Share your unpopular gaming opinions with me, Sup Forums. This is a judgement free thread.
Share your unpopular gaming opinions with me, Sup Forums. This is a judgement free thread
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league of legends is actually kind of fun
MGSV is actually a really good game despite its flaws.
I actually liked Mass Effect the trilogy and its ending(s)
New Vegas is actually a really bad game despite its merits.
The Legend of Zelda is an overrated series, and all the N64 ones aged very poorly and are bad now.
>le epic angry guy
It's a great game but it is not for everyone. Many of the problems relating to it's shortcomings are a result of the very limited engine that Obsidian was given to work with. These problems cause players who like quality gun-play, for example, to have a less enjoyable experience.
TL;DR there is nothing wrong with calling new vegas flawed or even bad
The Soulsborne franchise would be better if it had no online elements at all.
when you're first learning the game it is
you mean MGS4
oot is nice on 3dsxl
doom was never good and the fps genre as a whole is pretty awful
I like the simple ASCII art of games like poschengband and brogue and i think people should learn to use their imagination more in their entertainment
For Honor was the best and most original fighting game released in the past decade.
Bioshock infinite is nowhere near as bad as Sup Forums made it seem.
Danganronpa is completely overrated and the first two zero escape games have a far better plot
Sigma Klim is the greatest protagonist ever created.
Doki Doki is pure cancer and does not deserve all the hype it gets.
Rin is the best katawa shoujo
>massive man face
Please for the love of all that is good and holy, let that be a trap. Otherwise the creators that be are cruel.
Super Paper Mario is the best Mario game
Pillars of Eternity is fucking trash
After seeing that WL get shitting on I'm feeling that second hand rage of that poor roch getting tossed in the laval.
Yes. The community is what ruins that game.
Best gameplay of the entire stealth genre. Hands down.
I cried when I sacrificed Shepard. :'(
>This is a judgement free thread.
You got lucky.
I like the messages people leave, but invasions are the worst.
I would argue that perhaps you just haven't played the one that you like yet.
I 100% agree. Still use ASCII graphics on Dwarf Fortress.
>Yes. The community is what ruins that game.
Actually it's the forced meta but if you overlook that it has its moments
Baldur's gate rides purely on nostalgia
If a game is too old I won't play it because the graphics become distractingly bad
Mass Effect 2 was the best of the trilogy
Dragon Age 2 was well done save for the reuse of maps
>Mass Effect 2 was the best of the trilogy
This is supposed to be unpopular opinions. Everyone knows 2 is the best one.
I agree about Danganronpa, it's more of a guilty pleasure thing than anything. It never reaches the highs of Zero Escape or Ace Attorney. It's just "that series you play when you've played everything else".
Considering how WACKY Danganronpa is stylistically, it's surprisingly derivative. It wears its influences on its sleeve and is very formulaic. V3, if you ignore its superficial twists, plays it very safe. The characters and cases are mostly played out, you know what to expect. They desperately need to shake up the formula.
>If a game is too old I won't play it because the graphics become distractingly bad
How old are talking about?
I like Ashan more than the pre HoM&M 5 world. It's just has more personality and it's less generic
>inb4 sci-fi elements
No, that doesn't make old setting any exceptionally interesting.
10+ years.
Shovel Knight starts strong but becomes absolutely miserable by the end, because the developers didn't know how to make enemies that were actually challenging to a player with all the health upgrades so they just threw in more spikes and pits. Pretty much every boss fight in the later parts of the game wound up being
>"uh oh I see you were soundly beating my ass for most of this fight but it looks like you bumped into a random projectile attack and died instantly from being knocked off a cliff hehe that's rough buddy better luck next time"
It goes from being a good Metroidvania to a godawful platformer with sluggish controls where the player is constantly being pushed off of ledges by dumb shit, and it didn't receive nearly as much criticism as it deserved.
I got teary when tali killed herself
Underrail is the best RPG made in the past 5 years
>If a game is too old I won't play it because the graphics become distractingly bad
For me age doesn't matter (unless it's the Atari 2600), it's the aesthetics that matter. There are NES games that have aged quite well, and there are PS3 games that look incredibly ugly.
