Aww, shit, anons. What are ya
Aww, shit, anons. What are ya
Other urls found in this thread:
Not sure. Im on my computer a lot more than I used to.
Whats a good horror game I can play in a few hours?
Might watch the end of the fucking world
random shoegaze vocaloid
pat the bunny, random midwest emo bands
Local pizzeria
Pretty good. Need a night to myself
get drunk and fap
Digital Devil Saga
Darling in the Franxx earlier and the AGDQ Soulsborne block now
Desert Punk
Rubbed one out to some loli earlier
Tired as fuck since I got like 1 hour of sleep last night.
Have a driving test coming up soon too, I'd like to finish that up finally
Max Payne 2
Sup Forums, /r9k/ and Sup Forums
Not this weekend
Sleepy. Been staying awake for really long and it is soon time to sleep. This will hopefully unfuck me fucked sleep schedule
Not sure yet. Maybe some PS1 games.
Just finished watching the new Pop Team Epic and Darling in the Franxx. Franxx is dull, but Pop Team Epic continues to amaze and delight. Can't wait for the next episode.
This thread
Had some homemade enchiladas earlier
Herohero Tom
A little cold, mostly quite comfy. Need to start being a bit more productive.
What did you think of Franxx?
dota 2, xenoblade 2, mario odyssey, mlb the show 17, nba 2k
nfl football, AGDQ
mount eerie, sigur ros
harry potter and the half blood prince
pizza rolls in a bit
dr. pepper
did last night probably wont today
9/10, its saturday not friday so only 1.5 days left no work
Don't really care for the mc or the pink haired bitch but the animation and action sequences were slick as hell.
My gf proposed to me a few weeks ago. I said I want to wait to tell people to let it sink in. Im not sure how I feel desu.
Star wars battlefront 2(old one)
Sup Forums
Guinness, rolling rock and miller lite
Like shit. Sitting around doing nothing all day but browse Sup Forums for the past month has done quite some damage on my mental state.
sims 3, ace attorney 5
sopranos season 4
this book about a bowling hustler in new york
mashed poatoes with chicken gravy
coffee schnapps and diet dr pepper
tonight its time to put my small doujin folder to work, katagari sisters probably
if you've been with her less than 3 months it's a cash powerplay
Otherwise, do it faggot
Its been a little over a year
Factorio now, XCOM later
seasonal anime yuru camp comfy aots, and some agdq
haven't decided I'll either make a pork loin or just end up ordering a sub
extra comfy, warmly watching anime and playing vidya
Siege with some bros
NFL in a bit, hockey tonight. Just got back from The Post and it was hype.
Silversun Pickups
The Golden House by Salman Rushdie
Dew unironically
Not atm
10/10 comfy, long weekend full of sports and gaymen with my bros on Discord.
Some Digimon Cyber Slut i guess. Maybe some Darkest Dungeon if I feel like it.
Oathbringer. I finally got it since my delivering service fucked up the first time I ordered it.
Some pizza.
SIP and water
Okay. I got a job I fucking hate but it pays well. I'm wondering what the fuck I should do.
EA Battlefront 2, baby! (saw TLJ)
Happy, the SciFy tv series, it's fucking awesome
Nothing atm
The Human Division, by John Scalzi
Who would have thought that doing series of push-ups randomly during the day would be so beneficial for my body
Don't do it, stay safe, there is literally nothing in marriage for a man. It only allows her to fuck you over even more when she leaves. a chick who proposes makes a bold move, she's desperate
I fucked up the spoiler on the first
Go for it mydude, if she's stuck around that long she's not gonna cut and run, sounds like you got something half decent on your hands and it'd be a shame to miss out on it because you weren't sure
Dragon Ball FighterZ Open Beta
Darling in the Frankxx
Feng Shen Ji
Leftover pizza
I'm spent from last night.
