WoW 7.3.5 and Beyond

How can anyone play a Darkspear after BfA launches? Darkspear are an embarrassment.

Other urls found in this thread:

I want to be dominated by a big manly troll

1st for angry panders

What's worse, people think this shit will revive azeroth or world leveling in a way. It's not going to, all that's going to happen is that faggots will be able to 2 shot mobs instead of 1 shoting them.


>play a race that voluntarily sold themselves into slavery before the horde slapped their shit

literally just generic buff humanoid race #489 now.
i prefer my lanky niggers any day

fuck off avatarfag

If you shoot me I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine!

How can anyone play WoW after WotLK?

keep your mental illness in /wowg/, nobody wants your avatarfagging here, autistic cunt


>tfw no big troll man to sit on you

I only posted two images, calm down. Not even of the same character either.

no angry pls

>Trolls are just NE's again
Or did they become NEs? I don't remember
Either way it looks lame, same with upright orcs.
Fuck all the side factions and making me grind rep with them just to have them fuck off to various sides.
Give me actual new races, Blizzard. I know that kinda shit takes effort but fuck.


>tfw no fempanda to vore me and then gigglesquee

Reposting my question. What is the most weeb class/spec, so I can feel at home?

Zandalari Trolls became Dark Trolls, which became Night Elves due to the Well of Eternity.
Zandalari are the OG trolls

>Virgin Darkspear
>Chad Zandalari

Affliction Warlock
All the Death Knight Specs
Assassin and Sub Rogue
Mark Hunter (You're to cool for a pet so you summon undead/dark beings to serve you)
Shadow Priest

Windwalker monk

lost of angsty weebs I know play Blood Elf ret paladins

Post comfy WoW music

Not surpising. The game should be called world of elfcraft honestly.


Angsty weebs are the worst. I am not looking for something for angsty weebs.


/wowg/ reporting in

The Virgin Darkspear vs The Chad Zandalari

/vg/ is so fucking awful, holy shit

one hour from now if they don't delay again

Are there any decent TBC/WOTLK private servers?

I've never been so triggered in my life then with Blood Elves; I don't know how else to type this out then sounding like some fucker but I dated a girl who was a ex-model/ballerina and wanted to do photography in the art colllege I went to, all she did was make capped out Blood Elf hunters. That was it. Kinda a bitch too and every time I come across a Blood Elf it's played by a woman or angsty teen guy who talks about some fucking japanese comic called Black Clover or Naruto

ALWAYS, I fucking HATE Blood Elves so fucking much, they always attract the most annoying woman and kids to them. A day doesn't go by when I level a Horde alt and am stuck with a group FILLED with Blood Elves. No one plays anything else anymore.

Chinese isn't weeb, dumbo.

Watch out everybody, it's a trigger-nigger!

God it is so easy to trigger Sup Forums. SO EASY. Is this really all I have to do? Post a PS1 picture of a panda bear face?? I'd understand if the bear was in a slutmog or something.

/wowg/ is one of the worst generals on the site full of some of the most autistic fuckers Sup Forums has to offer
it is actually impressive what a rancid hive of mental illness and valueless posts it is


>private servers

You're not welcomed here

Fucking hell.


servers are up for real


you're not welcome here.

>if they don't delay again
I'm expecting the worst and hoping for the best.

Why was she playing the same class over and over? What the shit?

>Two thousand and eighteen years after our lord and savior gave his life for the sins of mankind
>Playing world of warcraft

>tfw my only blood elf is a dh


Go back to /wowg/ you useless waste of space

what an awful post

Burn the thread. /wowg/ should stay in their containment board. Please there is no reason for you guys to come here. Stay in your little shitty autistic thread.

The mental capacity of you people is like looking at Gaia Online around 2005. Bunch of retarded stupid kids.

I've visited wowg like 20 times over the past 3-4 years and the pandafag is always there

has nothing to do with wowg being easily triggered, it's just incredible mental illness

Isn't part of the reason we don't get upright Darkspear trolls because they'd be way too fucking tall for a lot of doorways?

Why are people assuming the Zandalari trolls will be that tall?

I don't know, her response was they're the only pretty race in the entire game.

I think she had a fucked up childhood on accountof being an ex-model and ballerina.

