>Monster Hunter Tri: 40/40 on Famitsu
>Monster Hunter World: 39/40 on Famitsu

Sonyfags will defend this fucking casualized trash
Now we only need to wait one year for the real MH5 on Swtich

Famitsu scores are always so weird
They just randomly give some JRPGs 40/40 and barely any game gets below 35

Yeah but Kirin slut armour is in World so its all fine

Famitsu scores are so lenient that you can tell if something is really shit if it gets sub 30.

Not even out yet, and Soytch owners are already SEETHING. By the way, Metacritic doesn't count Famitsu scores.

Famitsu is a meme in japan for giving high scores to any japanese made game while anything else gets low ones.

>and barely any game gets below 35
You think thats because you dont keep up with their scores. They give out 20-ish or even below 20 scores every week as well.

You mean the people who gave Sonic Forces a higher score than Mania?

>Tri got a perfect score
How the fuck did that happen

Who cares about that? Monster Hunter World commercials are live now. Caught one on ESPN last night.

Nintendo Difference

> Tri is perfect.

And you wonder why Capcom casualised things?

That's not true. A lot of games that don't ever leave Japan get below 30s fairly often.

>Monster Hunter Tri: 40/40 on Famitsu
It that true? Did they really give Tri 40?
I mean it was a huge step forward for the series technology-wise. But that game not only cut old monsters, it cut entire fucking weapons. How could they possibly give it a 40?

Kek. The IGN of Japan. Don't you think for casual American trash it would get much lower marks? This game is going anally ravage you stupid Ninteniggers.

There are copies in stores now and you can't have one

>4 japanese people gave Tri a perfect score
>this is the only MH to get a perfect score in that Mag
Sorry i thought westerners were the MH casuals, not japan.

Underwater combat was the biggest innovations in gameplay in the entire series, and all the monsters were new with new skeletons.
Tri was the only true innovative MH.

Your first mistake was thinking Famitsu 40 is any major signifier of quality. Among them are Nintendogs on DS, and that JoJo fighting game on PS3 that was riddled with F2P mechanics and expensive DLC (all the way back in lovely 2013) despite being a full-priced game.

NOOOOOOOOO!!!! Nintenbros strike again!!!! World was supposed to be our saving grace!!! What are we going to do about this bros?

Yeah those were so good that you never saw them again after 3.

Underwater combat was harrowing for newcomers and veterans alike. Having said that I absolutely love the idea behind water combat and wish they gave it another chance. Leviathan species has some pretty decent numbers as of TriU, but sadly Capcom seems unwilling to create more, or rather ones that don't require water to work well like Purple Ludroth. Fighting RL in P3rd was sad and fighting Lagiacrus in Generations was even sadder because they're not meant to be fought on land at all times, it's not how they were initially built.

>metacritic and famitsu scores

Oh no, they gave the same score as Super Mario Odyssey! What are we gonna do bros?

>Twenty Eight(28) monsters

Super Mario Odyssey Famitsu score: 39/40

These guys gave FF13 a 40/40 as well and more recently, they gave Sonic Forces a higher score than Mania. They're a joke.

Monster Hunter XX (3DS) – 9/9/9/8 [35/40]
Toukiden Kiwami (PSV) – 9/9/10/9 [37/40]
Soul Sacrifice Delta (PSV) – 10/9/9/9 [37/40]
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3DS) – 9/9/9/9 [36/40]
God Eater 2: Rage Burst (PSV) – 9/9/9/9 [36/40]
Phantasy Star Nova (PSV) – 9/9/9/9 [36/40]
Freedom Wars (PSV) – 8/9/9/9 [35/40]

Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4) – 9/9/9/9 [36/40]

It's already starting. Get ready for the biggest shit storm this board will ever face. Soytendo shitters are gonna commit mass hangings in less than two weeks.

can i screenshot this and laugh at your retarded ass when it flops horridly in the west?

MH shitposting won't even be remotely close to BotW, Odyssey, Bayonetta or Bloodborne shitposting

>buying a physical copy
I mean it's only 12-16 gigs, but still, why?

Worth noting that Portable 3rd (PSP) got a 39, and MHX/Generations (3DS) got a 36.

Even assuming you gave Famitsu credibility, according to their scoring this is the best (wholly new) MH game in almost 10 years.

But it will hurt more, because Monster Hunter was the last truly great hardcore franchise. With each installment, what made it special was slowly eroded away, until we're left with... This.

Since I am most likely the only person who stuck with the franchise this long, it would be foolish to try and discuss the merits and flaws of MHW with newfags whose first console was a PS4. So I resign myself to losing every argument before they've even started.

