Tfw I literally don't enjoy video games anymore

>tfw I literally don't enjoy video games anymore
I'm ready to die

how about finding a job and using the money to pursue other (aka better) hobbies

sure beats shitposting on Sup Forums in a fit of depressive frustration every day

play them anyway bitch

I have transcended into this life style.

The only thing im looking forward to is Squad v10 and whatever Valve shits out next.

>tfw life-long trends of falling in and out of enjoyment of vidya
>years where I don't care about games are the happiest and most productive
>years where I like games are kinda shitty but at least I have games

I'm an uneducated swine

start building gunpla models and work out

Holy shit you summarized my life in the past 4 years.

Spending time of Sup Forums complaining about that fact isn't going to help get it fixed.

It's called growing up. This is the point in your life where you move on to better hobbies.

>be CNA get terrible money for a lot of hard work
>get temp job with post office
>work on computer don't have to interact with anyone
>literally make double the money
>looking for another temp job before this one ends
>parents convince me to take the college route
>completely gloss over that I was a C and D student because of social anxiety
>can't find classroom
>peek head into class I think is mine and ask if this is the right class
>everyone just stares at me no responses
>sit in class and do surprisingly well
>"ok time for you to form groups of two"
>odd numbered classroom
>everyone else immediately pairs off
>no partner
>brain goes into meltdown mode
>don't go back to class again and just sit in apartment for two months living off my savings
>in debt now
>working minimum wage shit job at convenience store
>hours slashed and yet market manager demands we have more output

I really should just see a shrink and get autismbux or disability or something.

>bored of games
>just funnel my free time into work
>it's equally numbing but gets me money

>but gets me money
which can pay for top tier food.

You haven't found your next favourite game. Go back far enough and you'll find a game you love that you haven't enjoyed

>better hobbies
Find anything even remotely comparable, idiot. Cars costs thousands, guns cost thousands and ammo is extraordinarily expensive, the barrier of entry on shit like rockets is exceptional math skills, programming is a dead end and requires multi-disciplinary skills as well as serious educational investment, any art requires years of practice to produce anything in the realm of acceptability. None of them are capable of gripping an individual for potentially thousands of hours doing the same shit over and over again for as little as $500.

Gaming is the fiscally responsible option.


>Can't enjoy video games for a while
>Decide to go back and play some of my first games again
>I love video games again now
I don't care what any of you fuckers say. Luigi's Mansion and SMS still hold up rather well. And im gald I went back.

name the last 5 games you've played and i'll tell you why

Godd for you, playing games is a childish hobby, no self respecting man should be playing them after turning 16

I'm with you OP
Then again nothing gives me pleasure anymore

Congratulations OP, you grew up. I stopped playing games last year too.
But we’re here forever

I have money without having to slave away
Life is still shit, fucking normie

>Luigi's mansion

I could tell from the fluctuations in the ether that a nigger of mine was in this thread

Monster hunter comes in two weeks and I need to find another appartement before my dad kicks me out haha God help me

this is me to a T except I dropped out two years ago and now just do crypto

I don't enjoy porn anymore.

I still fap but sometimes porn doesn't take the pain away anymore.

Me neither but I'm a degenerate who can't stop touching myself

Shit was so cash my dude. I'll admit I found Dark Moon underwhelming and I very much disliked the Mission style gameplay.
I hope for the 3rd one we get another explorable environment maybe something like an expanded Peaches Castle during a masquerade party.

adding to this, I don't enjoy porn anymore but i have all this awesome quality porn i would love if i didn't have a dead libido

these all apply to me

haha le /r9k/ guys am I right???

Boredomlands 2
Resident Evil 4
Fallout NW

just do what i do and gamble all of your money on crypto

Never been to /r9k/ or Reddit in my life bro. Thanks for the (you)'s though I'll even give you one back.

>a bloo bloo I want it to end just kill me now let's get it over with
>kys then
>I-I'm scared....
Whiny faggots. You're all talk.


>tfw doesn't enjoy porn anymore because everyone has twice as big cocks as me

Mate you haven't even started good games

>t. /biz/

I stopped being able to get any enjoyment from anything about 4 years ago. I think about suicide everyday. I wish someone would just shoot me and be done with it.

