Dragon Ball Fighterz

Bandai confirmed Beta will have another day, details not yet announced.

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vjump when

this 5 says in the next hour

When we find a trampoline sturdy enough for today's woman.

This kid comes in and takes 50% of your health bar, and gets 2 meter for doing so.

What do you do?


Actually this is not true, of course going from one button to another is 'harder' than just pressing one button.

Also as well in this game depending on how fast you mash a auto combo the moves get different properties. No joke. AAA AAA is not the same combo if you do it slow vs if you do it fast in this game. Even if visually they look the same.

Wait, is that tomorrow morning for us or for Japan? Because if it's for Japan then it should be tonight.

Throw out a raw level 3 on wakeup


when's morning
it's not harder by any significant amount
also what are the differences if you change the timing

And you're on equal level again now that you catched him in his retarded super dash approach

Use his superior version to beat his ass

24-32 hours

game is gonna be fun, i will try to give all the super guys a chance, but i have no fondness for any post-cell saga stuff since thats when i stopped watching.
Beta was incredible though when it worked.

crimson chinhan


I don't care. Every time I did a tutorial level I got kicked out of the lobby. I'm not going to play this beta if it won't even let me learn the basics.

morning in the west so 12+ hours from now

>mfw 7 bars and xfactor


If that's your team you can get official renders here

Last fighters will be 20 and his daughter 21.

This works even better if you instead throw a 6H/2H on wake up and cancel to lv1 or lv3. The amount of times I pulled this on idiots in the Android rank is ridiculous, they super dash almost every time.

That's a nice health bar you have there, mind if I take a jab?

Well one easy example is if you auto combo to slowly you can no longer dynamic. Which explained in my video was probably done to get rid of the trunks loop I posted about before months ago. To eliminate the ability to delay the dynamic as fast as possible giving you the chance to land on the ground and combo more easily off the wall bounce.

But now you have to mash as fast as possible to dynamic, if you do it slower it will give you a regular smash.

what are the controls mapped to on an xbox controller?

Is 6H actually an input?


I just hope we get normal Android 21 desu. Her boss form looks like shit.

do you know anything about dynamics with a non-autocombo starter
i've seen nakkiel getting one and i don't know how it happened

Fat fingered the 6. Meant 5H

to be fair, this combo is never gonna happen.
7 bars, Sparkling AND need to have all characters alive.
still a fun thing to look at for sure. the 2S comboing midair only works during sparkling right?

I didn't understand anything you wrote user. Explain.

>burning 7 bars and sparking for a kill
i mean if you can style on some scrubs then go ahead but this isn't going to be that useful

yes and it's called sparking, no L

We haven't even seen it well yet.
Besides, Majin girls are the best.


19 and 20 would be cool, they could really make that absorption gimmick work as their gameplay mechanic.

And i guess they will come at some point, since they wont leave out dbz main villains.

Radditz,19,20 and bardock are my guesses for garuanteed dlc.


does 7 bars boost his damage from normals?

>2S comboing midair only works during sparkling

you are insane.
>Kid Goku
>Great Saiyaman
>Mr. Satan
hopefully no more super characters.

We haven't even actually seen her boss form, we've seen blurry as fuck sasquatch-tier pictures of it

I still think homing dash should be nerfed.
Just make it a little more minus on block. Enough that you can punish it with 5L or something. So you can try to predict it and get a big 2H punish, or block it and get a little 5L punish.
This would still make it useful, while not being something that everyone spams on lower levels. It's main use in neutral should be to try to punish stupid use of ki blasts and beams.
In sparking it becomes a beast anyway so you could still use it very offensively if you use that.
I get that most high level people here already are good enough to punish it with 2H 80% of the time, but I still think it would improve the game on lower levels, while keeping it's usefulness in neutral.
But hey, what do I know.

>Mr. Satan

Dr. Gero's seiyuu died years ago, he's never appearing again

I haven't kept up with this game but why is it I always see the team gohan/krillin/goku?

