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Video Games #4036
Video Games
ITT obscure vidya you wish more people on Sup Forums would play
Is Eventide Island hard?
Why don't more games feature China as the bad guys?
Smell thread. Post an area out of any video game and describe what you think the area smells like. I'll start...
*blocks ur path*
Do you have gamer friends?
What went wrong?
B-b-but user, the hideo and kojima isn't a hack!
Is it really the peak of the action genre?
Jesus Christ Twilight Princess is fucking garbage
Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of this game?
What most significantly makes up Big Boss? The mullet, the bandana or the eyepatch?
Main character is a boy
Why isn't your cock bigger than this Sup Forums?
Your Favorite Game + A T-Rex
He uses character creators for anything but self-insertion
Hello. How's that backlog going?
Fan-game is better than the original games
Team NX
Poll: Did GTA Online ruin the series?
Where the fuck is it?
Worth playing? Are they all corridor games?
Can we have a serious talked about the prolonged adolescence and general decline of western men caused by videogames?
Presses mic button
X-Box One in Moon Land
ITT: games that are so old you shouldn't even bother playing them
Are there any games that depict realistic sword fighting where single strikes are often fatal and not this bullshit...
Overwatch pro Lucas “Mendokusaii” Hakansson wasn’t expecting to drop out of school. The plan, originally...
What are some games really depressing games?
What would you do differently if you knew life was a video game?
Do I really have to be as autistic about my skill increases and attribute bonuses in Morrowind as people say...
Best JRPG of all time?
Boy, what a fun game of the year
Just take a damn shower already!!!!
Turf War
I hope you guys aren´t buying the remaster for the switch, right?
What did they mean by this?
If you were in charge of Minecraft once 1.7.3 Beta was released, what would you do?
Is this game good
Is this still true?
All this talk about RE2 REmake, but when are we getting a Director's Cut REmake?
Looks like some gay furry shit
Is she the best Sonic girl?
It's happening
Just purchased a game on steam
How's that youtube channel coming along Sup Forums?
How would you make a Misery game?
Dark Souls Remastered (Nintendo Switch)
Post your age and the one game you STILL haven't played
Buy my game, Mr
“I remain convinced that in principle, video games cannot be art. Perhaps it is foolish of me to say "never...
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
But what ARE video games?
Now that we know for sure that Other M didn't kill Metroid, was it really that bad?
Press R3 to instantly refill every character's HP, MP and Limit bar
Should emulators be made illegal? It's basically pirating a console
Robot Cache, an upcoming platform from inXile CEO Brian Fargo and former Atari exec Lee Jacobson...
Why are there no good Jeanne d’Arc games?
Videogame industry really need more cuteboys :3
WoW 7.3.5 and Beyond
DSP Plays Demons’ Souls
This is Ann Takamaki. She is a 16 year old model. Say something nice to her
This is a good day bros. Boomers will no longer buy every single PC part to mine internet coins
Classic FPS game
Vidya fish
I want to open a barcade in my shit city
Risk of Rain
What are some games that let me become the Ubermensch?
Do any of you collect video games or videogame related things like books or figures?
Name a vidya character that's not a 2hu that could defeat her
Super NES Classic
Witcher 3
What's the comfiest city in a video game?
XSEED is teasing three games for this year. Straight from their FB page
Is this game worth my time or is it just for those looking to scratch the jrpg itch?
Sup Forums should I get an Xbone or ps4
Why haven't you bought a Switch yet?
What are some games to play with my son?
I know your game is never going to get finished, and nobody will ever play it or be interested...
Definitely not futa
Two and a half (2.5) months since the announcement
Was he right?
ITT: Games you like but you never saw anyone mentioning it on Sup Forums, not even once
Nobody comments on your Steam profile
Rorikstead...I'm from Rorikstead
Any must have Steam games?
Why did they cancel that amazing cyberpunk bounty hunter game so we could play Bioshock but with less polish and SJW...
Predict 2018's Game of the Year
Crapcom Does It Again!