Pretty horrible, but it's the weekend so it's not all bad.
fist of the North star
Surf rock
Nothing much, probably gunsmith cats and Sup Forums
Chicken or pancakes, depends on my mood
Water and milk
Found a pretty okay P5 doujin (harlem)
Burg later
Got a 6 pack of Blue Moons, and then it’s another week before I can drink again.
Already done.
Rimworld, Tekken 7 and maybe some Darkest Dungeon
Rageaholic Cinema
Some nerd podcast about tabletop rpgs.
Sup Forums and some discord servers
I just ate a ham sandwich and will probably get some soup at night.
Water, maybe some "wine" later
Shit, i don't know yet. Maybe some of those japanese sister asleep shit.
My friends wife was the one who proposed. She died 6 years later in another guys bedroom doing ecstasy
sorry, i forgot
ok i guess.
The Witcher 3, REmaster
AGDQ, Philip Defranco show
Piano Sonatas
The Magicians
Diet Dr.Pepper
Best girl Jill and Pyra
Might pick up a game for my Switch, not sure what though.
Just finished Devilman Crybaby, might fire up a movie. Not too sure.
Not really in a music mood tonight.
Sup Forums
Might get pizza or Chinese.
Water, probably.
Twin MILF, maybe.
Like dogshit. I'm failing all of my classes, I don't want to go to school anymore, and I feel like I can't talk to anybody anymore.
thanks user. Shes a really good girlfriend to me. She leaves her phone off when we do things. I show her manga i've been reading and we watch shows on netflix.
The sex is pretty good too.
Its all just happening so fast. Im only 21 and still live with my parents. Its all a little scary.
Playin Pic related
Stargate Atlantis
Nah not tonight my dick is still a bit sore from this morning
Disappointed, been trying to cut down on my drinking recently but I couldn't resist the urge again
Yo that menu art looks sick.
WoW with the GF, probably some doom after (the old as shit one)
Jew tube
Nigga, I'm fucking stupid
Heading out to the bar with the GF
Vodka and cream ale
GFs coming out so IDK if she'll get too shitered to do anything
Not that bad, OP, thanks for asking
Bouncing back and forth between a few things. Finished Shovel Knight last knight, starting on Plague Knight. Deciding if I want to do a fresh run of Resident Evil 7 or Resident Evil 4
Bought a bunch of new movies for the server. Watching American Made currently
Movie Audio
First Novel of The Eye of the World series
Finished my Rocky Bolboa wrap from Muscle Maker grill
Sugar Free monster ultra white
Curvy MILF face sitting and mom-dom
Not too bad. Just glad I'm not at work. Fuck that place.
splatoon 2
fucking NOTHING
Sup Forums and /mtfg/
perogies or something later
the last of my alcohol
good but missing gf feels
>Its all just happening so fast. Im only 21 and still live with my parents. Its all a little scary.
Hey man, now's the time to start living in that case
Better to trip and fall having fun then live safe and boring
Why is this in my recommendations?
Is there any good Old school games fun playing on a big screen+controller? I played Sony Mania last time, not sure what about now
Red Orchestra 2 then some New Vegas later.
Live PD and Eagles/Falcons game.
John Denver and some other shit from my comfy playlist.
Sup Forums shit
Had a hot sausage sandwich and leftover Flanigan's fries.
Chai Tea right now. Maybe Arnold Palmer and vodka later.
Toss up between Riley Reid or Naomi Woods.
Comfy. Enjoying a 3 day weekend courtesy of king nigger.
Also tired and pissed cause my friends want to go to the beach but I really wish I lived somewhere cold so I wouldn't have to worry about that.
Losing my mind playing Catherine.
Rewatching TOS.
Lesbian JAV's.
Catherine is killing my happy mood.
if I could take a pill that would make me forget a game so i could play it again, I'd pick ace attorney. but if that isn't an option, i'd pick new vegas. every run it's just, you know too much, you know what items vendors carry, what items to pick up, what places you can skip over.
