Boss has two heads

>Boss has two heads
>One breathes fire the other breathes ice

Phantom Hourglass was a fun game.

>boss has two heads
>one is the smart one, the other is a dumbass

Just equipt cloud with the fire ring and aurora gauntlet. It'll be impossible to lose

>Bone has two heads
>"I have a bone to pick with you"

>boss has two heads
>they start arguing with each other, allowing you to slip by or attack for massive damage

>boss combines fire and ice attacks
>deletes your steam account

>boss has two heads
>they bicker and argue throughout the fight

>OP posts wojaks
>eats literal shit

>boss has two heads
>they finish each other's sentences

>boss has two heads
>achievement unlocked: two heads are better than one

When does the magic begin?

>There are two bosses, but they don't have heads and their swords are talking instead

>achievement unlocked: the twoer they heads

>boss has one head
>breathes both fire and ice

>tilt your horse to reach him

>boss gives you head twice in a row

>boss has one head
>eats characters and doesn't spit them out

>boss has no head

This is my fetish, to be honest

>ur mom
>gives me head

>Boss has two heads
>If you ask it a question, one will tell you the truth and the other will tell you an equally convincing lie
>Both heads breathe fire at you if you try anything clever

me too but it's still fucking bullshit to loose a party member for the entire fight.

>Ask the boss if you exist
>Boss HP doubles as punishment

>boss has two heads
>one of the "heads" is actually the small comedic character from the previous game on the back of the other who is considerably larger
>small character recognizes you and lets you win without fighting

Post 9 games that do this

>cyclops character
>"I got my eye on you"

> TWO HEADS!!!!!!!!