Play Friday the 13th: The Game
So aside from Odyssey and BotW what are some good worthwhile Switch games?
So, whats yout opinion on this game Sup Forumsros?
The Switch has no ga-
Why do pseudointellectual millennials hate this comfy ludo? Is it because of e-celebs?
Why do the japs hate god so much?
Metroid V
Hey, Sup Forums. Look what I got
I decide to play the Disgaea series games
What the fuck is going on
People expect the Yuzu emulator to work, when the Citra emulator runs like hot shit
What games have actually fun desert levels?
If this were my entire physical game collection, and you had no idea which digital games I owned...
Can we have a thread for Xenoblade 2 reaction images?
When your cool uncle loves you more than your own father
Buffer than /fit/
How many people on Sup Forums actually have a job?
Ubisoft teasing something Nintendo-related
Easy Allies GOTY
Why is XIII so shitty yet Claire is absolute perfection?
You have to get a video game tattoo, against your will. Otherwise, all your game saves/save files will be deleted...
No webm thread
Dragon ball fighterZ on the Nintendo Switch!
Are you going to buy DSFix for $79.99?
Super mario is a good ga-
So what exactly happened to this franchise?
Now the dust has settled
Redpill me Rainbow Six Siege
Dev actually listens to the community
Pokemon Switch
What was literally the first game you ever played Sup Forums?
So how about that Dissidia NT beta?
The average dark souls 2 player
I seriously hope you don't do this, Sup Forums
What's the best game you bought for 10 bucks or less?
Is it wrong to have feelings for 9S?
If you see a problem with this, you're a massive faggot who should be dragged out into the streets and shot...
What is your favorite TF2 class?
Famitsu Review Gives Monster Hunter World a Near-Perfect Score
Playing on PC in the dark
Who does Sup Forums like more?
Is DSP too intelligent for Sup Forums?
Why was this allowed?
Explain me the appeal of this shit
Jesus fucking christ
You know these Switch games are quite similar to the ones they have at Wii U
We don't want the new /vee/ audience
Steam Avatar Thread
Are sprites considered art?
Post Rare Videogame Secrets
It's my birthday and my wife got me a Switch. She didn't get me a game though. Gonna buy one in a few hours...
Easy to learn, hard to master
What the fuck is this game's problem?
What game teaches me how to romance vidya girls?
So now that the dust is settled... who is the real winner?
Gentle reminder that aside from sales numbers, PS4 has nothing
WoW 7.3.5 soon my friends
"what are you looking at?"
2017 is over, but what was your game of the year?
So PUBG and Fortnite are now hitting 3M concurrent players each, this doesn't include Xbone players of PUBG either
I need some especially immersive games that let me forget about the outside world for a while
Fire Emblem Warriors vs Hyrule Warriors
Ryu nooo!!!!
What are some games where you can get replaced
What is the best wresting game?
Expect game to get easier
Brb smoke break
/v seems to be inching closer to /b and /pol levels of shitposting every day. I'm just here for the vidya
After seeing the fallout of the new Dragon Ball game I was thinking...
No studio japan logo
ITT: Games that were too hard for you
What is objectively the best game ever made?
ITT: Sup Forumsidya jokes
What's Blizzard's endgame?
Which is better?
How would Link fare in the Dark Souls universe?
I want to work in nipsland Sup Forums
Bullfrog devs announce Theme Hospital successor
Thoughts on LTG? I've started to enjoy his content a lot lately, is he Sup Forums approved?
Playing through this as my first Yakuza. What am I in for?
ITT: We post the undisputed kings of their respective genres
Who's the most interesting and developed video game protagonist?
Why are manchildren triggered by realistic art direction?
Western game
Post actual trash developers. Developers who have never made a good game and have only made absolute garbage
Kirby Switch and Bayonetta 1+2 are pre-loadable right now months before they are to release
The main character of the las game you played has been swapped with baiken
Hollow knight
Why aren't you playing the best Blizzard game ever right now ?
Battle theme is calm and serene
Here is your controller bro
Make an e-sport game
Let me guess, old saves will not work with this?
