>Make an e-sport game
>Balance the game towards braindead normies and women
Blizzard never changes
>Make an e-sport game
>Balance the game towards braindead normies and women
Blizzard never changes
Pharah is my waifu so get your filthy subhuman paws off her.
>>Balance the game towards braindead normies and women
>no women in OWL teams
>no normies either
Good meme. Anyway, blizzard is way too incompetent to fix their game. It would require them to acknowledge the mistakes they made and remedy them. Then, they'd have to listen to Professional players/other devs who have more experience in FPS. This would destroy their fragile egos
You didn't realize they were a scummy company when they started charging subscriptions for the game that put them on the map with normies and women (i.e. World of Warcraft)?
>balance your game for your intended target audience
I'm failing to see how this is a problem. If you weren't a braindead normie yourself, you'd be playing an arena shooter or Starcraft anyway.
I wanna fuck Pharah
>make an esport game
First red flag
Crimson fucking flag. Blizzard was never good. People stuck on Diablo/Warcraft never played Gauntlet or actual Warhammer
>Normies and women are too incompetent that even though the game is balanced towards them, they still fail to make it into OWL teams
They don't even have to listen to pros, they should just stop playing it safe.
If they removed the revive mechanic the game would instantly be 2x better. But they won't. They would never admit the revive mechanic was dumb in the first place and could never work. They'll keep trying to rework it, leading to frustration for the entire community forever
I want Pharah to fuck me, with her perfectly normal female vagina
Mercy is literally ruining the whole game.
You could be the best Widowmaker pro that can headshot someone from the other end of the map blind but there will always be some dumb healslut that will simply revive his dom yelling "DID I DO GOOD MASTER? :3"
Game is horribly balanced just so roasties and nu-males will feel well playing a literal soy hero.
They should've reduced revive ult to a single target, put a timer on it and nerf her ult gain from healing into the ground, so if you wanted to save people often you'd have to work against odds and go full battle mercy for it.
Mercy is the worst thing I have ever seen in an online game I have played. To think that having a character that cancels out picks and good flanks with on press of a button is cancer, you add to that the fact she only has to press one button to fly to teammates she doesn't even need to good at movement and she is just horrible in every way
Only half of that statement is true.
>make an e-sport game
>make it boring to watch
>lose 50% of the viewer the second day
You don't know what you're talking about.
She has an outie pussy with neatly trimmed hair
Perfectly normal
Obviously it was the right choice since lawbreakers that focused on the "pro" scene, has failed spectacularly
>buff pharah's max fuel 30-40%
>holding right click increases her movement speed in any direction at the cost of fuel
>change ult to overdrive mode with increased speed in general and have rockets be heat seeking (not turn on a dime but will curve towards a target)
>maybe she takes increased damage in overdrive mode as well
-someone who doesn't know shit about game balance
Why are Overwatch waifus so fucking good? Even Moira is a fucking slut.
Blizzard magic
She's already in a good place. Why do you feel she needs buffs?
Because you are a retarded 90s kid who grew with nu-pixar.
Overwatch is impressive simply because it was able to produce attractive characters from America of all places.
The game looks like an average team fps though and esports is a cancer I hope we're free of sooner than later
>western art
There's a girl for every taste
I'm so sick of E-sports. I just wanna play FPS games for fun and not have to worry about some ranking system or have the game balanced around what "pros" want.
Why does all of pharahs sfm bodies look wrong to me. They all look too soft and feminine, it doesn't fit her face
I recognize that lesbian porn.
Can anyone impregnate all of them?
Even the black loli?
I want Pharah to dom me with her big fat futa cock.
tall women are the best
how the fuck do people want this this but even have the audacity to complain about chadman
this is fucking retarded ree
those are some terrible drawing skills...
No, femdom is gayer than 2 men fucking.
she's 11 so theoretically
that's just her big clit
>Being dominated by a woman
>orders you to give her good head or she paddles you
Nigga, you stupid.
>I want to be the slave of the black KANGS!
So this is what consuming Actiblizz "products" does to you?
Stop posting this kind of images, I'm trying to not fap.
thanks user
Bless this thread
It's sin. Delete this thread immidiately
I NEED an up-do Pharah skin!
Men dominate women not the other way around dingus.
She's not black retard, she's Egyptian. Just imagine her dressing up like an Egyption queen and tells you to go make bricks out of sand and mud and says to go make her a fucking pyramid or else she's going to whip your ass soo hard.
Pharah is for Mercy only!
Cancer post
Stop using all thos edgy buzzwords and post something that matters
>implying sniping someone is hard
>implying you cant just cap mercy while shes rezzing for 2 seconds
Actually get good idiot
Please more like this.
*half egyptian, dingus man
still all the best kind of delicious brown
t.confirmed homosex
Yeah the dude accepting his gender role is gay, not the dude wanting to be a woman.
source pls.
it sucks
the tall girl just speaks in american like how jap porn does the underage race car noises
camera guy sucks
>a man having sex with a woman is gay
You heard it here first, everybody.
>B-buff my character so the game is balanced
Shes perfectly fine if you cant play pharah right you are an idiot
post more, i want to see tracer dominated by pharah
Lena is not for bully
Why do people always post this disproportionate ginger midget? She's disgusting.
B-but >Imagine
Yes she is, she is going to get your asshole bullied by Pharah or Widowmaker's tongues.
>writing cuckquean fanfictions about your girlfriend and an actual murderer
Grade A mental illness.
kys she's fuckin' adorable
>someone loses the game by constantly being out of positions
overwatch in a nutshell
if you think that's actually terrible, you have never picked up a pencil.
go ahead try it right now and see what actual terrible looks like.
>Make one of the characters gay
>Need to know how to aim to play her
>LGBT trendriders who started playing videogames last week come in and pick her constantly
>Every match turns into a 5V6 because "asher" has to pick "zyr" dyke waifu
>literally says "kyaaa"
Holy shit it this 2009 again?
>Things that don't happen
>took this many posts for someone to finally post some quality
happened with 2 different tracers just last night
I stopped playing OW because I got good enough to be playing against skilled Hanzos and Widowmakers and it completely murders the pacing.
Being headshot is like someone running up to your computer and ripping your hands off the keyboard and mouse and holding them for 15 seconds. It's so boring. It kills pacing. It doesn't elevate the game.
>started dating a cute brown girl
>she’s 5’10 and never had a boyfriend before
>pure wife material
This pedophile's art looks like shit and people who masturbate it need to be put down like animals.
>shadman samefagging on Sup Forums
How low can you go
>tfw you'll never have a little gf with premature ejaculation issues
>be diamond shitter
>always solo que because no friends
>get 2 girls on voice
>one insta picks mercy the other one gets mad for her picking mercy
>they start being toxic to eachother and trolling ingame losing on purpose
fuck girl gamers holy shit.
Wish comp wasn't so cancer.
>wife material
my ex was like that.
>against skilled Hanzos and Widowmakers
Play D.Va and continually one shot them into switching off their puny 200 health targets.
Press rockets since they have a "windup" before firing, start flying, hit someone with your mech, melee them, fire cannons at their head while this is happening. Between 25 from mech and 30 from melee you only need 145 from missiles/guns to instagib/one shot 200hp heroes. It's especially fucking stupid when you manage to oneshot a support who was standing behind a Rein and/or Orisa shield. But don't worry, according to Mr. Jeff Kaplan himself D.Va'll never oneshot someone in a "real" game so it's not a balance issue that needs looking into.