support your desperation.

>3) It fucked Sup Forums sideways in the most hilarious way possible. They still can't believe it happened.
This is pretty great

Fallout 3 as well. Seems like every few years we just get a game that's looked through 3 rose-tinted glasses. It's been 7 years since the original Skyrim and now a new generation of mongloids are furiously masturbating to their first open world game all over again.

*blocks your path*



Congratulations, you display basic reading comprehension

Jesus Christ I can FEEL how stupid you are.

Nintenbabies are cancer and killed nintendo. BOTW is kusoge you shiteating soyboys. It's the worst zelda, fucking skyward sword is better.


I actually had fun playing this this with my sister fight me

It's a good thing the Wii U basically didn't exist to the mass audience out there, pretty much making it Switch exclusive.

It's the same thing with Mario Kart 8, and eventually Tropical Freeze.

Nah. Mario 64 was a much more well rounded game and a far better showing for its system's capabilities, particularly in an era where 3d games were starting to become the big new thing.

BotW is good for the purpose of advertising zelda to a more normalfag crowd via the many ideas it took from other popular open world titles. Essentially, Mario 64 is a paradigm shifting breakthrough that effortlessly did what many could not, BOTW is just a solid refinement and repackaging of what already was quite present.

It's a better launch title than anything the Wii U had, but I think I genuinely had more fun with Twilight Princess when that game came out for the Wii. The greater focus on combat and puzzles in that game appeals to me much more than the large, and ultimately somewhat lifeless world of BotW.

If the switch gets hacked soon i'm trading mine in. only thing that keeps me from doing it is potential gamecube roms on gamepad hacks on wiiu soon.

>launch title
>literally the last wii u game