Jesus Christ.
Nintendo hasn't been innovative or creative since the 80s
>another bullshit underpowered gimmick console
just go third party already, people just want to play nintendo games but they hate the stupid nintendo consoles just go third party already nobody wants to buy a nintendo console they just want to play the games
I like MGS2 Raiden better than MGS4 Raiden.
ME1 was fantastic.
ME2 was amazing, but essentially a side story and did NOTHING to setup for how they'd beat the Reapers in 3.
ME3 was a fucking shitshot from start to finish and it's LUCKY that the terrible ending eclipsed how fucking bad everything else about it was, because that's all anyone talks about and so if you have bad enough taste to be fine with the ending, then everyone circlejerks themselves with "It's not that bad, really! Hurr".
>Still no in game engine reveal of Tali's face
>The picture we do see is a barely edited stock image
>Half the character models look fucking hideous
>Why the fuck did we get an IGN reporter instead of Emily Wong?
>Speaking of, why the fuck is half the interesting cast from past games killed off-screen?
>Rhegar deserved better than that
>Fucking Kai Leng
>The goddamn Cereal Killer
>"I beat you in the cutscene! Take that Shepherd!"
>Ashley somehow got 8 promotions despite having done nothing
>And she also got a matching set of stripper tits too
>And literally EVERYTHING controversial or challenging about her character was removed to turn her into only being a generic action girl
>Similar with the Human Councillor. A difficult and challenging charac-NOPE HE'S JUST DUMB AND EVIL
>Which is Cerberus as a fucking whole. 2 went out of it's way to make them grey, to show the good and the bad, you could still legitimately hate them while acknowledging they were doing important things. BUT NOPE! THEY'RE ALL EVIL!
>And all the good Cerberus people WERE TRICKED! And now they're MAD! MAD AT CERBERUS! And they join you! ALLIANCE GOOD. CERBERUS BAD. BLACK AND WHITE.
N64 doesn't have a single game that hasn't aged poorly. Only people who have nostalgia for them can forgive the terrible 3D graphics, the awful controls, and that god awful abortion of a controller. On top of that, the N64 library isn't all that much to brag about anyways. There are better Mario games now, better Zelda games now, and definitely better Smash Bros. as the N64 one was trash anyhow that only got popular because it was a crossover game.
I genuinely enjoy EAfront 2
I enjoy that some games are thematically flawed, have odd glitches, or have certain levels of unbalance. When I try a new game, I find whatever resource is infinite and learn how to exploit it as best I can, and I take advantage of unrealistic AI behaviors whenever possible.
>Which is exactly what they did with the Genophage too. It was interesting in 1 and difficult in 2, Mordin specifically makes a case for it and while you don't have to agree with him or it, it's clearly something that challenges you, a morally difficult subject
>NOPE! Mordin has done a complete 180 since 2, with nothing on screen showing this! GENOPHAGE BAD! KROGAN GOOD! NO NUANCE! NO GREY! NO DIFFICULTY! ALL QUESTIONS ARE ABSOLUTELY MORALLY CLEAR!
>Every single plot thread about the Reapers and Dark Energy is dropped
>The Reapers can't be killed with conventional weaponry... And yet, we kill them with conventional weaponry three times during the game
>Once with just a mini Nuke. What?
Fuck you and Fuck Mass Effect 3.
I'm still mad.
I'll always be mad.
*points gun to your head*
Age of Empires 3 is better
Sup Forums is almost always completely unjustified in its thoughts about any game and the devs are in most cases better off not doing anything remotely close to what Sup Forums would suggest.
I like this
>Baldur's gate rides purely on nostalgia
Wrong, unless you're only talking about 1. Replayed it recently, BG2 is still fantastic and ToB is better than I expected. Aerie also turned out to be a lot better than my teenage self ever gave her credit for. Yes, she's whiney in some of her dialogues, but for completely understandable reasons and only to you. Because you're the only person she's ever been able to complain about this stuff too. She gets very melodramatic at one point and you literally tell her she has to deal with it... And then she realises she was being stupid, apologises and properly moves on, never complaining again.