So with the Flood hinted to return in Halo 6 through
How the fuck do I stop walking into attacks and killing myself so much? Why am I so fucking bad at this game?
Breath of the wild
Nintendo hasn't made a truly good, innovative, non-gimmicky game since Gamecube. Prove me wrong
What are you emulating right now?
Why do people like Paper Mario so much?
What went so horrendously wrong...
Why do people buy overpriced vidya chairs?
Mfw I realized that GPU price inflation due to miners is actually a conspiracy by Sony and MS in order to force us to...
Recommend me a game based on this image Sup Forums
Show a shortcoming
"To my knowledge...
He uses machina
Remember DSPs new GF? Well she was a prostitute all along
Exactly what's the appeal of an fps with no jumping?
Am I the only one who liked Ethan?
Dragon Ball Fighterz
Why doesn't Sup Forums like FFVIII?
I miss them
What the fuck was her problem?
How do we get Marxist shit out of our games?
Whatcha eating before you get started on that backlog user?
Battlestation thread
ITT: essential PS2 games
Webm thread
ITT: Most cancerous fanbases
It's actually fucking happening
I'm 27 and just found out I need glasses
Start liking Camilla!
Best war game? rts,fps anything goes
Another wanderer, here to lick my father's boots. Good job
Could her be /ourguy/?
Why don't you own a comfy 3DS? What's wrong with you?
Final Fantasy XV has bombed
MHW gets near perfect score from Famitsu
Fate Grand Order
ITT: games that aged like milk
Should the series go back to the way it was in the Adventure era?
What's your favorite NES game?
6th generation console thread?
Why aren't you playing SFV arcade edition right now
For Honor
Resident Evil has best girls
A decade has passed
What Gwent wrong?
Paragon is fucking dead
A bit over an hour left until SOMETHING?
How many years 'til the piracy floodgates open?
Notch is developing the next billion dollar franchise on Twitter
Do u know da wey?
So we all agree that female Miqot'es are generally the best/most skilled/knowledgeable players in Final Fantasy XIV...
So, going for the "true ending"
Would you add anything?
Savepoint is fake
A Canadian man is facing federal charges after allegedly flooding over 1,000 Twitch channels with 150...
What exactly made it an instant classic?
So, is VR worth it yet?
Why is the battle system so good?
How do we fix the horror genre?
F-Zero NX looks more and more unlikely the more research I do. Downloaded Fast RMX, but it sucks...
Ratchet and Clank games just vanished
Check out my rayman raving rabbids fanart i made when I was 12
So what was the verdict on this?
Go to twitch
ITT: Franchises that were Murdered
I can get one of these at retail price...
Why is Sony man always smiling? Why is he golden?
Is The Witcher 3 the most divisive game ever made? I've never seen a game with such high praise from some...
Filename thread
What determines if a game becomes one of Nintendo's "Selects...
Shenmue 3
Remind me why we're supposed to hate Marie again?
WoW Classic General
Sup Forums is too stupid to understand this
How do you feel about grammatical errors in your video games?
Just Release it already im how what difference will 3 weeks make
Fuck you, i liked it
SFV AE Hype thread V2
Hi I'm from Louisiana an this is my first snow day. Work sent us home
Monster Hunter World Gets Near Perfect Review from Famitsu (39/40)
What games lets me forget how bad Star wars VIII was?
Name ONE objectively good game released within the last year
What are your thoughts on Princess Peach, royal ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom?
Best gamer food
Dragon Ball Fighterz
Sum up Sup Forums
Sup Forums believes in free market
Comes out in 3 days
Well Sup Forums?
FINAL Fantasy
Killed this fat fucking arsehole the moment I saw him. am I fucked now?
Why did the falsely portray Hitler as a bad person?
Meanwhile at Hog/v/arts
Is he done now? Will he stop playing games and streaming?
ITT: Post your million dollar game ideas
So we all agree the game is finally top 5 of all the FF's right
Souls armor
Coworkers start talking about petting loli girls in VR Chat
Bayonetta 1 & 2 launch on switch in 1 month, I missed the first game on PS3/360...