Stop watching cuck porn then.

do it yourself

dude, just be yourself

you can get a guitar at 300 and play it for the rest of your life

eh, bigger dicks then mine are a turn on.

I'm not american so no gun.

I don't leave the house anymore

Any suggestions?

Literally fuck off with this xopy pasta meme post. OP may not have a jov but i do and even still i understand how OP feels

Too much anxiety to do anything. Too much anxiety to even play videogames or watch a movie or listen to music.

that's not the only way to commit suicide and you know it

But the others are too easy to fuck up

how do you even get out of bed?

I do backyard astronomy. Started out with a $200 pair of binoculars and some online charts.
I've slowly upgraded, but the barrier to entry is mostly just patience and a dark place.

And yet, conveniently, there's not enough anxiety to prevent shitposting on Sup Forums for multiple hours.

Not that guy but it's tough. I genuinely feel like a zombie nowadays and can't even delude myself into thinking otherwsise.

you haven't even bothered to look up anything

Give me easiest method that I can't fuck up

>programming is a dead end and requires multi-disciplinary skills as well as serious educational investment
What the fuck am I reading? Programming is incredibly fulfilling if you put time in. Any educational investment is self-taught and freely available online. The only resource you have to spend to get it is your time.

The idea that it's a dead end doesn't merit rebuttal.

wow you can't even google that
you're the worst type of "depressed" shit head
wants everything done despite bringing it all on themselves then can't even see themselves out

This doesn't even make sense, because using is gun is probably the EASIEST way to fuck up a suicide (and end up just brain damaged instead of being outright killed).

user, once I was as you are now. Believe me it can pass. You are much better than you think.

Don't tell me you seriously think shooting yourself anywhere in the head will instantly kill you.

but in the movies it does.

I've been like this for 8 years, 2 years ago I became NEET and it was exacerbated

Exitbag, but don't do it retard

user what has you down? is it the porn? depression?

>get a job to improve your depression

Made mine much worse. Wish i could go back to NEETdom. Wageslavery is a joke.

it mostly certainly will with a shotgun

Try cam shows. Nothing like seeing an 18 year old legal high schooler smearing herself all over with her own pussy juices.

>tfw only vidya i enjoy is online trash
>spend all my wages on machines to play overwatch, pubg and rocketleague

I hate myself

No it fucking won't. You can still survive that shit point blank. Look up shotgun suicide failures if you don't believe me.

Steady jobs vary wildly in quality, a better one exists for you out there.

I don't know what you're trying to say, sorry, work on your bait

It's probably just a phase. I've gone through similar feelings throughout the years, but the craving to play a really good video game comes back over time.

computer science is one of the STEM fields that has over 1:1 job openings and graduates. It's not too much of a meme, and if you can develop projects on your own and upload it somewhere, you can start applying to things. There are cheap accredited online courses you can take if you want that extra bit on a resume.

Things aren't hopeless.

Only if you're a fucking retard who blows off their mouth/face and doesn't point toward your reticular activating system at the back of your head

>tfw both aroused and butthurt when seeing big dicks

>too much of a coward to an hero
>even if i had the balls to do it my family would be devastated
there is no happy ending to this game

Wait for Sandstorm

This. It's a hobby where you can actually turn it into a job if you're dedicated enough as well. There's more software engineering jobs than there are people applying for them and it's a great field.

I'm not autistic enough to be a good programmer. I'm too dumb and shit with physical labour to do Engineering or a trade. What do I do to get good job?

Other than learning a language and how to apply that thinking to other languages school doesn't teach you anything you're actually going to use in real life at a job. They teach you what you need to know in the first few months there.

You have to be more autistic to get an engineering degree than a computer science one, no joke.

My older brother is a chad and did a mechanical engineering degree. He was in no way autistic. He worked on cars and shit.

You can still work on cars and be autistic. Engineering requires a lot more rigorous math and physics than computer science does. They're inherently harder and more autistic prone. Of course not everyone in STEM is autistic but a good chunk are