What are some vidya franchises where the protagonist ends up being replaced and fundamentally disgraced?
What are some vidya franchises where the protagonist ends up being replaced and fundamentally disgraced?
Devil May Cry 4, even if the game was good.
Star Wars fags really should kill themselves.
t. Weeaboo
Jedi knight series. Kyle starts of as achad mercenary, gets even better and learns the force, ditches the force temporarily and comes back for revenge, then in the last game he got turned into a bitch teacher, and the story shifts focus from him to a couple of ridiculously boring/annoying students.
Came in here to post this
What was wrong with Dante?
What are some games where they originally planned for Darth Talon to be the villain and would have her seduce, fuck and kill Jedi in their sleep?
But was the best in Last Jedi.
Saved the movie.
this one. this one right here
Mass Effect 2
Sup Forums I just don't get it! Weren't China happy to see some representation by an "unconventionally attractive" strong, Asian female and romance between said Asian character and Finn?
I don't understand how people praise old EU Luke, but think Nu-wars 'disgraced' Luke.
Old EU Luke turned to the dark side, served a clone of the emperor and was very much partially responsible for the deaths of millions of people.
>m-muh star shit isn’t the way I wanted it
Luke was handled fine, some old faggot running around wiping out an army would have been dumb as shit.
>Reminder that Finn used to be cool and a good character
The west has some major problems recognizing that celebrating diversity is only a thing in white western countries.
go to bed rat kike shill
in a sense
>originally dinosaur planet
>original protagonist goes to save planet from imminent destruction
>gets trapped in a crystal and stays there for remainder of the game
>original protagonist fundamentally replaced. we Starfox game now
The only bad decision was buying the franchise and bringing it back. Or faggots complaining about business like artistry is more important. Dumb retards.
How is that any different from what we got?
Aside from him being white.
I just don't get it though! Don't they want the best for their Asian brothers and sisters in the west? They don't have many opportunities for representation in western films...
Obiwan didn't even win the only fight he was in, in Original Trilogy. Because he wasn't trying to win the fight, he was sacrificing himself just to let Luke and gang escape.
Which turned out to be Vader's plan anyway to let them escape, but he would have never let them leave with obiwan still with them.
Then luke proceeds to lose his fight in empire. And finally defeats vader by channeling anger, and gets fucking toasted by the emperor. Vader's the one that had to win that fight for him. Jedi don't run around soloing armies.
>Star Wars was never a cultural phenomenon in China, and The Force Awakens and Rogue One were nails in its coffin. It's not just that Chinese moviegoers didn't grow up with the franchise—there were virtually no foreign films screened commercially in the country in the 1970s—but it's also that the franchise hasn't done itself any good there with its last two pictures. The Star Wars lore and characters held little interest for moviegoers who weren't familiar with the previous six films, and Force Awakens and Rogue One only served to confuse them. Disney tried to make up for this in The Last Jedi by popping in little cards on the side of the screen every time a major character appeared, with the character’s bio in both Chinese and English. It didn’t help much to allay the confusion caused by the convoluted plot.
>For Chinese audiences, the fights are yawn-fests. Many commenters on China’s social media have complained that The Last Jedi’s lightsaber fights are dull, poorly choreographed, and pale imitations of the swordplay that can be seen in any run-of-the-mill Chinese wuxia martial arts movie. Among those who have seen all three of the Disney-era Star Wars films, the only fights worth watching were Hong Kong star Donnie Yen’s battles in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
>It’s not sci-fi, it’s soap opera in space. Chinese audiences love big-budget science fiction movies. They’ve made massive hits of the Transformers franchise (until The Last Knight, that is), Guardians of the Galaxy, Interstellar, Resident Evil, and countless other Hollywood sci-fi tent-poles. But The Last Jedi isn’t like any of those. It’s more like an extended episode of All My Children, with its Oedipal leanings, its hackneyed romance, and its focus on deus ex machina plot twists and melodramatic dialogue at the expense of meaningful action.
This is bullshit. Why do they always distort the artists original vision like that?
>Theaters drop the move En Masse
This fucking damage control
It's very different and at least Sam looks "cooler" and the event that turned him was much more darker.
Because a normie might feel threatened if they have to think.
>"Last Jedi" started burying the thought by Luke Skywalker himself in just a few minutes to start. As soon as revealed, Luke was exhausted and closed his mind. But was there really a need to let Luke throw away the light saver? The depiction of this kind should have been the work of a robot chicken that is a parody. If you show that you want to refuse, you should have just returned it to Ray or just drop it. The abandoned Saber was coincidentally found on the ground, but there is a possibility that it could not be recovered by falling into the sea as it was. The slippery comedy sense only invites disillusionment.
>And the new Star Wars Force will abandon its dignity and abandon its dignity. Searching for how to destroy the shield with 'Force of Force' When Fins mouths with 'Let's use the force', Han solo warned that "Force is not like that." However, suddenly in the "last Jedi", depictions that doubt that "Force is not such a thing" will appear dramatically and often. Leia thrown into outer space flies like Krypton star and survives and Rei and Cairo Len make Skype calls through the Force. Luke's alter ego suggests that the future Star Wars "is already there". Like the strange Pogue which nests without permission inside the Millennium Falcon that should be the place of remembrance, "the last Jedi" enters the sanctuary with shoes.
>Snook eventually was not revealed to anyone but died shabbly without being given dignity.