Let's remaster an unfinished game but not actually finish it, it'll be hilarious
ITT: Autistic things you do while playing games
Game requires Quicktime player to be installed
Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition
What announced game gets your dick the hardest?
How is THIS acceptable?
DOAX new character revealed
What went wrong?
Theme Hospital spiritual successor Two Point Hospital announced
What are some must download Fallout 4 mods?
Husbando thread
Why do girls pretend to like videogames and then dress up like them?
Best game of 2017??
Imagine being that much of a pathetic depressed fanboy that you spend most of your time being a console war shitter...
I nickname my pokemons because nobody calls their dog dog
Fighter Z vs Xenoverse 2
Welcome to Sup Forums - Video Games
Was it Kino?
Ywn be a girl
FIFA 18 Switch Has Officially Outsold The PS4 Version In Japan
Nintendo bonus is not rea-
What are some games that make stop thinking about suicide?
Why aren't you playing VRchat? All the cool people are
BTC is falling
Be chad, genuine nice guy
John Romero, aka the God of FPS, thinks the latest Wolfenstein game is the best yet
W..will we ever get a good vydia set in the Hyborian age?
What video games does Natalie play?
Can we discuss this?
You hear you lose
Good lord what has happened to the YouTube gaming community
New Gundam Breaker
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 > Persons 5
Is this as bad as people make it out to be?
How would design a (Sup Forums) videogame, Sup Forums?
What's the verdict Sup Forums? Was it a good game worth the price?
Are there any games about sailing?
What was his problem?
The witcher 3 has bad combat
Have video games gotten you into any non-gaming hobbies?
Why have I been playing this for 3 days straight?
Made a Getting Over It video that’s actually funny
Ahead of the publishing the game in China...
Preach it brother. It's bullshit that roastie whores go for Chad just because of some stigma around gamers
Secret of Mana Remaster
Which black phantom gave you the most trouble in the Souls series?
You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have a gaming PC
Forgotten Hope 2
Valkyria Chronicles thread
Why do girls love Stardew Valley?
Do you suffer from bad posture from playing video games Sup Forums?
Legend of Legaia
Everything 2 shots you and you have limited healing/checkpoints
Wtf I hate mario now
60 hrs into this game and i only beat normal once on the foundation cruiser with the flak 1 strat...
Leave battle royale to me
Mfw Diablo 2 isn't remastered
How do we save jap games from this misery
Come home weeb man
Yakuza 0
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Dragon Ball FighterZ
What's the solution to The Problem Sup Forums?
Game set in the future
What are some games where I can romance single older women?
*Elevator Stops*
What games would be considered core for a so called "ironic weeb"?
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed over Randy Pitchfork? Can someone give me a quick rundown?
Is there a more wasted IP?
He killed thousands
Give me one good reason you're not using inverted controls
Why is this series failed so miserably that it doesn't get a new sequel? I personally enjoy it desu
Evidence points to a Nintendo Direct coming later this month
You hanging in there Sup Forums ?
What are some games that "do loot crates right?"
Oh EA, when will you learn ?
Some Arabs in Hong Kong are making a kemoshota 2d action platformer game
White birthrate declining
Monster Hunter World
AGDQ 2018 cringe
I want to live in japan Sup Forums
What went wrong?
Why the fuck is dressing up as vidya characters a thing?
Are Nintenbros ready for another 5 years of 720p 30 fps?
What are some games that take place in 80s Japan?
*saves video games*
Why do you weak pathetic basement dwellers play dark souls and fsp trash when you can enjoy girls AND tanks? fun...
ITT: games that made you ask WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?
It won't feel right on Switch
AC origins
What is a role playing game?
Well, Sup Forums?
But liking loli totally makes you a mentally ill pedo scum degenerate
Screenshot thread
I'm just getting around to starting the witcher, any advice for a newcomer to the series...
Show me you're go-to Gamer Fuel, Sup Forums
How long do I have to wait for actual variety in the Joy-Con colors...
