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SFV AE Hype thread V2
Servers up when?
should i have bought it when it was on sale 3 weeks ago? i was not sure if i would have gotten the season 2 and 3 characters. i just hope i don't have to spend 40 when i could have gotten it for 16
When does the character pass go on sale?
AE was on sale for $16?
well no, i am not sure. SFV was on sale for the last week of 2017, there is no seperate store page for AE (on steam) so idk
Base SFV would've gotten you fuck all other than the AE update. If you get the newly released AE ver. for whatever price it's at, you get all of the Season 1 and 2 characters without having to grind for them.
From what I heard (might be bullshit) the default version will get the AE edition for free. Many online sites were selling the default game for $15.
SFVAE is just an update of the original SFV.
So technically AE was on sale before it was released.
atm steam sells a sfv 2017 deluxe edition with the base game and season 1 and 2 character passes for 80 euros. I'll probably have to wait until release day before buying, right?
That seems incredibly over priced. SFV AE is going to be priced at £30 and $40. I don't think it's actually available to buy until the 18th for PC though
its good because i dont like reading a lot of text.
Labbing with my boy a little, V-Trigger 2 seems alright in the corner as a combo extender, though it doesn't have the utility that the Rose has. As a counter though it could be alright, but only against pressure heavy characters.
Literal clusterfuck of an update just like the games release capcom are finished, consider Dragonball FighterZ mercy! Bury it!
Been playing around with my boy Ryu so far. His Donkey Kick seems pretty shit outside EX for a combo extender outside the corner. The EX DK doesn't combo in the corner itself though. Actually speaking about the corner, maybe the DK could be a good tool to get out of the corner.
His is great, a pretty nice poke that can combo into EX fireball, and heavy tatsu at max range.
His 2nd V-Trigger feels really sweet. One good parry can equal into a nice chunk of meterless dmg (258) and stun (335) just by doing parry into heavy DP. It's going to scare opponents that's for sure.
Loving the arcade mode and the small additions they added. Finally trying out all these stages I never had access to and patiently waiting for noon so I can try out Sakura. Then it's to the practice mode.
why the fuck isn't this on steam yet???
I'm hyped as hell. Update is about to finish downloading, and I'm fucking stoked to try out Sakura and check out the changes.
Work got called off because of the freeze, so I'm getting a free day to just indulge in vidya for the first time in quite a while. Couldn't have come at a better time, besides maybe the DBFZ release.
>mfw playing AE in a comfy as af blanket
it is
What's the bonus offer?
Donkey kick for some MUs instead of srk. Soft knockdown almost fullscreen to get some breather is nice. Also the new axe kick is great getting 300/500+ with one stick of butter and a vtriggger is nice ryu still got them grown man hands.
I didn't like vtrigger 2 at all. Ryu does better when his damage is consistent and he gets a ton already off of reads. I can see it being good for some characters though.
do we know if menat hurtbox changes ended up being a buff or nerf?
I stopped playing just after Balrog dropped because I wasn't having fun. Did they do anything to make the neutral game more long range or is it stubby normals still?
No, go play Infinite fuckwit
Fuck Marvel and fuck you too. I just want a longer range neutral game, not huge combos and tag shit.
It seems like DK is only good for breathing room. I don't really see how or why'd you use it over DP for anything else.
>Also the new axe kick is great getting 300/500+ with one stick of butter and a vtriggger is nice
How? I've not really used his Axe Kick that much, even though I really should. I can only combo it into > light tatsu.
I think V-trigger 2 is better for more beginner players like me, because it's a much easier move to get a read with. Also I think it would play into mind games quite well, since I fell it would scare opponents to be as button happy.
no it isn't, just regular sfv and character passes.
This right here is why Dragonball is gonna RAPE capcom regardless if good or not
>Update is about to finish downloading
Fuck me, still 3 hours and 40 minutes.
Fucking 3rd world connection.
Capcom said there would be maintenance till 12:00pm. idiot
>Server is down for maintenance which they've stated numerous times is going until 12PM PST
I tried playing that shitty Fighterz beta for an hour last night and found 2 matches which both lost connection before the match ended. Too bad cus it seems like a fun game.