If you want pure nostalgia, go replay FF7. It doens't hold up half as well as I expected. The amount of times the plot thread is completely abandoned and you only continue the story because the next area is the only place you can go is absolutely criminal... There's often almost nothing leading Cloud from one destination to the next.
Or worse, FF6 when you know the twist. Ruins the game. It's shocking how much that game relied on that twist.
>If a game is too old I won't play it because the graphics become distractingly bad
I hope you're talking NES era old, or janky 1st gen 3D.
>Mass Effect 2 was the best of the trilogy
>Dragon Age 2 was well done save for the reuse of maps
Wrong. Even something as integral to DA2 as the fucking time-skips made no sense and didn't work with the story. The whole plot is retarded and the game is a fucking chore to play.
I share your opinion with 1
>I didn’t know about the stock image on her face until months later so it didn’t have a mass effect on me
>the characters were killed offscreen
Who? Kasumi, Dr. Chakwas all had missions, Thane dies
Agreed, it's a weird series. I was completely pissed with the motive behind the first game, because I went expecting a big ZE twist and was met with despair. Yet for some reason I can't get enough of this poorly written series.
I also agree about V3, I saw the first case twist coming before the damn game came out because it was literally the only thing kodaka hadn't done till now. I question whether he'll do another killing game style sequel. I would think his next entry would be an RPG.
You should automatically assume that the majority of praise for ANY game, and I mean any game, is done by people who have only played around half of it. There's a "good enough" time threshold a lot of journalists have. They can't complete every single game they play because there's simply not enough time.
God of War is a lot of fun. Not very complex, but well made and cathartic.
DMC1 has aged like milk and is nowhere near as good as 3 or 4.
Same with the original Deus Ex. HR and MD are better in every way.
GTA is a clunky snoozefest and Saints Row is better in every way except soundtrack.
The only good game in the Resident Evil series is 4. 7 is okay.
The Last of Us is an absolutely incredible game.
Half Life 2 has aged like fine wine and is much better than 1, even if 1 is great.
The entire Sonic series is abject garbage. There isn't a single decent game in the franchise
Ocarina of Time is far and away the best game in the series and has aged like fine wine. 2D Zeldas are painfully dull.
MGR is a good game but the song lyrics are cringe worthy as are the people that constantly repost them on this site
Platnium Games is one of the most overrated studios ever made. MGR is their only decent game.
Fighting games are tedious and dull. Smash is mildly diverting.
Khal'Reegar and Emily Wong both stand out as characters that should have been party members. Sha'ira, Gianna and the Rachni chick should have had parts too.
>MGR is a good game but the song lyrics are cringe worthy as are the people that constantly repost them on this site
Yes. I wish they were just instrumentals, or maybe just a better vocalist.
>Platnium Games is one of the most overrated studios ever made.
They just keep making the same game with a different skin.
>MGR is their only decent game.
Wonderful 101
every time
Rachni queen was in 3
She was bonded and forced to live as a baby making machine unless you freed her
No really, Chrono Trigger is the most well crafted game. In terms of pure artistry of video game design. Chrono Trigger does everything flawlessly.
Undertale is bad and cheap
Night in the Woods is bad
DDLC is overhyped
Nintendo's childish bullshit holds gaming back and is the reason some think games are for kids
Dark Souls 2 is not that bad. Just most boss fights suck but overall gameplay is mostly the same and I like level design variety
He's no Mike, that's for sure.
Just so we're clear, a contested opinion isn't necessarily an unpopular opinion. A lot of the ones in this thread get debated regularly, enough to "make sides".
> "game"
>half life 2 has garbage AI and the weapons aren't satisfying
>fucking wrong
>fucking wrong
>literally the wrongest opinion i've ever heard
>Shitting on Doki Doki and praising Katawa Shoujo in the same post
Nintendo does not make the best exclusives.
Jak 2 was garbage.
The Sonic series is not bad, sure there are definitely some shit games(06, Shadow, and Boom) but to me the good outweighs the bad
The vita was a great handheld.
And for the big one Prince of Persia 2008 and DmC are good games (although new Dante will always be a trash character imo).