How could it have been better?
/ctt/ - console-tan tuesday
Bloodborne…is just too hard
By the gods. You! But it can't be! You're dead! You!
Who is the target audience of this character?
Jew hate thread
ITT: times when Sup Forums got BTFO
Why are the first few hours of this game so comfy, bros? Everything feels so laid back before you get to spookytown
Not a single one of my friends on Steam has a Ugandan Knuckles related picture or profile name
Sup Forums will never been this comfy
Build 10k GPU gaming pc
You create your own character to free a strip of land from what is basically the christian Isis
How do you even kill giant cat boss?
ITT: Opinions that almost everyone agree with
I think I'l get into PC gami---
Games you play as a gay male
Why did this meme game get forgotten while Hat Girl is still going strong?
New dissidia thread
With the size of many modern video games ballooning to 50GB or more...
This game is so fucking bad it ruined its series. It was never able to recover
Find a flaw
It's over, SFV won
I wish games were shorter and just highlighted their key mechanics instead of being 80 hour grindfests
Dev thank you at the end credit
Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition
Well Sup Forums
Hey Sup Forums is there any games where you play as a THICC girl?
UK Charts: GTA V is back at No.1 226 weeks after it first came out
Make thread about video game
ITT Sup Forums chooses GTA VI soundtrack
Itt: gamer grub only redditors eat
Explain this shit
Defend this
If the mod community is robust and loyal, could this end up being the best game ever?
Screenshot thread?
Hey user, Ive heard youre good with computers!
Four Leaf Lover
Is RTS dare i say it... SAVED?!
How can CDPR top this scene?
So what the fuck happens to Samus when she turns into a ball? does she just not have any bones?
How is THIS acceptable?
So Sup Forums now considers having fun to be a "numale" or "soyboy" thing...
This is Nia from Xenoblade Chronicles 2
You're going to buy her game, right?
Boss has two heads
What are your hopes for 2018, Sup Forums?
What color Lambo are you guys getting?
Would you fuck this?
Cyberpunk 2077
Please watch my video
After doing some sidequests I decided to finish the main quest to finally throw this boring piece of trash away...
Oh no. We're in a video game
What are some games where a mutt gets BTFO by superior black gods?
Why doesn't Microsoft just buy Konami's catalog of IPs?
Kingdom Hearts III when??
Got my Switch on Christmas
How do i become a big twitch video game streamer
Rainbow 6 memes?
Why is Zelda series so revered when it's just babbys first RPG with the same boring...
This is Vivian. She is a cute shadow girl (female) who wants to help Mario save the world. Say something nice about her
Its over
About to start Persona 3, is there anything I should know going in as someone who's already played through 4 and 5?
Famitsu Review Scores
Counter twink
163 GOTY awards
Your move, Gaytendo
Game starts
ITT Muh Vidya SKILLS.... are gone!
No Adepta Sororitas game where you combat the temptations of Slannesh
Oh, hello. How do you do?
GOTY 2017
What will the average video game character look like in 2050?
How do you feel about grammatical errors in your video games?
What's the final solution to the soytendo question?
Are you ready for another year of disappointment?
Unpopular opinions
Why was game so popular?
The best AVGN episode of 2017 wasn't even uploaded on his own channel
The protagonist of the last game you played has been replaced with a loli. What changes?
3x3 Favorite Games
MARCH 8TH 2018
-Was considering buying the new GTX 1180/2080Ti Volta once it is released
Dragon Ball FighterZ DBFZ
Lootboxes in Red dead redemption 2 confirmed
Nintendo consoles are for soyb-
What went wrong?
He still hasn't bought Super Meat Boy on the Switch
A good bit into Witcher 3 and been enjoying it. Combat is not great but way better than 1 and 2...
Is there anything worse than seeing a grown adult still play video games...
What’re some games that feature references to other media?
Fire Emblem Heroes
So was this game actually bad or just meme bad?
Which games give you this type of feeling?