Can't wait to try Laura out.
>scheduled server maintenance
>hurrrrrrr Dragon Ball
Jesus, I like dragon ball too but just calm your ass instead of being retarded.
Has it been confirmed they went full jew with the fight money? You know, besides people having a hard time getting last minute money a week before the patch.
Leaving out character level ups and online matches you're going to make around 50k every month, if you play regularly. That means around 100k every 2 months, which is also the rate at which they're releasing characters.
From what? The weekly missions? What exactly should I be looking to do?
Weeklies and extra battle. Assuming they don't fuck with the weeklies.
Will the servers be up in 5 minutes?
2 hours
Why does Sagit look like a nigger?
PS4 theme, extra colors unlocked, 2nd costume.
Those aren't weekly. You only even get 7,500Fm + 10,000xp of the gold soldiers and that is minus 2,000FM you spend to do them.
Other extra battles only get costume or title rewards
Because Thais can get pretty damn dark and Sagat just happens to be bald?
vskill nerfs hurt kolin hard but it seems like its easier to do things after her CC fierce, but I'm not positive. Also being able to influence your landing zone during heavy vanity step seems extremely good. Roundhouse 'hitting people behind her' feels very weird, couldn't get it to work reliably in training, and her c.HP hitbox changes don't seem to make it any easier to anti air, still whiffing on people jumping in at closer ranges.
Didn't know her m.vanity>cLK>HP target combo was gonna be a launcher either. I'm no expert but that seems worse than just being able to cancel into parabellum, but maybe you can do mixups off of it.
V2 seems really great but V1 adds a certain long range utility that I'll miss. Overall shes probably decently improved, but time will tell.
I'm loving Kolin's new v-trigger. I'm going to have so much fun using it.
Yeah but you'll miss all Season 1 and 2 characters. You won't get enough FM to unlock them all unless you get addicted to online play and level up every character to max.
Has Ryu's been nerfed? Doing > heavy DP seems harder than before. Also I feel like it now wiffs at max range.
Mostly an improvement. Little frustrated that c. LP is shorter now.
Nothing significant to his regular move set, but V-trigger 2 seems super good.
Wait isn't it extra battle that holds those events? They're under the "extra battle schedule"
I summed the rewards, subtracted the cost to enter and then added the weekly missions total (around 5k a week).
So in around 1 month you have
-first golden soldier 6k (19 jan)
-second golden soldier 12k (9 feb)
-weekly missions 20k
That is 48k in a month, more or less.
axe kick is one less frame on start up making for some cool crouch confirms but getting a meaty/2 hit axe kick with ryu is going to be nasty since you get tons of more hitstun
Try this combo on a crouching opponent its pretty good for shimmies too
St.MP-b.HK (2 hit)-Vtrigger-f.HP-cr.HK-ex.qcf KK (bounce)-HP srk
Have you never seen a Thai person before?
> - heavy DP
y tho
whatch ya reali waaant!
season 4 predictions go
can only choose 1 from each game
>c. LP is shorter now
Does this fuck up her combos? That's in like all her bnbs.
V-Trigger 2 is too complicated for me, probably gonna stick to number 1
V-Trigger 2 seems fun
now for characters i always wanted to use but never liked the V--Trigger
same shit as Vtrigger 1, too annoying to use directions and wether to hold the button or not.
love Vtrigger 2, Vtrigger 1 always was rediculously inconsistent and i could never get the timing down.
the DDT and the Chokehold are much easier to use and i like wrestling moves, definitly gonna play him a ton
still too difficult for me
Just as easy to use as Vtrigger 1, probably gonna pick her up.
so yea, gonna add Alex and Cammy to my arsenal, use Kolin V2 and keep Bison V1.
I really think that the new Vtriggers should have added new Vskills.
Just found out there are other kinds of Asians than Chinese. Blew my mind.
Spacing is a little trickier, but everything is still doable.
>Rashid gets a VJ-costume
well I know who to learn now
This only for combo only for counter hit? I can't get his > to combo regularly.
>can only choose 1 from each game
That's too evil man, can't make me choose between Dudley and Q.