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is better than PS1 Tactics and Marche was ultimatley correct in his decision to return to reality and undo the dream.
because that worked out so well for sega, lol
arena shooters from the 90s and early 2000s are total shit
>baby can't hold his ground without gimmicks
>arena shooters are total shit
Fixed that for ya.
>let that be a trap
A trap is a dude that can convincingly pass as looking like a woman. Nobody at that table can pass and yet they all say they're "women"
guess who started it, negus
the overwhelming majority of games released since 2013 aren't worth paying for
you could count them on a hand
it's funny because it's actually a popular opinion
Talking about the girl, not the Queen. Queen was a dumb cameo anyway.
>Chrono Trigger does everything flawlessly.
Eeeh. There's various complaints you can make about CT, not the least of which being how arbitrary the "multiple" endings are.
but it's unironic
was going to go as far back as 2010
I guess something that would be considered unpopular on Sup Forums is that I'm really not that opinionated when it comes to games. My opinions on most games are just "It's pretty cool". I can't decide what my favorite game is, as well.
Linear> open world.
Virtual Boy Wario Land is the only Wario game that's actually good.
>The time when everyone on Sup Forums posted CASHEWS OF CHAOS was 7 years ago
>Eeeh. There's various complaints you can make about CT, not the least of which being how arbitrary the "multiple" endings are.
The endings are purely extra content. Bonuses. If anything, the idea of them being "endings" sets up poor expectations. They're just goofs and "what ifs".
>BioShock Infinite
>Saints Row IV
>AC Black Flag
>Metro: Last Light
>Rayman Legends
>Last of Us
>Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
>Tomb Raider
>Rogue Legacy
>Papers, Please
>XCOM Enemy Within
>Pokemon X & Y
>I can't decide what my favorite game is, as well.
I think it's always very difficult to pick favorites, no matter what it is. I can't decide what my favorite anything is because so many different things are good for their own different reasons.
>Some of my best memories were browsing this fucking site
What is wrong with me.
2017 was the best year video games ever had.
it hurts
>BioShock Infinite
>Saints Row IV
>AC Black Flag
fuck no
>Metro: Last Light
>Rayman Legends
basically a continuation of the original
get absolutely fucked
metal gear is overrated shit
>Last of Us
'oh no not another zombie game'
>Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
didn't play
>Tomb Raider
was never good
>Rogue Legacy
flashgame tier
>Papers, Please
flashgame tier
>XCOM Enemy Within
>Pokemon X & Y
pokemon has been effectively the same game for decades
>tfw all my favorite moments of Sup Forums were during the first couple of years that I started coming here, 2011 and 2012
>tfw I still keep coming here even though Sup Forums has devolved into a shitshow of Wojack spam and political bickering
>He fell for the "No good Sonic Games" meme
I can't judge you in this thread. But I will feel sorry for you.
it was a much simpler time.
Truly this is
>What is wrong with me.
I can't make assumptions about you, but in my case, it's mainly because I don't really have much else going on with my life, other than spending unhealthy amounts of time here.
>tribes ascend was 7 years ago
>tfw I remember trying it a couple of times, and then giving up and uninstalling because I couldn't hit anyone
FFVI is a shit game and modders improved on it in every way. FF in general was better before it and the series is worse off for following its lead.
Post-BG2, there's no such thing as a good D&D game, just ones that suck marginally less or are good for reasons unrelated to gameplay.
I like nu-XCOM just as much as I do the original, but for different reasons.
Koei was a far better company when they churned out niche simulators and strategy games instead of shitting out Musou games with the occasional Nobunaga or Rot3K game.
you missed out on the last good FPS
kingdom hearts has absolutely zero redeeming qualities
At least I gave it a go. I think the problem was that back then, I had the habit of trying to shoot at where the enemies were, as opposed to shooting where they would be.
D:OS2 is the best RPG of the past decade, if not two decades.
This is about Sup Forums itself, but I honestly don't get the point of shitposting or posting bait or false-flagging like most Sup Forums users do these days.
Dos2 combat system is dumb as hell
Monkey see, monkey do, until monkey get tired of just throwing poo
Ummm, user