Anyone else play this recently? I was rebuilding my ps2 collection and bought this for 5 bucks. Aside from acting like it's barely holding itself together as I play it I'm having a blast. There's a surprising amount of depth to the combat. Is the PC version more stable?
Anyone else play this recently? I was rebuilding my ps2 collection and bought this for 5 bucks...
>no good matrix game
I don't know if it's that one or another PS2 matrix game but I remember realizing I could "git gud" and beat the shit out of the agents early on instead of running and that blew my mind
That game was fucking awesome, one of the few good movie games.
Not recently but I heckin loved this game when I was smaller
Also, love the way you pick the difficulty.
I went in barely expecting it to be playable after enter the matrix and it was so good. I always wanted to play like a survival mode or something but eh it's still good. The whole ending with the wachowskis being totally petty about the criticism was hilarious too.
All I remember from this game are the vertigo levels where you kill ants, how the fuck was that matrix related anyway?
I think the aiming and combat worked better on the console version. I haven't played the console since the game was new, but every so often I replay the PC version since it's all I can get my hands on. The aiming is a bit wonky.
this should get posted in "technology" threads more often
OP here, the aiming is wonky as fuck in the ps2 version. The jank just doesn't get in the way of the fun.
Weird since I just saw The Matrix again today and was thinking of this. It was pretty fun, the game with Morpheus and the one other chick was also decent.
You have to prove yourself fighting waves of harder enemies. Before you can pick your difficulty.
IIRC the tutorial level is a wave survival where the longer you survive, more dangerous enemies come to kill you, like first from barely armed cops, heavy armored swat team and I think the last one spawns an agent, so depending how much waves you survived in the tutorial with your skill level it's the difficulty setting that the game gives you, it's pretty cool
I believe it goes security guards, cops, swat, agent, anti-gravity badass, agent smith.
Don't you also have all the abilities available for the tutorial? damn that game was rad, haven't played it in ages though
Not cool. I want to pick the hardest setting. I'll smash my face against the wall till I get good.
That's gay as fuck.
They give you the option to to replay the (short)level. You want want the challenge? Earn it motherfucker. Beat Agent Smith.
>one of them choose pink
Guess he knew back then.
Enter the Matrix was pretty fun I think
The gunplay is really shitty though.