Yes. But they don't look like sagat.
crouch and counter iirc if you want to combo into axe kick I'd suggest doing CH.HK>B.HK into the same thing
It was easy to do. Before I started doing Ryu's light jump in combo, I did j.MK > st.MP > st.MP > Heavy DP. I mean it was easy and it worked.
>Character select screen
i like it, looks good.
>main menu
looks like Piss, quite the downgrade from an already bland interface
>UI during fight
looks better.
>that little cutscene you see between character select screen and the fight
i mean they are obviously hiding loads and >muh Esports >muh stream presentation
but fuck this is borderline cringe.
>-first golden soldier 6k
No it is plays to you lose out on getting the money not number of goes
>Bison main
From what I've played, I'm only able to link his EX Shoryu with other stuff, what else can be done with it?
try to learn>cr.hp
This will give you an easy confirm with stand properties so you can link any move from ryu after for doing massive damage. You're leaving food on your plate when you jump in and do two mp. Thats for footsies.
>No it is plays to you lose out on getting the money not number of goes
>Street Fighter II
None. All are shit. If you force me then DeeJay
>Street Fighter Alpha
>Street Fighter III
>Street Fighter IV
None. All are shit. If you force me then C Viper.
2 from each then.
mine is fei long/honda
50% of cool looking SNK Duo that will never come back.
I'd probably want to have T.Hawk back
Rolento, Guy and Dan the man
Everyone except Yun and Yang
Gouken and mister oil meme man
infiltration showcasing all chars on twitch
urien is even more retarded now
You have 3 chances to get the one time reward, not beat it 3 times for 3 sets of FM
>can't download because servers
servers up when?
Also is the cr.HK after f.HP supposed to be cr.MK? cr.HK is the sweep.
>try to learn>cr.hp
At one point I did. But then bad habits took over.
an hour and a half left
For real? Where did you get that? I haven't found anything that says it works like that.
Deejay, Eagle, Q despite being a Dudley main, I need him in my life, Hakan.
[spoilers]Newcomers should be Sheila and that Gorilla from Ed's ending.
who dat?
That is what the page said and how every other mission works. You're the one with the weird interpretation. You really think capcom wouldn't be extremely vocal if you could get 50K a month? The company that just removed ways to earn FM is gonna give you every character for free?
Does this new update come with the new Arcade Edition trophies or did they not add any new ones?
I don't think I'll go back to VT1, the nerfs were minor and they gave him a buff too for whatever fucking reason. Playing around with VT2 is fun, and I really want to land the full screen CA confirm with it in a match. Learning the VT2 stuff is interesting, like seeing that EX dive with VT2 is plus on block, so it opens up some options.
One of the yoga masters.
What the hell's happened, why can't I login?
Also what the hell is Sakura's theme lads. The stage theme is better than her char theme
They wont but they should. Especially when skins probably bring in 50x as much money.
cr.HP oops
please try I'm not even that good myself but landing those heavier confirms have given me the chance to forcefully rip some wins from much higher skilled opponents.
Servers are down until 12pm
>tfw they gave Rashid VJ-costume
>obliged to play him now
thanks for sharing that webm, tried tinkering around with the new VT too and found some stuff but that seems to be most optimal
I hope Falke is fun to play, I love her design
Can I see how many frames exactly are used in traning mode? Once I do a move the game data just shows me a counter where the frame number is counting down ridiculously fast so I can't even see anything.
Viewtiful Joe costume make me want to play him too. My only problem with him was that he was a sandnigger to begin with.
>The company that just removed ways to earn FM
And added some new ways.
It's also same company that allowed you to get DLC characters just by playing the game.
I agree they've always been scummy with their practices, but with SFV they've been pretty cool. Updates are free, no more re-release, and you gain currency that lets you unlock stuff in the game itself.
What the blog post says is pretty vague, I'm not saying you're wrong, but as long as neither of us has an actual source, there's no way of being sure.
If the thing says "no. plays: 3" and on the side it says "reward: 2500", I can only guess I can play it 3 times and gain 3 times the reward. Maybe I'm wrong though.
At work how's my boy Ed?
Do I still need to be inside the opponents chest to sting my combo properly?