Could her be /ourguy/?

Could her be /ourguy/?

>haha trap funny xd ;)

How do people still not understand that "trap" is just a term for a passable crossdresser and in no way shape or form is meant to insult trans people? Can we create a PSA for dumb normalfags?

>trap= trans now

End it bros

>cool game
>dev is a retard
Why does this disease now touches every indie developer?
The fucker doesn't even answer the question!

why do homosexuals obsessively try to pretend everything has a hidden penis? kill yourselves faggots

theyre terms for mentally ill boys


All he had to say was "No. Natsuki is a woman and the meme going around is garbage." He doesn't have to sugar coat it either, those emails and tweets would've stopped right there.

It's not just indies
Every western developer is like this now

BASED DAN, trapfags are obnoxious retard trying too hard with le trap XDDD

>respectfully doesn't want to offend anyone

>trannies thinking they are anywhere near trap tier

good on him.
im tired of the "trapp XDD and feminine penis" shit people take that seriously now a days because of inviting the real idiots

>gets spammed daily about stupid meme
>asks memers to stop


Really gets my noggin joggin

Literally who and literally what?

wtf i love ddlc now, soo realistic.

The fuck is a natsuki

>That kid's picture

This guy seriously thinks his meme VN is well written

I hate this statement so fucking much.

Why the fuck is he even responding to what is obviously a bunch of memeing teenagers?

Fuck trap lovers,Dan is still a faggot together with his le doki doki meme club fuck off back to plebbit

Just use inspect element you dope

>respectfully doesn't want to offend anyone
>In a world where anyone now find a reason to be offended.

Also, can you answer the question? Why is the term trap disrespectful? to whom?

Nowhere in these tweets did he even imply that traps are trans. He's just sick of people saying his cute girl character has a fucking dick

He's handling himself well. Don't know why he's even giving these guys the time of day though.

>cool game

>Faggots and mentally retarded people once gain projecting their degeneracy on others
Gays, transsexuals, bisexual and all other subhumans should be lined up and shot. Dan is absolutely /ourguy/.

This trap meme has gone on far to long. Every normie on the internet thinks they are funny by asking if traps are gay

How come traps look more feminine than trannies?

>Sup Forums hates traps now

What happened bros?

So even normies know traps are freaks?


That meme is dead dude
Its all about da wey now

Nobody ever took your faggotry seriously. You can stay with the normalfags now.

Effort and goal oriented crossdressing.
Serious traps will completely alter their lifestyle to make their body more feminine. Trannies just take pills for it.

Anyone cute enough to be a trap isn't insecure enough to chop their penis off.

AGDQ post trauma

>she is not used for cheap shock value
but she literally is, what a fucking retard. she kills herself like 10 minutes after you find out she's depressed.
its like the writer tried to make a list of things depressed people do and all they could come up with was "they hang themselves"

Because that's the defining quality to be a trap

DDLC is flawed, Dan has always been a massive faggot, but he us right in that the "Natsuki is a trap XD" meme is forced as fuck, and I don't even like her.

because in order to be a trap you inherently need to look feminine

user, he's the one that made a twisted anime VN. He is the memeing teenager.

>edgy game is cool
t. reddit

honestly I grew out of traps
especially since most trap doujins are just loli doujins with an extra dick

Except he's still a retard that thinks trans equates to traps at all.

>Steal ideas from a JP-only VN and act like you're a genius

And more pixels because dumb nip censorship

>Gays, transsexuals, bisexual and all other subhumans should be lined up and shot.
Sounds like u be praisin' dat dere Allah

That's not whats disrespectful. The thing is, natsuki is a cute girl and is just not a boy. That's probably what annoys him, because he himself probably thinks natsuki is bestgirl, and is angry because people are making her out to be a degenerate man. It's disrespectful to the bestgirl, user. Be more considerate.

Because people that are actually capable of producing things generally have their life together enough to not fall for hateful ideologies because they laughed at a few Sup Forums memes.


the dick makes it better though

>le edgy developer is edgy

>especially since most trap doujins are just loli doujins with an extra dick
and this got you out of traps somehow?

what was the name of that one indie game from last year's E3 where the dev went on a twitter rampage about feminism?

>He didn't notice the early signs.
I hate Dan but I'm willing to defend the first half of DDLC. It really does treat depression with respect.
The second half is meta trash, though.

Is Dan Salvato an SJW or the next Phil Fish?
Because, I'm getting Phil Fish vibes from his twitter.

I don't need to agree with Salvato on this, I like DDLC regardless.

