So how about that Dissidia NT beta?

So how about that Dissidia NT beta?

Who are YOU using?

Cloud is my main. Tidus is pretty good too though.

I'm getting used to the battle system. It's a really addictive game.


>decide to see how some people are playing on twitch
>watching the top streamer
>hes in a full party
>they immediately all go off to their 1v1 fights
>proceeds to just have three one 1v1 duels nearly the whole game
>keeps getting mad when he whiffs

Damn we really got some work to do if this is how the top streamer is playing the game. There was one bullshit part though where he hit Sephiroth like it showed the hit on him and combo about to start, and Sephiroth just like lagged out of it and appeared behind him and hit him into a wall and killed him.

>dissidia will die two weeks in
>dbz will die two months in
paying full price for multiplayer games feels awful

>single player game
>5-6 hours of entertainment
>multiplayer game
>near limitless entertainment

I don't get why people say stuff like only single player games should be $60. You get more value out of multiplayer games provided you like them.

>tfw get matched with a Sephiroth who knew what he was doing.
>we cover each other asses while Ultimecia is doing fuck knows what somewhere.
>we both saved each other from getting anally raped last second.
>wreck the other team in the process

Dissidia was good today.

People are getting the hang of it.

I too had a good day today. Looking forward to the full game.

i just wanna give a hug to the person who saves me when i'm getting destroyed but they are probably fat and smelly.

I don't understand how this game can lag so fucking bad like a fighting game and yet what you see on screen seems unreliable like a shooter. People talking about weird shit happening with hit detection and it feels like attacks suddenly have twice the range and tracking when someone else is doing them against me.

What the hell single player games are you playing that only last 5 to 6 hours?

nearly every $60 single player cinematic masterpiece lasts that long

what sense does that make if the multiplayer is dead and split screen doesn't apply to you? playing against ai is boring af. plus, no single player lasts that long unless you're rushing through it

It's peer to peer I believe and there's 6 connections in every match that all have to maintain as similar a game state as possible. This shit works in Japan because it's a small country and they have high quality internet services in general, when you have to connect 4 people across the US and maybe 2 people in South America it's much less reliable.

Well, one thing I miss is this game being a literal psp title.

I mean shit like glitches and bugs out the wazoo, moves that have extra hitboxes for the sake of having hitboxes, that last a little bit too long it's deceiving. Now I can't exploit them anymore, im getting punished for it.

I hope cloud has more than 2 outfits.

Most single player stuff I've played over the last year has been between 20 and 100 hours. Zelda, Mario, Persona 5, Evil Within 2, FF12 Zodiac Age, Danganronpa V3, Nier Automata, Horizon Zero Dawn. Most of the time if a single player game is short it's BECAUSE it has multiplayer.

Beatrix when

I hope Tidus keeps up shirtless alt.

That looked rad as fuck

That has nothing to do with what I just posted dude and also not even slightly realistic. Under one networking system that should cause slowdown and under another it should cause different shit happening on different screens, the question is why the fuck is it both.

I miss the bigger arenas and being able to grind on stuff but other than that I prefer the PS4 version.

How can one person have such shit taste?

Would love to have that outfit back as well, Duodecim really had some nice outfits. That and Bartz in that dancer outfit.

Why does the entirety of Japan farm out their shit to Koei Tecmo when Koei Tecmo collectively couldn't program their way out of a goddamn paper bag.

What kind of Reddit shit is this image? Fuck outta here.

Is Kefka any good? I've used him a bit and figured out his moveset, but I haven't really been able to kill many people with him. Is he mostly just good for annoying/debuffing opponents or is there more to him that I haven't figured out?

>being able to grind on stuff
THATS WHATS MISSING. I would like another way to travel around the map, so that I can save my teammate without running out of dash power halfway

how do any of the non-mage characters even dash for so long? Of course it's game mechanics but still, I miss the beams of energy on that cosmos map for example.

You just posted a facebook meme which is worse than reddit kill yourself

I miss having lots of environmental stuff to grind on as well plus it'd be another cancel to abuse as feels like completing a combo isnt rewarded due to the limited chase

I really wanted to like this game because I like the genre and I like Final Fantasy and some of the ideas are cool but this game fucking sucks. Matchmaking sucks beyond all belief, netcode sucks, controls suck more than seems feasible for such a simple game, it's just fucking cancer in digital form designed to infuriate me by the very act of running on my PS4. I'm doomed to never be able to enjoy a team action game because no one will even attempt to do a good job of anything getting a home release instead of giving it to the D team for a cash grab because Japan is fucking desperate for getting these games on console.

Just don't play the game, no need to get pissy and rant/blog about your anger here.

No need for you to read it if it bothers you either, fagboy

Exdeath is ______

a splinter waiting for the right moment


The Lord of Shadoloo

Whatever, fag

just a reminder
your teammates cannot be trusted. watch them at all times and possibly fight their fight for them if necessary.