Solid snake: exists
Quick, fuckers!!! post your favorite childhood game! i’ll start
I knew GTA had some dark missions, but this one took it to the next level
Anyone else who chose the Deprived class for their first playthrough of Dark Souls?
Charatcer designer used to draw hentai
How do I play this game? there is so much shit in the interface that I don't know where to start
Persona is for nerdy shut i-
Astrologists proclaim week of the Heroes of Might and Magic 3 thread
What the fuck was her problem?
Annoyed. Why do most role playing games take place in medieval times?
What will you do with your videogame collection and videogame merchandise when you get older?
A Hat in Time
Da big boys
Where the FUCK is my werewolf RPG with pack hunting dynamics...
Did you ever get the feeling you only like a game because you're supposed to?
ITT: name me a fat video game character
How do you think the game will end?
You're good at video games?
Just missed selling a stupid fucking pubg crate for 5 dollars because of Valves stupid fucking authenticator push...
FFXV Royal Edition
Switch's success causes president to give it the death sentence
Learn about the LttP randomizer from AGDQ
Post your switch library
Been years since I played it
Black & White
Can you do any videogame character impressions?
This company has never even designed the back of a building before...
Got your Vermintide 2 beta key yet?
Itt: games with retarded stories but amazing gameplay and mechanics
Video game music that makes you feel sad
Who is the Mendicant Bias of gaming?
It may not have the best story in RPG history but it definitely has the best plot structure and pacing...
Game has """romance""" elements
*notices bulge*
Is it kino?
Name me ONE remaster that hasn't been a shittier version of it's original self
Why matured lady is always a best in Persona
Normal is too easy
Which Link is the strongest?
EA is a shit company
Game has playable mechs
Here about Dark Souls Remastered
God! There's so much WAITING in Ocarina!
ITT: Characters that are literally you
Why is she so prefect?
New 2D Metroid may already be in the works
User, I'm giving you the Prince of Persia franchise and a 100 million dollars to make a new game in it
UNIST Thread
Are we allowed to talk about how cute Morag is?
What do you do?
Which MGS is the best MGS?
Guys I just wanted to say you made this AGDQ amazing for me, thanks for all the memes
Halo thread
You Can Survive Any Fall in Marvel's Spider-Man
Vidya Reaction image thread
Did YOU get over it Sup Forums?
Is Persona 5 so good that it makes the rest of the series obsolete? I started with it...
Any gud top-down mindless shooters like Alien/Zombie shooter?
Find a flaw
Just started playing
Look what mommy got me for christmas, boys!
Switchfags jumped on the meme game bandwagon and spend $399...
Anyone know where i can get this on emulator? Ive searched high and low and have found nada
Tell me your MMO stories Sup Forums
Well that was a dissapointment
Why did they fuck it up? This should have been what REmake is to the original RE
So, is Donkey Kong Jr modern DK as an infant?
Thank you Kirby!
Is this worth playing. I've heard it's hard to the point of being completely broken
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Sci-Fi Souls
WoW: Battle for Azeroth
Your favorite musician makes a video game how does it go?
Maddox is making a video game
Why aren't you playing demons souls on PC RIGHT NOW? Whats your excuse?
Dbfz beta
Already outsold by the Switch in under a year
Why would anyone buy a switch when you can run BOTW on cemu at 4k/60FPS with a 1700x, rx580, and 8gb of ram?
Why did GTA V have zero likable characters?
Can someone tell Nintendo stop announcing so many great games? Fucking story mode, boys
Do I have any hair left after this?
1 year and 3 months later after announcement
Sup Forums is not full of EA leaks threads
I will post this everyday until E3
I have a question regarding the Resident Evil series
Anyone else play this recently? I was rebuilding my ps2 collection and bought this for 5 bucks...
Start playing a game because I fell in love with a cute girl in it
How do you stop raging?
ITT: Early Access games you fell for
ITT: good characters trapped in shitty games
Delineate a deformity
After all these years I haven't played any of Oblivion's expansion's yet. I've heard Shivering Isles is really good...
How. Do. You. Fucking. Aim
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
Television and Film
Video Games