I will always remember MH for MHFU. The years of waiting, and the game which surpassed even my impossible expectations.

>35+ reviews galore
I see Famitsu has fallen to the "modern review score scale" as well.

>But it will hurt more, because Monster Hunter was the last truly great hardcore franchise.
MH was a casual franchise in Japan.

Oh no, it's gonna be even WORSE. I cannot wait.

>Monster Hunter was the last truly great hardcore franchise
Its literally the gook CoD and they even insert ebic MH references in FotM anime like Kekkai Sensen, Maid Dragon, Blend S and so on.
People who jerk over how hard MH is are like /lit/ slavaboos who think Dostoevsky or Tolstoy are the epitome of russian literature.

But they're all good games...

>people want XX instead when it has this same bullshit if not worse
Time to stop pretending MH will ever be good again on any console.

No, Japan doens't have casuals. Gradius is casual to them. MH repels casuals the way Royal Ludroth repels water.

Monster Hunter has never been a hardcore franchise and has never been designed with the intention to be one.

The series is fantastic and MHW likely will be too but never has it been a fucking hardcore franchise what the fuck

>[less popular game] is going to result in more shitposting than [more popular games]
No, that's not how it works my friend. And in the west, aka this board, monster hunter is significantly less popular than souls games or the typical triple a game.

You've clearly never played with Japanese randos before. They have plenty of shitters, let me assure you.

Again, Japan doens't have casuals. 2hu which is like Japanese MLP is like Volkmire's Inferno times five. A casual in japan is someone who only grinded for 20 hours to level up in DQ3.

I know the iOS market has raped gaming in general up the ass, but that doesn't make phoneshit games. Not really.

kekkai sensen was Fotm? weird

I've played with japanese randoms, no shitters in High Rank. If you play with a HR8 posting their Baroth urgent then you only have yourself to blame.

You nintenbroters are so desperate, goddamn

>Monster Hunter has never been a hardcore franchise and has never been designed with the intention to be one.

According to who?

I hope this is all sarcasm.

>Japanese has no casual players
>Except for the ones I just named



Yes, in the same way that you can play Battletoads but still be a casual if you're stuck on level 3.

>Monster Hunter creators Ryozo Tsujimoto and Kaname Fujioka have said the game isn't seen as a hardcore title in Japan - more of a typical action adventure.
>"Actually, Monster Hunter has never been seen as a hardcore series in Japan. Because of the co-op approach of the game, one or two of the players need not be too experienced, the others can carry them to a degree," he said.
>Because the game doesn't reward people according to input, and there are no damage counts or stats for who kills what, once a mission is completed everyone's a winner and gets similar rewards. We wanted this so that new players could join in and be guided by more experienced hunters."

Yeah, I guess that was a bit unfair, I overestimated it popularity a bit for the sake of making an argument.

Nintendo Bonus

Thanks for backing me up, like I said Japan doesn't have the casual/hardcore split.

That doesn't make it not hardcore in the west, especially if you solo which you had to before the 3rd gen.


You're delusional as fuck

The best MH of all time is still and will still be (post MHW) MH3U on the WiiU.

MH3U is the pinnacle of MH thus far (though only a tiny bit ahead of 4U) and on the WiiU it has a great controller and you get to play it on the big TV and online.

Doesn't get better than that.

Meanwhile MHW is casual shit for western dudebros who need to be able to re-grapple, run around while healing, dodge out of healing, heal with vigorwasps everywhere and equip OP shit like the rocksteady mantle that gives them knockback immunity, tremor immunity, wind immunity AND reduces the damage they take.

Literally everyone but Sup Forums is excited about World. Wonder why that is?

Casuals who don't know any better?
That's literally 90% of MHW's user base. People who don't know better and people who are new to MH. The amount of posts you see on other sites about MHW by "never got into MH but now..." people is insane.

You know, by failing to provide even a single counter-argument you fail to convince anyone but yourselves.

I guess that's the problem with parroting memes. You can't defend the fact taht you think MH isn't hardcore, because it's a joke mad eup by frustrated casuals blaming artificial difficulty. I know, I was there when it started. It was retarded then and it is retarded now.

39/40 + lost Nintendo Bonus = 44/40. Mathematically superior to every other game in existence.

Casuals outnumber us.

MHFU got an average score of 6/10 and I think literally everyone agrees it's one of, if not the best game ever made.

Fuck off soulshitter falseflagger.

MHFU is clearly superior

The fuck does this have to do with Souls? Are you okay? Who do you think I am?

Where are the 100% of MH's user base?

