“I remain convinced that in principle, video games cannot be art. Perhaps it is foolish of me to say "never...

“I remain convinced that in principle, video games cannot be art. Perhaps it is foolish of me to say "never," because never, as Rick Wakeman informs us, is a long, long time. Let me just say that no video gamer now living will survive long enough to experience the medium as an art form.”- George Lucas

So this is why he thinks his movies are better than KOTOR II.

He was smart to sell off Star Wars, he realized he couldn’t make a decent movie anymore.

he's a true fucking genius

"I may have gone too far in a few places." - Hideo Kojima

He never said this

>Rips off Cowboy and Samurai movies with shooty lasers with telepathy series, along with kingdom of the crystal Ayy Lmaos and Jar Jar Binks
>"Video Games aren't art"

He’s just salty that the KOTOR games are more highly regarded than nearly all of his movies.

yes he did, you can see the quote right there dumbass

>Ebertposting is Dead

Why are we still here?

Disney proved that no one actually can

>implying disney makes good movies anymore

how can toys be art?


>t. Star Wars is art

Gungans werent even that bad compared to Rose's Casino of White Privilege movie inserted in the last Jedi, which was already a turd to begin with.

I'm just waiting for the plinkett review to get some entertainment out of this schlock.

What's his fucking problem?

*dismissive belch*

why wouldn't toys be art?

same way figure skating isn't an art, it's a sport. Videos games aren't an art, they're interactive entertainment.

Do you consider dancing an art?

Lucas was and is Star Wars. It's something different now.

>blanket statements

It isn't a contest. Games can be as artistic and as they can be bland. Depends on the crew and the vision.

Lucas is a hack, at any rate.

Some artistic videogames that truly stand as works of art:

Metal Gear Solid/MGS2
Silent Hill/SH2
Final Fantasy IV/VI/VII/IX/X/XII
Dark Souls
The Witness

any others?

You're conflating the software with the actual act of playing.

>It's another "forcing subjectivity to change facts" episode.


These threads are a newfag magnet because they really think George said this.

But he did.

Figure skating is interpretive dance you retarded fuck, you have to write a program. That's like saying "music isn't an art, you're just playing an instrument"... stupid.

Alladin was the best Disney movie ever made, easily.


>Not the lion king.

What a fucking hack.

>Gay songs.
>Comic relief sucks nuts.
>MC is gay.
>Antagonist is also gay.


Jaguar=Sup Forums cancer
Indian man=Sup Forums

>Protagonist is a muslim nigger
>Jaffar is a stubborn faggot.

Still better than a bunch of homosexual furry shit.

Why was there no Zootopia game?

>Muslims better than Wildlife.

Muslims are wildlife

He’s wrong.

*They're animals

All these IT and Programmers in the industry claiming games can be art to justify to themselves their poor career choices.

>poor career choice
Like being a writer or filmmaker makes you anything.

Worth mentioning that George Lucas thought Akira was going to flop in the West.

The dude is a confirmed idiot.

is the top half of that guys scalp coming off in the second panel?

how can this quote even be real?
how has nobody mentioned LucasArts yet?

He’s like a lucky idiot that struck gold. He’s like Jed Clampett from the Beverly Hillbillies

Bioshock Infinite and Last of Us are pure art though

This quote being fake aside, it's funny to me that it's film dude saying this sort of shit because movies are far from art.

That's Spielberg. Lucas was the tech guy who struck gold.

Im guessing its not his wig, what Im more concerned about is if he tried to defend himself with a knuckelduster. Hope hes alive either way.

Why would an Indian have a knuckleduster?

That’s a tartknuckle dumbass.

>literally who has an opinion
okay??? who is this guy and why i give a shit??

Star Wars is barely art and a pastiche of samurai films and flash gordon.

to poo in the loo

What the fuck?

First this is misquoted, the quote is from another retard
Second why so many people care about vidya being considered arts or sports or whatever? Its quite pointless really, you'll never change some peoples opinions.
And third i liked TLJ, saw it twice and still enjoyed it despite now noticing issues

He made a movie, so his opinion matters.


Scaruffi posting is superior

If Zootopia cane a few years earlier I guarantee it would've had a Wii shovelware title. But ideally, a Lego City Undercover type game would've been cool.

Bitter old man.

>he says thisin a thread about George Lucas
>inb4 >businessman
He's a filmmaker, despite his shit movies.

What the fuck is a tartknuckle?

>"This other medium that takes potential customers from our medium is never going to be true art"
>t. scared faggot

How is he so based?
Pic related

Games already make more than movies.

>robbing a gun store
not the smartest idea



Most of Sup Forums came from reddit newfag.

Yeah and I love it, Im saying Spielberg is talking such nonsense because he is clearly afraid of that.

Art can come in any form, if you produce something with the intention of it being art, it automaticly becomes art. Doesnt matter if its bad or good art.

Wharhol was a mistake.

>Shit can be art if you say it you did it with that intention.

A guy once took a dump in a toilet and sold the picture for like $200k and it was regarded as a revolutionary piece of art by critics in New York, so you’re probably right.

>Fold napkins like a king.
>"Guys, my perfomance is inspiring"

In that moment you'd clearly do it as a joke and not with the intention of it being real art.

Folding paper is a form of art btw.

>Comparing origami to a pretentious actitude.
>Implying napkins aren't made of silk.

You have to go back.

>George Lucas
>knowing anything about anything
The dude is what happens when you let an idea guy get his way. Alot of cool things, but he'll run that shit into the ground if you don't keep a leash on him.

Eeen if they weren't good they would of at least been interesting and original instead of the soulless nostalgia bait sjw pandering garbage Disney has turned it into.

>Folding paper is a form of art btw
>Folding paper

Way before a pretentious douches downgrading arts it was.

>implying gay shit doesn't make it better

Sure the prequels has problems and he tampered with the OT. But it's was all HIS bag, and there is something to be said about that.

Disney Star Wars is just not the same. Disney Starwars Is not important, given what they presented so far.

The funny thing is video games are more likely to never be art now than they were when he said this