Going to finish up ffvii then may pick up ffxii again
Music from 2008
Sup Forums and Twitter
Idk maybe chicken
Whiskey and coke
Who can ever know
Ok feeling nostalgic for music ten years ago
Robo Recall and other VR stuff
Rewatched La La Land last night. Not sure what to watch tonight, suggestions?
BROCKHAMPTON, Run the Jewels, Gucci Mane, Kanye
lol no
Going to get In n Out with friends later
Splatoon 2 and the Dragon Ball Fighterz beta
Sup Forums
BBQ chicken wings and fries
Not tonight
Meh. Some drama going on in my group of friends and even though it doesn't involve me I'm still in a crappy mood.
Yeah sadly. No matter how much my brain tells me not to do a certain thing in that game, I do it. I almost always run the same build, complete main quests in the same order, etc. Maybe I'm just autistic, but I wish there would be a huge overhaul mod that changes lots of spawns and shit
Doing weird shit bot lane in LoL, maybe Bioshock later
A playlist I made for a grill
Sup Forums
Just made breakfast at 4:30 PM, english muffin with sausage and cheese on it
Coffee, I have peach tea for later
Not really feeling it, life has been shit recently and I don't really have the urge
Fucking awful, a girl I'd been talking to online came to visit two weeks ago and we had a great time and I started falling hard for her, after she went home she had a very harsh depressive episode and that caused me to have one as well so I panicked to try to keep her from an heroing and made it worse by saying I really cared about her. She calmed down and is ok but doesn't seem to want to talk to me anymore because I was terrible at handling it, I also used my other friend to keep talking about her to make me feel better and she's had enough of it and called me selfish and emotionally abusive to her and blocked me from everything, and the girl that came to visit me hasn't talked to me since Wednesday and I've been pondering suicide every day but I'm too much of a bitch to do it, and if I die that means she wins and that her not talking to me really affects me. I'm seeing a therapist for my own problems next week and she probably won't want to talk to me until then, I'm just scared that she's going to completely forget about me like I never happened even though she said she really cared about me too.
Also it snowed really bad and I had to leave my car and walk 2 miles home in the snow last night and that sucked.
What music from 2008 user?
Over the top
You lucky fuck. I went out west for a week and probably had Inn-n-Out at least 5 times. Enjoy that, Hardee's, and Jack in The Box you lucky fuck.
>your FEELAN
You dodged a bullet user, she sounds emotionally and mentally unstable.
Don't have any suggestions, just wanted to say your setup looks real nice user.
>Catherine is killing my happy mood.
>Losing my mind playing Catherine.
Don't like it, then?
gonna go to bed
Kotor 2.
GDQ cringe fiesta.
Antifragile, by N.N. Taleb.
Chicken breast with potatoes and onions.
Fuck's sake, I wish it didn't have to be this way, I really like her but I had no idea this was going to happen, I've been a fucking wreck since it did, I just want her to either say I'm a fucking monster for what I did to our friend by using her or that she just doesn't want to talk to my anymore, both will really hurt to hear but the anxiety of waiting hurts even more. This is the first person in five years that I felt like I could be happy with.
Pillars of eternity
Violet evergarded
Old game informers
Dont know yet most likley trash, same goes for DRANKAN
Like shit, Dog just died last night. Was only four years old and died too kidney failure.
Nah, I like it. It's just that I'm too stupid to figure out all these puzzles, I've been stuck on this boss for like an hour. I refuse to look up the solution.
No offense, and it's not what you're gonna want to hear, but you need to cut both of those girls out of your life completely and immediately. You aren't emotionally abusive for looking to your friends for help and if you're not in a good place emotionally you need to be around people that aren't going to drag you down. Keep seeing your therapist and try to find some better friends.