It's called wanting attention and you are doing exactly what you shouldnt

The model is in game, they are not as tall

I visit wowg as well from time to time. Panda bears aren't welcome there either, so I don't know what everyone is on about. There are no avatarfags there either, the quality of threads has actualy gone up from the few times I've been there. That's not saying much though. They still spout memes every two seconds

yes yes nice opinion HOWEVER do you have one of these you fuckin bitch ass motherfuckin cock mongling jizz gurgling fuckin faggot?
its 1 in 5000 chance why dont you have it?
f*ck off

NPC Health Changes
Along with all of the leveling and XP changes, the health of NPCs (including bosses in old raids) have been increased.

Vanilla - 288% increase @ lvl 63. 25% at lvl 10, 119% @ lvl 20, 183% @ lvl 30, 222% @ lvl 40, 263% @ lvl 50
Burning Crusade - 261% increase @ lvl 73, 310% @ lvl 65
Wrath of the Lich King - 237% increase @ lvl 83, 291% @ lvl 75
Cataclysm - 185% increase @ lvl 88, 228% @ lvl 85
Mists of Pandaria - 341% @ lvl 93
Warlords - 92% increase @ lvl 103
Legion - Same

rip mount farming lmao, they are literally increasing the time of this because this is all subs do

>The model is in game, they are not as tall

As expected. Tauren already have issues with their heigh, so I couldn't imagine that they'd be as tall as their Darkspear cousins.

no, they're increasing it because it was broken you retarded fucking wod bab

I have not checked in 4 years. I'm going to check now and see how cancerous it is.


Seems like a great time to switch to XIV.


I guarentee you someone is still baneposting.

So what is changing now? Just wasting more time lol

So if everything is getting scaled does that mean anytime I run around in old WoW thing will be 110 or 120?

Will I be able to farm old raids anymore? ;_;

>pandas aren't welcome
>no avatarfaggots
You must be blind, the mentally ill shit up every /wowg/ thread

I'll switch to XIV when patches aren't barebones, so never.

If the only thing increasing is hp it will matter fuck. I kille the bosses in 5 seconds now instead of 2. Wow. You spend more time running to each boss then killing them.

Yeah I just checked. There's 2 anons posting pandas. Usually the general tells them to fuck off or kys but I guess they gave up. The autism was too much.

>WoW patches
>Not barebones

>overhaul levelling
>withold the new races
Did they rush this patch out for the M+ battle res change or something?

At least raids come out with more than 4 bosses every 4 months.

You have good taste in armor, at least.

Vanilla content only scales up to 60.

>caring about mounts
I mean, if you have literally nothing else to be proud of.

Well just got back. You are so full of shit. 1 minute of that shit hole is enough to. The first fucking 20 post are all unbearable. I left after that.

this. worst thing shit ive ever seen, full of mentally ill traps

Is it like, each xpac scales to itself? That'd make sense

When is Spriest revamp so they aren't shit outside of any fight that isn't like 3 mins long?

you're right every mob should just have 1 hp lol why draw things out

The 9th posts literally says "fuck off panda." They aren't welcome there but that doesn't mean they won't post unfortunately. But yeah, I guess the general is still shit.

>Is it like, each xpac scales to itself? That'd make sense
vanilla goes to 60
outland and wotlk is 60 to 80
cata and pandalandi is 80 to 90

Not quite. BC and WotLK are on the same scaling, meaning you can go straight to Northrend at 60, and I think Cata and MoP zones are scaled the same too.

You and me brother shall gas those fithly elf traitors and salt the earth

Have you considered playing a warlock?

Pandas are not the worst part you fucking moron. Read the context of the thread for fuck sake. It's 13 yr old autistic shits on Gaia Online or some shit.

There are still minimum requirements for the zones though, so you can't do something like run straight from Durotar to Winterspring and start leveling there. Kinda lame.

Except that this set only looks good on fem gobbo. Granted it looks amazing on it, but it's ass on everything else.

Is DK actually any fun to play?

Didn't Blizzard mention they'd consider letting other races be DHs down the line? Honestly looking forward to that if it ever happens.

I wonder how that even works

>(including bosses in old raids)


I played a Warlock before Legion and wasn't a fan of the changes for all the specs during 7.0 and never went back to it.

Yeah its k.

I enjoy playing frost DK well enough

Unholy is the most fun spec in game.

Frost is a simple but satisfying.

This expansion has so much fucking love for DKs... Except they were shit the first 4 months. But lots of care and detail went into the spec.