MH3U was too easy desu

>50 bonus armor at the start of the game

>when it flops horridly in the west?
He's right, you're already starting it. MH never sold well in the west. 4U is the top so far and thats not that great either.
No matter how World performs, faggots like you will cause a shitstorm just because it's not the best selling game ever made.

At least it had G rank. MHW has nothing. Oh wait it now has a lot of cinematic cutscenes for western gamers like us. Hooray!

Not with those hitboxes.

But your argument that japs arent casuals is completely in opposition with japan being the biggest market for phoneshit that exists you even mentioned that.

FU and 3U are equally good. You can't hate someone for preferring one over the other.

FU's low rank monsters have no HP though. You can kill YKK with a LR light bowngun in 10 fucking seconds.

>Not MHFU or at least MH4U

Kys 3u babby

Possibly the most worthless reviewers on earth
Do the japs even take them seriously?

>Gives award to a hat in time
What did Yahtzee mean by this

>hardcore franchise
As someone who started playing MH on the PS2, you're the problem the franchise has.
Shit has been stale forever now and MHW is the freshest take the franchise has gotten in ages.
It might not be perfect, but its a step in the right direction.

>complaining about arcade shit in an arcade game

>MHW is on PS4, Xbox, and PC
>muh sonyfags
God damn Nintenbronies are still mad XX on the Switch never got localized.

>At least it had G rank
Yeah, two years after it's vanilla release. G rank will probably be an expansion pack for World or something.

Why would anyone play MH if not partially for the challenge?

Didn't Famitsu gave an absurdly high score to Ninja Gaiden 3 vanilla? Surely they are paragons of hardcoregaming if thats true.

>Dostoevsky or Tolstoy are the epitome of russian literature.
Only the epitome of classic russian literature. And if you don't see that, then you're simply salty for having shit taste.

>playing coop game made for 4 people alone
>woah! so hardcore! look how gud I'm in this game guys!

>As someone who started playing MH on the PS2
True Sup Forums story

I can see you are new to MH. They never give you G in the first game. We are lucky we are even getting this game on PC (which only morons would get it before the PC launch later in the year) and about as lucky to get the first rendition of MHW instead of having to wait 1-2 years for a updated version (the only times that happened are 1 and tri).

The games later hunts, even with more stats, were harder than anything before it. The only easy thing was the non busted ass hit boxes of EVERY monster from previous gens.

MH isn't hardcore at all. It's casualcore in the same way FFXIV is. Literally the same level of skill. Stop patting yourself on the back thinking you're "xXhardcoreXx" because the game ias basically CoD in japan

>They never give you G in the first game.
No shit? I'm well aware. So why should I buy MHW? Nevermind it not having G rank (obviously), but it's also westernized and casualized to hell on top of that.

How moronic would you have to be to think MHW looks good? Are you some kind of graphics fag?

And how do you know its not gonna be a challenge late game?
This is exactly the point. People are already hating it before seeing what it has to offer. Just hate out of principle.
I never had much problems with Jho. Never ever. But you never saw me makign threads or post going like "this is what MH kiddies think is hard? LMAO!!" which will inevitably happen once someone clears shit in MHW easily.

You didn't start on the ps2. That much is plain to see

Phones are a market of their own, which cut into games but aren't really the same. It's wrong to call them casuals because some phone games are quite intense and require grinding that would even make DQfags blush, which is the antithesis of casual gaming.

I actually played the iOS port of MHFU, and while it wasn't as deep or hardcore it was still a game that required some amount of skill. If I was a nip salaryman with a malfunctioning SD card in my 3DS I would play it too.

What a load of bs. I play plenty of FF14 and MH and MH is ten times more challenging, there is no weight to anything you do in FF. FF is 100% positioning and doing your rota, MH is not like that.

Based on the betas and EVERYTHING we know about MHW the odds of it suddenly turning into a challenging and good MH game in its end are 0.0001%

>How moronic would you have to be to think MHW looks good?
What you call "moronic" is what other people call "not having their head up their asses", to a point.
Also, none of the points you made was any good so far. You got blown out by the other user, pointing out that you know shit about G rank, and you're only retort is "I-I'm w-well a-aware", and this
>Oh wait it now has a lot of cinematic cutscenes for western gamers like us. Hooray!
Ever played 4?

XX is probably the least hardcore of the 3DS games so i don't know what the hell are people crying, i mean, unless you think enraged version of monsters with gigantic hp that you have to bully for 40 minutes is hardcore, then you are part of the problem and fuck MH.

Shhh. It's literally ok when Nintendo does it.

Ah I had guessed you were a casual. Thanks for biting.

>As someone who
Nobody care about your stinking lard ass