However, being unable to take a joke makes you a faggot.

He's being pretty good about this, not many people handle things this well these days. Respect

back to resetera

Don't cut yourself on that edge /pollack

I don't think he's as delusional as fishsticks, but he's still kind of a scumbag.

Yeah, pretty much.

yes? loli doujins are perhaps one of the most boring things in existence, 70% of them are self-insert bait doujins and another 20% is just fat bald men doujins (which is probably also self-insert bait)

trap shit is the same way most of the time

at least im not going to hell for eternity so whos the loser here kid

>However, being unable to take a joke makes you a faggot.
Being unable to tell when a joke stopped being funny also makes you a faggot.
You may be unaware of the state of the DDLC fanbase, but they (like all fanbases) love to run jokes into the ground.

Is he based for telling memers to fuck off or is he a retard for equating traps with trannies?

>ironic weebs getting defensive in this thread

that normie shit is the most unfunny, forced meme I've seen in a while

>people actually capable of producing things independently are usually little cloistered rich kids that have enough mom and dad’s money to do what they want instead of bothering to get a real job.
Checks out.

all eromanga is shit after a while really

ironic weeb: the fetish

who are you quoting?

The user who believes heaven and hell exist. Keep drinking that Kool-aid.

>is a literal degenerate a faggot
>doesn't believe in religion
typical westerner

A joke can be funny if you hear it once, twice, or even thrice, but if he's actually getting bombarded by that question every single day even though he already provided an answer, it probably stops being funny.

Nobody, just making you post the old tired retort “who are you quoting” commonly associated to triggered people who doesn’t have a valid retort and have to settle with a mildly pasive-aggresive reply.

There's also that part during Act 3 where Monika says she hopes you learned something by being friends with Sayori, but that ultimately she isn't real. Your friends and family are, and if they happen to be struggling with depression you should do your best to help them. She even says some words in case it's you the one who's depressed.

>the rich are spoiled
>but they deserve to be taxed less
Why do Sup Forumstards never seem to realize how much they contradict themselves?

trap literally just means 'passable', trans or not
never get why people get so bent out of shape about it

traps and trannys are both mentally sick.

You were basically saying uneducated poor people are unintelligent and racist.

Because the ones that look like jabba the hut in lipstick can't take it

Why reseterans have to twist what others say to make it about Sup Forums when the other posted never mentioned it?

Lol are so kawaii ugu not gay tho xd I'm not an ironic web or anythin... heh.... *spreads bussi*

I noticed the early signs, I just wish they had done more interesting things Sayori (and the rest of the cast) in the long run. I went into DDLC completely blind, and when characters started showing signs of mental health issues I thought the game was going to do a Katawa Shoujou type story. I guess I was just disappointed with these characters being ultimately used for cheap, creepypasta-tier scares. Also, you're right, the meta aspects of the game are shit.

>is a piece of shit idiot fucker
>is religious
>is third world
pike loetry

Why do you believe in Christianity over Islam, Hinduism, Atheism, Hellenic Polytheism, Paganism, ancient Egyptian Polytheism, etc?

This you fucking idiots. Hence the name.

No, its you the one saying such thing sweetie. How could you be so insensitive? Wow, rayciss much?

>Muh Monika
Monika is ironically the single flatest character in the game, and is an embodiment of everything wrong with DDLC.
Yet people will defend her because she's pivotal to baby's first meta narrative.

>implying traps and trannies arent the same shit
This level of the nile is fucking hilarious. Like, get over it, you're a gay ass faggot who likes trannies, you just like ones that know how to fool your pussy ass mind

Why don't you neck yourself, !Akemi?
Seriously, you are nothing but a stain on this board and your ships make /u/ and Sup Forums look terrible. Why don't you do all a favor and fucking die?

As much as I hate faggots too, nowadays it's the religious nutjobs who are the most degenerates. Kinda ironic.

I'd rather praise Allah than have that degeneracy continue. At least muslims have the right idea.

>All he had to say was "No. Natsuki is a woman and the meme going around is garbage."
He said it in fucking NOVEMBER. And people still wont STFU about it.

Who is this akemi you hate so much?
Oh, and if this is a reverse psychology maketing tactic I never buy anything, so don’t even bother.

>nowadays it's the religious nutjobs who are the most degenerates.
Conservative, religious nuts stopped being relevant in the early 2000s. Now it's all about liberal nuts.

by definition traps are not the same as trannies. Normalfags ruin everything they touch

I wasn't defending Monika or even making her the point of my reply. Just showing other places where the game mentions depression and how it handles it.