Good shit, good shit

V-jump when, senpai?

It's in tutorial mode, so you're locked with those characters.

Because those are the only characters you can use in the Beta's training mode

>GODhan owns everyone yet again

>videl, broly


The rest is believable though

Every single DB game had him as a fighter, so why not this one?

Even if it is as the intentional joke character

>Beta was incredible though
another day of the beta has been announced. so you'll get to play again.

You've inspired me user. I hope you're happy.

Probably just your shit connection Pedro.

I like having Krillin and Nappa on my team but I need a third one any suggestions

During one of the days the beta was open, the matchmaking wasn't working at all, so people headed in to the Battle Tutorial, meant to teach you the mechanics, so you can't switch characters. And proceeded to use it as a make shift training room.

just stick tien on the end so you can play team BGC

Tien for all the baldies

Tenshinhan for team baldies.

Nice team baldie.

Take freezer or piccolo i guess they have no hair.

Tenshinhan for bald team.


gohan vs cell dramatic finish


Fuck I haven’t even played as tien

My connection is fine, the beta was just busted.


Ironically i didnt even think of tien

i wonder if any of the villains will get dramatic finishes where they dont die.

RIP Cellfag

>Beerus vs Beerus
>do the 7 ball(or whatever) trick around Beerus
>opponent stand still and then does the same
>we start kicking balls at each other and stop fighting for a while

I never thought a thing silly would be that fun.

because the beta has only worked 10% of the time its been up so most people need to use the tutorial mode which makes you use those 3 characters

Based on what we know, Nappa/Krillin/Tien sounds like a legitimately solid team. Dodonpa will help Nappa approach/pressure and let Krillin keepaway or do Afterimage mixups.

His Volleyball Fist rekka can change strengths mid-string so you can either start it as EX to get a grab or EX at the end for a better combo followup or do it all without meter for certain followups/options that are more reset-based. IIRC the first hit of it is a low and has a auto-guard so it's good. Beyond that he's mostly a high-risk character that burns meter and life and Chiaotzu for damage and mixups.



the trunks loop? Its what I posted before a long time ago, trunks auto combo moves his from one side to the other. Auto combos dynamic, so you would delay the auto combo in the air to get a dynamic that allows you to land on the ground fast enough to dynamic again.

Rinse repeat. As what I said before and proved again in my last video auto combo smashes always must smash. They never go away. However in this current build of the game, you can not delay auto combos, and now if you try to loop dynamics, or even smash to dynamic. The game will never allow you dynamic again, even though you can smash.

Ya that sounds like jibberish but I dont know what the community wants to call these properties, im old and I just play games when im bored so calling it what the game says on the screen.

hey did a dynamic but he had never auto comboed in the match? Is there a video? It was probably stored from something as the game does run on something similar to GG in that you can store properties to other attacks till it is overwritten by something with more priority if you will.

If Hercule isn't DLC, I'mma riot

>cell's face when

God that voice just does not fit that voice at all, but also the scene just isn't very good


It's ok user. There's no need for censorship here. You can say "Mr. Satan"

ya if you watch this video of mine and others you can say I do it multiple times... ive deff hit the tech buffer limit with combos just doing bomb loops.

Well those are just getting more and more half assed

>that voice just does not fit Gohan at all*
I think I had a seizure


>Paying money for joke character dlc

>revealing that strapon he used to fuck your mom with

just a few hours until leak

bought this


>not paying money to teabag scrubs with a shit character

That was great. love the thumbs up at the end.

There are better ones for the money


Theres going to be another beta day? whats going on?

Man, I'm not a fan of the new Gohan voice. Could just be nostalgia but goddamn.

There will be but we don't know the date yet.


Who still /MadcatzRound1TE/ here?

breddy gud

i don't know how storing works but he never autocombod before getting that
tv/videos/218932503?t=01h21m47s here's the combo

No you're right it's just terrible