Which character do you find the most annoying to play against? I'm having oodles of trouble with Ace, it's annoyingly tough to get in and hit him.

I've logged a great amount of time on my man Squall, but now that the heroes were swapped I'm playing more of my wife Cloud of Darkness and I'm enjoying the hell out of her playstyle.

Warrior of Light, The Emperor, and Garland were all failed attempts at main. I just couldn't get around their playstyles.

>Doing fine with Terra and Y'shtola
>Teams for the most part watch out for me
>Pick up Shantotto since I had a lot of fun with her in the beta
>Suddenly my team forgets I even exist and let fucking Kain and the assassin crew gangbang me 2v1 style
>Slow start-up on my spells in normal mode makes it hard to hold my own until someone notices or the match ends
haha time to hit the grind.

Tidus is so fucking awkward to use. And they ruined his moveset.

His moveset's fine. Learn to feint and land Hit and Run.

Tidus is actually one of the least messed with characters though. Except, now you kinda have to preemptively dodge so, you might want to plan on becoming a mind reader.

Atleast they didn't remove what made your character good like some characters. In some cases, even added problems

You can trust me

Oh and Tidus was also a failed attempt. Maybe I'll try him again later. I remember him being very different in the close beta.


>set up gambits put down controller

Man, some of you fuckers need to learn how to run and stall the match. Don't try to be a hero.


do you guys switch right away to hex mode and try to hex everyone with exdeath?
Most of my games I never leave hex mode because the debuff is only 15 sec and I need to refresh it

Why is Ramza not on that chart? Ramza all day

the last time I trusted you, you ran away with my dark crystal!

I miss the Emperor

>2 vanguards keep chasing me
>stall them out by running away constantly

they never learn

sorry, meant for

Gave it a try, if this was the series people were clamoring over on the psp i don't see how it as THAT good to get that many sequels.

David Bowie*

Because the ones on psp were geared entirely towards 1v1, had more movement options, and was definitely not as sluggish as this beta.

NT may as well be a different game entirely disguised under a dissidia skin.

Is it just me or is Sephiroths timing gimmick much easier to pull off than Squalls? And not because you have to pull them off in succession with squalls, sephis probably has more input frames as well

i used to do this but i'm questioning its effectiveness when you can be in the white form where your ex charges faster. but yeah generally i will switch to hex immediately and wait for the enemy to rush my friend and hit them with that wave that launches them back.

Having obscene amounts of fun with Lightning.

>Cecil - Kain - ExDeath
Only patrician choices desu

Scary (in good hands)

Yeah, movement felt a bit weird for all that open space. I'm just assuming there are moved that give grater distance leaps that what i hd to play with in the beta?

me too! 9-1 so far with her, i dunno if i've gotten lucky or if she's broken af, but i think she's the only assassin that can kick vanguards asses

I want to have obscene fun with Lightning


This is one of the worst games i've ever played, and i've played Nioh.

Team Ninja is officially blacklisted for me now. They simply don't make any good games, and they're not even western developers.


Here's your first and final (You)


I know that feel all too well.

whats Sephroth thinking about

>This is one of the worst games i've ever played,

Eh, it isnt the best, but thats cool ma--

>and i've played Nioh.
Eat shit and die.

Best example of kitchen sink garbage "lets add another unnecessary system to our game" development. Most unfocussed garbage experience i've had in years.

>Oh lets add a retarded diablo grind

just so you can get oneshotted by AOE HP attack?

>Get a bot on our team
>Stall the match to a time out
>Don't lose anything because we had a bot
>Enemy still loses points
Better than nothing I guess.

Is there one for villains?


who's your favorite chaos character and why?

Gets them every time

Obviously not that close.
>let me go 1v1 this guy and get my ass kicked on the other side of the map so my team can't help me

Sniffing her armpits.

How to make candied pears.

Do you want to walk around and do jack shit? Pick Sephiroth
Do you feel like contributing? Pick literally any other character.

Garland because I've mained him since the first Dissidia and I love how he's like a goddamn freight train.

Emperor is second because MY REIGN IS ABSOLUTE

Pretty good bait. Had me laughing.

>magic or swords
Gay, where are my bows?

I like how Chris Sabat's Garland just sounds like a mix of his Piccolo and Vegeta


Kuja. Leftover main from the good ole days. Got that good as fuck move that yanks in losers from above and under.

Such a shame he's been slightly gimped in this. back then his moves atleast had homing to guarantee the rest of the attack would hit.

>Garland because I've mained him since the first Dissidia and I love how he's like a goddamn freight train.

you are literally my nigger.
>tfw no 'I'LL CRUSH YOU' this game

So I brought my old PSP back home with me and I want to play some Dissidia with other people, how do I do this?

you have to fake people out. His spells are fairly unpredictable so you use them to confuse and harass

You don't


if you dont have or want to use a ps3, you can go through the hell of trying to setup Xlink Kai or download adhoc party on ps3

Garland is the fucking shit

Mateus because I never ever get tired of people randomly falling into dynamite