Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?
Also, Previously Recorded thread.
Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?
Also, Previously Recorded thread.
Other urls found in this thread:
you have 5 seconds to name a more reddit opinion than sonic was never good I'll be here all night.
Sonic is just hold right to win! It sucks!
>few years later
Sonic sucks because you can't just hold right to win or you'll get hit by an enemy!
"Ocarina of Time hasn't aged well"
"Half Life 3 shouldn't happen because it won't live up to the hype"
"MOBAs are good"
mike > jay > rich > dog shit > jack/josh
I honestly agreed with their sonic 2 sucks review. The platforming physics feels like a shitty pinball machine.
>BotW is actually as good a game as NintenoGAF/4Chin says
Is Jack even still with his wife? That last thread on tv was sad as fuck
>due to botw’s setup you’ll always have to deal with beardfat or aidsmoby unless there’s a guest
Goddamn it
>hating on based Jack
Literally why
Fuck AIDS Moby.
but sonic was never good. hes a mascot for autists, thats it.
>thinking jack is based
jesus, you have terrible taste. hes easily the least funny guy for the entire cast
This. He somehow manages to be worse than beardfat.
Nope. All anime characters are mascots for autists.
>That last thread on tv was sad as fuck
What happened?
>It's reddit to agree with 4 chan
>Replaced their reviews with those ugly as hell pixel drawings of themselves
Why do they have such shit opinions? Is it a Wisconsin thing?
It was a thread with pictures and updates from his wife’s private facebook and was all about how he’s has basically overworked himself into barely seeing his kids and how she’s crying every night and was moving with the kids back to her fathers house temporarily
Theyre going back to the old shit because nobody liked them. Only Jack was surprised.
Apparently it made editing easier because he only needed to edit audio instead of both and this cut the editing time down by a shit load. He did mention that theyre not leaving and it depends entirely on the length of the review.
>You see, difficulty is a relic of old arcade games designed to eat your quarters.
>as he posts reddit's autism mascot
the irony is palpable
>Watching suburban sasquach botw
>Plebjack unironically uses food analogies
>RLM thread
reddit-tier opinion my man. Piss off
>cringezuna ai macro
>a mascot for autists
One thing is for certain: Sonic games have always had pretty consistently good music.
t'was a thread on Sup Forums. That is what happened.
We really need a board for youtube and e celebrities. This is not video games.
There is no such thing as /ourguy/.
Sup Forums is not one person. Everyone here has there own opinions. Even if the website was to have a collective opinion. You'd have trolls and contrarians saying overwises.
You Sonic fans have no examples of why he was good in the first place. You retards got tricked by nice music and pretty graphics even though the Genesis games were a total clusterfuck. Then 3d sonic happened it it went to complete shit. So bad in fact, that the best sonic game in like 20 years was made by a fan.
Oh shit he is into Trannies?
>he didn’t read the facebook messages
Sup Forums posts this shit all the time
Because they're unique games by being momentum-based platformers that allow you to go very fast when you become skilled enough. Nice graphics and music, too. Most people that complain about them are too retarded to ever get decent enough at them to maintain speed, even though it's not hard.
>sonic le punishes you for going fast!!!
Every complaint about classic sonic
Aidsmoby might be retarded
Could say this about any game really. What makes Mario good for example?
I fucking hate rick, you can see he is a blatant goobergator but its being kept in line by mike and jay
What do the facebook messages say?
>you have 5 seconds to name a more reddit opinion than sonic was never good I'll be here all night.
metroid other m is bad
based redtext poster
Rick is too good for this world, he is our Ryan Davis replacement
Jay >>>>>>>>>> rich > shit > mike > anyone else
I miss Jessi's laughter
>Being this fucking reddit
remember when the meme was "you can win sonic by holding right xD"
I wonder if Jack thinks his kids should keep their online anonymity to protect them.
also a bonus video.