>Violet evergarded
resi 2 finishing leon B
the shape of punk to come
research for a paper
had leftover pizza earlier
last night i had cold lager with the pizza and some cheap scotch after dinner. today is tea and water
the adhd meds im on
> Playing FO4
> Watching Cowboy Bebop
> Listening my neighbor having sex
> Reading Humanslayer
> Eating nothing
> Drinking Lambrusco
Either SMT IV Apocalypse or Devil Survivor 2
Want to start a laid back anime... Any recommendations?
Persona Q OST
Sup Forums
Chocolate bars
Capri Sun
I dont even know if its good or not gonna 3 episode rule it
Pacific Rim
Persona 5 ost
Overwatch sfm
Made in Abyss
The friend that called me emotionally abusive just knew what buttons to push, she kept sending paragraphs about how selfish I am to her but she's the one that enabled it by asking me about it and then saying "I have my own problems stop talking about yourself and femanon all the time" and said I need to fix myself. Then she kept saying she needed a break from me and when I told her that's fine we can do that she kept sending messages telling me to stop talking and I said "If you don't want to talk to me why the fuck are you still typing" and she said "Wow that's emotionally abusive" and blocked me, I keep hearing that phrase in my head
I'm doing my best not to think about it all of this but it was just two days ago and I can only distract myself so much until therapy starts
Unless your immediate feelings were "OMG YES", don't do it. It's too big of a life commitment to go into with a "meh" attitude.
Either Final Fantasy III or King of Fighters '97 if I finally manage to pick my fat ass up.
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. Two episodes in. I was thinking of skipping ZZ, but apparently it's worth watching at least once despite its flaws.
Nothing atm. Need to finish JoJo part 5.
Ham sandwich earlier.
Diet coke.
Asian stuff. Fucking hate Japanese censorship.
I've had a few temperamental outbursts in the car, one of which was heard by a few co-workers. I think I might need to bite the bullet and seek help. I'm stressed, angry and depressed.
never ever let a girl, except possibly your hot aunt, guilt trip you into anything. they can get that bullshit from anybody else, don't be theirs. girls have the easiest lives on the fucking planet and act as if they don't
Work on your mental fortitude. Sounds like you are with therapy, but you're probably an intelligent young guy with a lot of options. Don't let any emotional crazy cunt take fer insecurities out on you.
ZZ is worth watching at least once, though most of the returning characters from Zeta apart from Haman get shafted.
Thanks, man! That looks great!
You realize how fucked up that is, right? What she was doing was actual emotional abuse. Rather than trying to put it out of your head altogether, try to stop thinking about how bad that felt or how much you might miss her and realize that she is an extremely negative influence on your life and that things can only get better once you've cut her out of it.
some shity twitch
apples, and some chocolate
water, milk
no fap
ok right now, i really want to buy a switch to be 100% comfy in my bed not on the chair
>If you don't want to talk to me why the fuck are you still typing
>wow that's emotionally abusive
Ok, cut her out from your life completely. Seriously, that is not a friend. I don't care how long you have been friends with her for, she's probably taken advantage of you in the past and you never realized it. Maybe play the waiting game with the girl you liked, if you truly feels she's worth it. Imo, she's not cause she sounds emotionally unstable. But if she's worth it to you, wait it out and hope for the best. Also you need to nut up man. Stick with your therapist and forget about that fake bitch in your life that's making you feel guilty for no reason at all.
>it's a normalfag blogshit episode
Black Mesa, VR if I'm feeling it
Nothing right now, might start a new anime
My collection of music on Youtube
Goblin Slayer
Good, my dudes. Can't wait to finish up Black Mesa so I can start with Half-Life 2
Liar Game
Corn Pops
Not feeling like it
Tired but good!
Animal Crossing New Leaf, Pokemon Silver.
Maybe start watching Futurama again.
Big L
Sup Forums
I probably have more options than I think I do, but the best one turned out to be the worst one and it really blows, she's an awesome person and I didn't know any of this was going to happen
Persona 5, Up against Shido.
Path of Exile, 31/36 achievements for the portal effect.
