Devil May Cry thread

Protip: Itsuno is a fag and the DMC series would have been 10x cooler if Kamiya had stuck with it.

stay delusional

didn't kamiya say he wants dmc to be more like god of war: my wife's son edition

pro tip: kamiya is an ideas man and a waifu fag who only hires people that makes good games and thats it

Style switching makes for a pretty retarded control scheme but I'd take it any day over Kamiya's dreadful brand of level design-- especially the set pieces and the quick time events and minigames they entail.

He was making predictions as to what Capcom may be thinking in regards to the direction of the series

>I'm just throwing some ideas out there, but I think it's about time DMC got a game design revision
sounds like he wants it to happen

I love Kamiya but I don't think he would have ever produced a game nearly as good as DMC 3. He has weird ideas that often interfere with the overall quality and pacing of games, see all the retarded "minigame" levels of Bayonetta that outright ruin the fucking game. Bayo 2 doesn't have quite as good combat but it's a much better game mostly because it has none of that shit.

You are shit



Itsuno made Dante and Virgil into gay lovers.

Fuck Itsuno.

Ain't nothing wrong with that!

How the fuck can you honestly defend the god damn bike level and space harrier level in Bayo 1? Both are amusing gimmicks and then they go on and on like ten times as long as they should have, especially considering every fucking time you want to fight Jeanne you have to do the retarded Space Harrier segment first.

god damn i wish Femme dante would be an alternate costume, he makes a great woman, same with Vergil.

Fuck off Tumblr.

Kamiya is rude and doesn't have an ounce of manners.

Kamiya is a retard and the worst part of platinum. Keep his qtes and gimmick stages away from DMC.


Not that user but that's a small price to pay for a game that's actually fun to play. DMC3 & 4 have a lot of depth but they're also bland with dull enemy designs and clunky controls.

No one cares about your blog lol

let's be real, all of Kamiya's games have pretty shallow gameplay compared to the depth in DMC3 or 4.

>DMC3 & 4 have a lot of depth but they're also bland with dull enemy designs and clunky controls.
Strongly agree on DMC 4, disagree on DMC 3. DMC 3 has great atmosphere, level design, bossfights, and many good enemies, it especially puts fucking Bayonetta to shame. Bayo 1 does not have interesting level design and has very few interesting enemies OR bosses, Bayo 2 was way better in that regard.

Spoiler, you can jump cancel in Bayonetta as well, and against enemies that actually attack you no less.

Every area and 90% of enemies in DMC3 are garbage. Bayonetta is loaded with outrageously good enemies with kickass AI that puts DMC3s to shame.

You are delusional, Bayo 2 is almost as good as DMC 3 in terms of areas and enemies but Bayo 1 is nowhere close and the combat is nowhere as good either.

>no u

DMC3 and Bayo both have bad bosses apart from the rival fights but none of the enemies in DMC3 are as good as Joy or Grace and Glory.

Would've loved it if DMC1's atmosphere and tone had been preserved honestly. But the gameplay in 3 and 4 is fantastic.

Dude fuck off. The only fun enemies in Bayo were Gracious and Glorious which were just an Agni and Rudra rip off.

>Viewtiful Joe
>God Hand
>Wonderful 101

Kamiya is great as a one and done guy. Contrarians can fuck off, but I don’t think him staying with Devil May Cry would’ve been a benefit because we may have lost the above games as a result and Devil May Cry 3 and 4.

>dull enemy designs
All enemies except the chess pieces look pretty cool and are distinct enough that you don't confuse one type for the other in battle. The sins for example, each attack differently and are usually put together in way to keep you thinking of when one or the other will attack when you're dealing with another enemy(red sins lunging around while you deal with purples, for example).

>Key puzzles have no place in a videogame
>Devil May Cry is better

grace and glory are exactly the same as agni and rudra, just easier.

Pig Nose Lady BTFO

How can shitty tryhard Lady even compete with Mama Trish.

kamiya had no involvement in god hand

Your post is the same as the shit I just took, but smaller

Bayonetta 2 is way better than 1 though.

At least the enemies in DMC3 actually fight back instead of standing around doing fuck all like in Bayonetta, I'll take uglier enemies that fight better than stupidly overdesigned passive enemies that stop attack when you take the camera off them any day

Well fuck me, my bad.

I stand by my point though.

It really isn’t. It’s a fine game that cuts a lot of the bullshit, which is a problem in a lot of his games, but the combat is much less satisfying


No, he was offering suggestions because he admires what God of War has become. Shit, he was inspired by God of War to make Bayonetta.

as important as it is, combat isn't EVERYTHING. The combat in Bayo 2 is slightly worse but literally every other aspect of the game is ten times better.

DMC1 has better gameplay though. More combos do not good gameplay make, you need to have good enemy design as well, not a lot of bland drones that barely attack and chess pieces that attack slowly once every 10 seconds.

And guess what inspired God Of War

Full circle.

wait, is Maria Holic still running?

To each their own.
I couldn't care less about how much of a fight the average mobs put up. To me the only thing that matters in regards to combat is the endless possibilities of combos you can pull off with your characters, the department that DMC3&4 are best known for. Having enemies that don't fight back just makes it even better for me personally.

>DMC1 has better gameplay

>DMC1 has better gameplay though
Lmao retard. And the enemies in DMC1 are just as retarded as 3's, the only difference being in 3 you have more tools to deal with them. Even then I find the enemies in 3 better since they have pretty good synergy when trown at you together(wich never happens in DMC1).

>the enemies in DMC1 are just as retarded as 3's
Wrong. Also, nothing in 3 is as fun to fight as the Shadows and Sin Scissors.

I agree with the shadows, but all enemies from the scythe family where trash, dmc3 angels had the same principle and where a lot better