I can see the headlines now:
>10 reasons why The Last Jedi flopping in China is a GOOD thing!
>China: The new straight, white men
>Many commenters on China’s social media have complained that The Last Jedi’s lightsaber fights are dull, poorly choreographed, and pale imitations of the swordplay that can be seen in any run-of-the-mill Chinese wuxia martial arts movie
No kidding about this point in particular. It's even worse that Disney wasted Donnie Yen and the two guys from The Raid.
>In RotJ, still didn't kill Vader, even after he cut off his hand and was at his absolute mercy
>In TLJ, legtimately consider killing his nephew because 'he mite b bad senpai'.
Disney doens't give a fuck about writing or character continuity, as long as dey make dat money.
How the fuck can a trilogy with 3 different directors and writers have any consistency?
It's funny that they won't address what's possibly the biggest reason they don't like it which was the interracial kiss scene between Finn and the Vietnamese girl.
Some user saw the film in Taiwan and the crowd were audibly pissed off when it happened. China REALLY hates black people and other Asians.
Yeah he was so great that Mark Hamill said outright he was playing a totally unrecognizable character named Jake Skywalker
I don’t give two shits about a washed up voice actor.
>m-muh joker
Decent enough for a kids cartoon but nothing great.
RIP in Peace old friend.
Somebody post that webm of Mark Hamill trying to speak at a fan Q&A, before getting frustrated and looking crestfallen.
Fucking kills me every time.
>create movies with flat characters and incomprehensible storylines and no sensible plot
>create a movie with character development, nuanced and fleshed out motivations and flawed humanized protagonists and antagonists, showing a shakespearean flair for dramatic introspective themes
It was still his best role.
Mark Hamill has more experience with Star Wars than anyone writing the new movies.
Wew and they just completely got rid of the healing scene and tribe and glossed over the bloodstained helmet as well. We could have gotten a way more well developed character and they just took the artists vision and threw it in a trash can. Stop showing me this shit your going to make me angry.
wait a second...
Why is it that Disney and nu-Lucasfilm can't get minority or female characters right?
>Lando and Leia were cool as fuck
>Mace Windu is actually one of the more interesting Jedi and badass
>Poe is literately the only likable minority
Is this Fallout 2?
>flawed humanized protagonists and antagonists
Typing out opinions you do not agree with in all caps and with spelling mistakes does not make them wrong, my friend.
Pic related, Jakku before they made it Tatooine 2.0
Do you guys have to complain every day?
Chrono Chross
>China REALLY hates black people
And rightfully so.
>luke has to make the same mistakes as his father despite having already gone trough 3 movies worth of character development because... Pottery I guess?
What the fuck, this is amazing.
Worst thing is, they probably didn't planned to story at all beforehand, beside the main characters not dying before at least Ep 9 of course.
Poe is only likable because X-Wings and space combat is cool as shit.
A 2 hour movie about Rogue Squadron would be fucking fantastic.
Wasn't Sam Luke's son who was estranged from him because he spent more time with Kylo?
>We'll never get a Darth Talon sex scene or sex scenes in general in Star Wars movies now
I don't get why they like the Fast and Furious movies, despite most of the cast being black or ethnic, but they hate anything else.
Yeah Rey is so thoroughly fleshed out. She has the ability to magically overcome all circumstances with almost no real adversity, and by "just doing the right thing." She is flat as a fucking pancake. Yeah shit HAPPENS to her, but nothing AFFECTS her character. She's boring and a total Mary Sue.
Finn has ok-ish development, but why he needs to have an asian girlfriend who won't even let him finish his character arc is anyone's guess.
Poe does not evolve in any way.
Luke was made a bitch for no reason
The only good character is Kylo Ren
>tfw no gunslinger Han Solo
>Dies because he thought too hard
He was like 65 in-universe. No reason he should have just died.
>The only good character is Kylo Ren
That and he's the only character most people (especially younger boys) would want to be. None of the cast is remotely cool or "self insertable". There's a reason why Kylo toys sell so well.
>Jeff Bridges True Grit-esque Han Solo
jesus christ the original movie sounds entire dimensions better, I don't know if my heart can take this
>dies from using a power that help him avoid dying
Luke Skywalker is portrayed as a flawed human being who is capable of the same black and white morality choices that faced his father, and isn't shown as some immortal infinite power space wizard paragon of righteousness. Instead he experiences character development as he comes to grips with his own failures, and learns from them, making his failures part of his life lesson and experiencing catharsis, as his internalized battle is won and he simply moves on peacefully.
They draw a subtle parallel back to anakin skywalker's struggle and fall. Just because Luke blew up the emperor and faced his father didn't mean his own struggles were done and he was somehow now the perfect person
Because that's what you shitheads wanted: A gary stu, incapable of doing wrong, who would "never" make a flawed choice or feel anger or succumb to the dark side even for a second. You somehow think that when Luke Skywalker, who was tempted in his original trilogy and struck down the vaderbot in anger, is confronted with Baby Hitler and sees a future where billions of people will die all because of one child that has already passed to the dark side, that he wouldn't consider even for a moment whether he should strike him down then and there and save the galaxy. When the moral weight is so incredibly skewed to killing one person to save billions, and you think the guy who experienced the first empire and the heavy costs of its downfall, wouldn't be tempted?
fuck, remembering this when the actual Solo flick comes out is going to hurt.