It's one thing when some Chad comes in and starts posting about how he fucked another girl behind Stacy's back or how he's worried about proposing next week, it's another when a poor user is getting jerked around by some psycho girls.
2 player Switch games with gf and our roommate
Nick TMNT and some TIHYDP
Ween, so strange
Pork chops and veggies for dinner
debating on it
that spicy winter depression
Dragon Quest 11
House of cards
Don't think I will today. Maybe tomorrow.
Played some Civ earlier, but I have work tonight.
Godzilla vs Mothra
Nothing at the moment
Nothing at the moment
Cowboy Fries
Fapped to trap doujin earlier since ahegao and prostitution are my favorite
Like I don't want to go to work, yet know I will regardless.
Dunno yet, may play Life Is Strange or Divinity 2.
Might rewatch a couple episodes of some weebshit, or maybe AGDQ
Lies of Locke Lamora
Dunno yet, can't really plan that when i'm not hungry
Water, coffee, maybe tequila or rum later?
Dunno yet found out i'm bi from recent convention experience
Kinda numb and forgotten. I just want someone in my life to show concern for me or want something to do with me without there having to be a personal incentive for them.
In n Out can't be beaten. I'd honestly take it over a gourmet burger any day. Jack in The Box is in the West only?
I know and I'm still having a hard time dealing with the fact that I let this drive me to almost throwing myself off the top of the parking garage, I'm fucking 22 years old and this girl from Arizona is going to fuck up my life? Fuck no, I'm going to therapy, I'm just mad now that she let me get attached before going off the deep end of a parasuicidal excursion to fuck my brains out and sleep next to me, if I had known I would have never picked her up from the bus station
started Unreal Gold and the Witcher today. I tried the Witcher before but got bored. I want more RPG, less perfect polak cRPG. But we'll see.
watched the Act of Killing today. fucking crazy movie. Anwar did some wrong but I still like the guy.
bill burr
gotta get something don't know what
Okami HD and EOV, probably ought to reach a save point in Okami and turn off my PS4 so I can pack it up.
Maybe the science channel or something, I really only use TV for background noise.
A friend of mine told me about this band a week or two ago but I actually stumbled on this track on my own a few days ago. I thought they were Vietnam war era from the sound of it but I just found out yesterday that they've only been around since 2010.
Got a few threads on /an/ I'm looking at right now but I'm not actually reading anything
Had a quesadilla, it was okay
Coffee, water
Some sleepy eyed creepy loli doujin, good shit
Not too god, still gotta get packed up so I can leave for school tomorrow because I spent all day yesterday doing nothing. Wish I didn't have to go back, I want to live like this forever ;_;
Depressed. Lost the Grove Street boys in a police raid, I tried to escape and now I’m injured. I will miss you, Big Smoke, Ryder, etc...
>I probably have more options than I think I do
Nigga there are 7 billion on earth, you got options. I know it's cliche but sack up.
>the Act of Killing
literally a documentary about a man who killed about 1000 people single handedly, mostly by hand, in indonesia in the 60s as a part of a political purge. Anyone suspected in the least of communism or being chinese he killed. and the movie is that the director has told the guy that they're making a patriotic retelling of his heroic life, in order to stealthily drag out of him how he really feels about it all 50 years later.
I swear to god this is real life. it's incredible.
Haven't seen any in Florida/other Eastern states I've lived in. Only truly good burger I have here is Flanigan's. But it's not Inn-n-Out good. I honestly wish we had Inn-n-Outs here and Whataburger
Pic related trying out new PC. Probably going to reinstall New Vegas and some others too but I don't know what to play and stick to atm.
SW ep6 later
nothing atm but I have a big backlog sitting on my shelf
fry up this morning. probably full english with bacon and sausages
pretty good
I'll be good after therapy Monday, I've just been trying to keep myself happy by locking myself in my apartment and playing vidya all weekend
Oh shit, a girl I used to like moved to Arizona for college. Shit didn't happen exactly as yours did, but good luck niggerfaggot.