Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of this game?
Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of this game?
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first off, that's a shitty fucking phrase
second, the game isn't even out
I completely missed the open beta, was on holiday.
Is it good?
It's not even out yet.
Never got it to connect even after they fixed it, so don't know. I think it looks neat at least. Also like how one of the Vegeta color options is a nod to his first appearance with the fucked coloring in the show. Only other game I knew that had that (albeit on his actual Saiyan saga costume) ere the BT games.
So tentatively excited still but gonna wait until I play it at a friends before buying.
fgc are a bunch of jerks!
It was a fun demo, not worth $59.99.
I'd pick it up for 19.99 though. The game was fun, and simple enough to let new people get into it, yet also enough depth to get really good. The gameplay isn't crazy fun on its own though, so having unlocks/something to progress towards, would be needed.
I'd say a sold 3.5/5
It's missing a certain something.
I'm not going to bug out about the autocombos. Nearly every ArcSys fighter has them nowadays, and even King of Fighters has jumped on that wagon. With that having been said, I'm going to wait until the whole game is out, with all of the post-release content, before buying. It doesn't really compel me to get it right now.
I was on Xbox so I only got in about 10 matches or so. Never played an actual fighting game before and was kinda nervous going in. Was pleasantly surprised and I won about 8/10 of those matches. Definitely want to train and get better once the game comes out.
The closed beta was good, managed to play 2 sesions of 4 hours. Was ready to play more on Sunday but when they went open beta the servers shat themselves
Pre-ordered the training mode, ready for next week. Can't wait to finally play Gotenks
Pretty good, played 120 matches on the beta with hunger for more
I love it. I know it was just a beta, but that was pretty much the game. I just hope the DLC is worth the money.
Can't wait to have the full roster
the game would be better if you could just turn off auto combos. I don't even care if the other player is using them, I just want to turn it off at least on my side. They are an annoyance and make the game harder to learn.
I like it and i will definitly get it but i have to say i suck at fast fighting games like this one and MvC games
You can hold back like in P4A
god tier and we havent even scratched the surface
v jump scan when
Just don't mash lol get some self control mate
Don't see it having very much longevity. There's certain elements that the system needs and other elements that need to not be there. As it is, it's a broken button masher for kids.
That's not to say it isn't fun though. I just really can't see it taken "seriously".
I understand this sentiment. I didn't win not once but I played like maybe five matches. I just wish you could rematch more than a 2/3. Was a lot of fun and I was learning a lot outside of practice mode. Just need to get the hang of QC motions and how to pull out supers faster. Nearly had a win in my last match if I could have done one more super.
Basically just git gud and don't be a salty fatback
Why not tell us these elements.
fun as fuck fighting game. looking forward to release day. Honestly the beta was something special i don't think i'll experience again.
fighting people who are all getting better at the same time is an incredible feeling. Fighting through android rank having decent matches then like 30 mins later when i'm in Super Saiyan rank i managed to 1v3 a guy in android rank with just my piccolo. Hope that feeling carries over to the full game.
Poll to see which platform will have most support
I wish they had never opened the beta to poorfags
Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful
Am I missing something? I keep getting a "failed to initialize network" message when I start it up.
Reminder that Son Gohan is chinful
He's also a bad dad
beta ended
Gohan's book probably raised Universe 11's ningen level by 5 points and it's all thanks to his dad
I got that message the entire time, never got a chance to play.
I think what I always thought
>another GG or BB shitter with DBZ skins that nigs and evo faggots are gonna buy simply cause its "MUH DBZZZZZ!!!!"
>Universe 11
Shouldn't try to lore while fapping
No, Piccolo beat Gohan for a year for naught. With his beautiful loving fathers training Gohan was able to break into a new level of power and destroy the most dangerous enemy the earth had seen yet.
Needs Champa.
good trainer =/= good fajah
Goku cut his hair
Piccolo cut his tail
damn that sucks I'm not sure what the problem is then
I hope you fucking die you blue piece of shit.
>TFW never have to see that fatass again
Based Zeno working the baraboys into a seething shoot
if it weren't a beta and lacking in practice features, id say stop being a fag and just practice yourself. getting fucked in a one-sided battle isn't a social activity, stop acting like you're a shonen protag or an actual saiyan by getting rekt saying "i-I'm getting gud!"
He'll be back and star in the Planet Sarada arc.
auto-combos already killed this game.
This moment was actually surprisingly sad.
but /fgg/ told me SF V AE is going to be the next hotness
t. brainlet
I cant beat auto combos cause im bad and I cant handle that
user the auto combos are for you then, embrace it!
He doesn't know them because he doesn't know how to play fighting games.
The game probably has the best learning curve I've ever fucking seen in a fighting game, but people see one level of play and assume that's all there is.
The game has a skill floor that's below the earth's crust, where people with brain damage can mash L and homing dash and they'll do something other than flail around impotently against other brain damaged players.
The ceiling is fairly high, however. The neutral game is blazing fast with plenty of options for zoning, mixups, reactions and hard reads, etc. In addition to the basic autocombo system the game also has a magic series system similar to Marvel 3 for those unwilling to lab things out, and for the people willing to lab there's all manner of soft/hard launchers, juggle states, tag supers (not DHC), Sparking combos, assist extensions, etc.
