This game is so fucking bad it ruined its series. It was never able to recover.
This game is so fucking bad it ruined its series. It was never able to recover
Even ignoring the fact it has no gameplay worth a shit past act 2, the story is horrible and fucks up the MGS lore. People that think that it's a "nice conclusion" are complete fucking idiots.
thats not mgs2
Am I the only one who ignores the games after 3? It doesn't ruin the series if you don't acknowledge it.
the two mgsv games are fun to muck about in though
PW was fantastic, at least
it got 10/10
Gorund Zeroes and Rising were great fun too.
mgs4 is a masterpiece
its been 10 years.
get over it
I liked 4 a lot.
Its my favorite game ever kys
Yeah sadly. 4 had great gameplay elements too. The whole octo camo suit was awesome. The little ring around snake to tell you where near enemies were helped a bunch. Being able to search enemies and knock em out by squeezing their balls was funny.
Shame that theres very little gameplay time for you to do this though but 5 lets you but its also a more bland setting and has its own problems.
>first game a fluke success because English translator was able to translate the autism with the Japanese
>He never does the rest of the series and it goes off the rails further and further
>Eventually assistant writer doesn't even help reel in Kojima on the last game and we get proto Death Stranding
Kojima is the Steve Jobs of Jap game development. Not particularly skilled himself but just good at ordering others around that happen to have good artists working under him that want the prestige of the brand.
True. Reminder that GZ >>>>>>> TPP
>little ring around snake to tell you where near enemies were helped a bunch
Yeah really useful until you get a literal radar in the top right of your screen after 20 minutes of gameplay
Didnt that require batteries or some shit? Either way i remember not needing it that much. Mainly because barely any game segments
The Threat Ring was pretty useless in MGS4 because you had the Solid Eye, the ring disappeared if you didn't move at a literal snail's pace, and its readability was really poor anyway, but GOD DAMN did I want something like it in TPP. TPP has this horrible polarization between knowing too much because of wallhack markers, and knowing nothing about your surroundings and having to bumble around blind.
The Threat Ring (also seen in Portable Ops and Peace Walker) was a fantastic abstract radar that gave you a vague warning of nearby enemies but couldn't be relied on utterly.
picture is an older demo version of the TR with a better readout btw
Rising is the only worthwhile MGS game of the last 10 years
>no gameplay
>gives you literally large levels with many ways to play around
>has an advanced stealth system
>has an advanced shooting system
>let you re visit Shadow Moses and you can freely go everywhere you want
But "Muh 20 minutes cutscenes therefore bad gameplay!".
This game is a masterpiece and you are a huge faggot
Nah that would be piss walker.
He can't even write a single code like Jobs, this is true, but Kojima worked years as an designer and story writer before being able to direct big teams, so he is skilled.
Youre ignoring the fact that you can only have fun gameplay in those first 2 levels because Geckos absolutely slap shit and are not fun to fight. While shadow moses revisit was cool, the base not filled with regular soldiers fucking blows dick.
Again, robotic enemies arent fum and are present in 60% of the game. Gameplay segments are sometimes behind 40 min cutscenes.
You are insane MGS4 was a good game and had an excellent story, go fuck yourself OP.
Op here, I meant to post this
This is true. I remember having to go out of my way to kill guards early (hunting every single one in the split path sneak sections) to make sure I had enough for the Altair costume at the end (Accidentally killed a pleb in Meryl boss and fucked my big Boss run).
>got the HD collection for ps3
>played 2 first because 1 wasnt included
>its boring as fuck, gameplay is shit and the story is bland
>get mgs1 on psn store
>apparently its better so why not
>boring as fuck, aged like a 60 year who still wears her school uniform
>su...surely 3 must be good, right? Sup Forums couldn't possibly be wrong about this franchise
>story is only a little bit more tolerable, ultimately a normie game for brainlets who like to think they're genius's for playing it
>decide to play MGR:R
>its actually fun and the story is great
Why do you morons like MGS again? This might come as a surprise but the story isn't a masterpiece.
>genre isnt what i like so the series is shit except for the one meme game that diverged from it
The genre isn't the problem. I love stealth games, Thief and (dare I say it?) Splinter Cell are great and I love war games. MGS can't tell a proper story or ulitise good gameplay so therefore, it's trash. MGR:R was so stupid and over the top that it was fun and the story didn't have to be some convulted occult bullshit that dicklet fans read deep into so they can search for "deeper meaning". Spoiler: war is bad >:(
>the story is great
Are you serious?
mgs4 just worsened that plot, without mgs4 it would be a decent self contained prequel story
Don't forget about PW which retconned several parts of MGS3 almost immediately through flashbacks
I want to forget. But yes, the series was already ruined at that point.
PW didn't retcon anything. Snake was just lying to keep up the cover story.
I'm talking about the MGS3 flashbacks.
>keeping up the cover story in your head
Reminder that if you hate MGS4 you're an certified pleb retard.
It's decent but a lot of stuff doesn't make sense.
I mean why did Snake have to crawl through that microwave tunnel?
>He has to defend the Mk. III !
He did shit
Implying mgs was ever good
You don't understand the style that asian media uses in its storytelling, especially japanese vidya.
Mgs2 is the best imo but both 2 and 3 are great and both employ a different type pf stealth from each other and from other games in the genre altogether, but it doesn't invalidate its gameplay just for not adhering to western stealth game conventions.
Loving 'war games' shows that youre a tryhard fag that cant enjoy fun games that dont take themselves super serious, and playing any series outside release order confirms youre retarded.
That's what you get when you threaten to kill a man's family.
Fairly certain it was MGS V that ruined the series. Give how it wasn't a MGS game at all
Story-wise, yeah, MGS 3 is the last game in the series.
>MGS 3 is the last game in the series.
are you brainded? MGS 3 is the first game Story Wise.
I enjoyed it and no one can convince me otherwise.
people enjoy all kinds of pleb shit
Chronologically, yes. I'm saying that any game made after MGS 3 doesn't count story-wise.
Kept ya waiting huh
>he used the solid eye instead of the iPod
>played 2 first because 1 wasnt included
>its boring as fuck, gameplay is shit and the story is bland
You didn't understand the story. And you don't understand and therefore imagine the impact the game had at the time of release. You had to be there back then, or you have to have enough intellectual capacity to empathize with its impact to acknowledge the merits. MGS2 is a masterpiece, the issue is between keyboard and monitor, or in your case between dualshock and tv.
What do you mean?
First two acts are great, exactly what I wanted from a MGS3 sequel (minus the absolutely retarded story that exists simply to answer stuff from previous games). The rest are absolute garbage, Act 3 in particular is a crime against MGS.