It's honestly kind of hilarious to me that shitters will mash their way through fights with other shitters and then go online and say the game has no depth.
I'm not sure if it's the depression or the fact that it got spoiled for me, but I felt absolutely nothing during that scene
lol the auto combos are made for scrubs like you. if they werent there youd complain that you cant beat people who spent a lot of time in training mode. kill yourself autist
The two issues is that the bet had no practice mode or command list, and that the simple controls only makes it easier for experienced players to shit on pubs, initially.
I literally shit on kids, and I knew nothing of the control scheme, and only learned to Vanish towards the end of my session. I only figured out that X was the dedicated special button after my fifth match. Literally knowing how to defend and punish let me fuck up so many people who only tried to rush down. Not relying on autocombos helped me out too, I think. I had someone ragequit when I vanished out of a fully assisted Ultimate.
New players, not having to worry about execution and the like, are going to get shit on by fighting veterans for a while. But its so pickup and play that any new player will be able to get into it if they want to.
I just wish it had a burst instead of the sparkle x-factor shit.
t. shitter that got stomped by autocombos
There were never this many people complaining about them in KoF14 or MvC:I, so why now? It's piss easy to not do them.
This game would last so much longer if sparkling acted like a burst.Even then you can use some of its i-frames to get you out of situation like a gold burst.
Couldn't tell you. Kept getting kicked out of a lobby each time I did a tutorial so never even learned all of the basics.
Just spam block.
so did Jump scans come out or what
I think the matches are over too quickly now, honestly. Somewhere between closed and open beta match length would be ideal IMO
I think I might agree with this. If sparking was a burst it would give people a chance and also add more depth for burst baiting. And XV games have built in get opff me mechanics so it would feel similar but this time with one usage.
I'm not that hyped for it I still like the tenkaichi style games and want to play those more
No, the shitposting would be off the charts if they did
It's universal mechanics allow for new players to ease into the game comfortably, but the game has so many advanced techniques and intricacies, that it allows hardcore players to do things that casuals cannot do. It's great.
Fucking this. It's my only complaint with the game
I haven't played the other beta's but yes, I heard the matches taking too long was a complaint, but having no way out of a 50 hit combo causes a completely different problem. It doesn't even need to regen like Burst in GG or BB, just once is fair enough.
You guys realize that sparking absolutely functions as burst as well, right?
I honestly found more use for it in escaping corner pressure than I did the regen/speed increase.
QC motions aren't hard. You should've went to Labku mode and practiced.
You are part of the problem
What problem?
>You guys realize that sparking absolutely functions as burst as well, right?
You can't use it during hitstun or blockstun, so it's a shitty burst.
My left thumb hurts, might have to get an arcade stick If I want to play this, same thing happened with UMvC3.
The game is fun, but I do want to play the final product/other characters.
Hopefully they'll fix the network issues.
Very fun once I got past 400k points. Too many dragon rushes and auto combos in the lower leagues. When I got to a point where we were respecting dragon rushes because 2HP was a known answer, it got much more interesting. I found a lot of good stuff with Vegeta's assist and Nappa's saibamen.
A good chunk of the dragonball fanbase is sick and fucking tired of dragonball simulators
Budokai and Burst Limit got shafted while a billion Tenkaichi and Raging Blast and Xenoverse games come out
Games are lasting 2-3 minutes unlike the 5 in the closed which is good enough.
You can even bait sparkling I've seen Nakkiel do it.
I just said it can work like gold burst in GG.
it's not about blocking brah. It's about scrubs doing the same shit and then me having to do the same punish a hundred times. Without the auto combos scrubs would be forced to come at me differently and that way the grind to higher ranks, so I can fight people that won't be doing the same shit again and again, wouldn't be such a bother.
>over a decade of tenkaichi style games
>something fresh new and exciting comes along
>but I want more of the same shit though
Well, its more like a DP in the sense that you can only do it out of blockstun. Bursts let you do it even when you're getting whaled.
While hilarious, this is pretty dumb when Goku constantly states how proud he is of Gohan in Z
>do a simple chase into a triangle mash combo
>still completely demolish most
I still don't know if the game is too simple or everyone is trash.
You're fighting trash players.
even dumber when it's happened like 3 times in this arc of Dragon Ball Super alone
It's a new game and no one has had real lab time
Of course user.
For srs
Every single Kid Buu I came up against could do nothing but mash autocombo into special over and over
I just kept making them give up with Frieza's standing H because they're too unga bunga to figure out how to jump
Gohan and Beerus also seemed to attract a lot of shitters
So at this point, has your team solidified for launch or are there certain characters you want to sub out for ones you haven't played yet, or did you not play any of the characters you wanted at all yet?
I played raging blast and it sucked to me except ss3 Vegeta and Broly so that was a gimmick, I might play this new one if my gf wants to play it but xenoverse is still in my backlog because my memory on my ps3 got used up before I could play it
Only wish I have for dbz games is a new legacy of goku game but idk how likely that is
Most of the characters I want to play weren't in the beta, but the beta did convince me to pick up a team of Cell/Goku/Frieza, three characters I hadn't even considered using.
Is this supposed to look like it's from deviantart