Now that we know for sure that Other M didn't kill Metroid, was it really that bad?

Now that we know for sure that Other M didn't kill Metroid, was it really that bad?

It's like a shittier reimagining of fusion

Yes, it was.

Even if it didn't actually kill Metroid, it very nearly did. So yes, it really was that bad.

it killed it for years but got revived

Attempted murder is still a crime, as is having to stand still to shoot missiles.

I never played it. Besides the dialogue, what’s so bad about it?

Now that we know for sure that it didn't kill video games, was it really that bad?

>zero exploration
>infinite missiles
>piss easy difficulty
>no sequence-breaking
>you literally had to change

Even Metroid Prime Pinball was a better Metroid game than Other M.

Unironically no.


>3D game controlled with the D-pad, no other options available
>Despite the above, you have to point the remote at the screen to shoot missiles, which suffice to say is not intuitive or smooth whatsoever
>Combat is basically just constantly tapping the D-pad to autododge enemy attacks
>More linear than fucking Fusion
>Plot is also a rehash of Fusion's, except worse
>Pixel hunts
>Adam is a total cunt who almost gets literally shoots Samus in the back, but the narrative treats him like he's a stand-up guy
>Samus herself is a bumbling idiot
>Ridley PTSD scene
>Somehow contradicts every other game in the franchise in some way or another
It goes on and on and on and on.

*Adam is a total cunt who almost gets Samus killed several times for no reason at all

Is Other M the most redpilled game of the 2010s?

Yes it absolutely was. Get out and take the star wars prequelfags with you

Other M pisses me off because it killed the possibility of ever seeing a Metroid game that's like an anime, because now just mentioning anime will send the fanbase into convulsions.

Other M wasn't anime, it was sterile artless lifeless 3d.

So much cool shit in Japanese sci-fi and NONE of it influences the visuals in this series.

Sakamoto must be kicking himself every day for not putting a 2D game on the DS or Wii when he had the chance.

>Other M killed Metroid
Maybe is because nobody care about your shitty franchise

Dumbest frogposter

keep telling yourself that

The game itself was alright in my book, nothing amazing but alright.
I still don't get why people sperg over this game like it is the antichrist for having a few shitty cutscenes.

I only played it a couple months ago when my brother lent it to me, and I went in thinking exactly that it couldn't really be that bad.

It was.

womens can´t have emotions


>was it really that bad?

Samus didn't have emotions in Other M.

She sounded like a fucking GPS.

>She sounded like a fucking GPS.

Fuck, it's funny because it's true

It's a 3/5 game. You're supposed to run through the game with little downtime for finding powerups. The combat looks cool: Flashy melee moves, slick dodging, big obliterating charge shots energy bursts, being able to switch camera views by going first person to fire off powerful missile shots (risky too since you can't move around) -- it's a good time.

But it does mess up by:
Having a bad story with unskippable cutscenes
The occasional dreadful enemy design
Minor oddball features like pixel hunting cutscenes and forced walking sequences (sweet looking camera perspective, which could easily have been used for a proper horror sequence)

yes, it was, because it was nintendo trying and unsurprisingly failing to ape naughty dog style muh human character drama muh emotions narrative focused games

the way nintendo makes game is they start from a central gameplay idea and work from there while here it was sakamoto trying to sell his daughter complex fanfiction to the world and trying to make a game around it and it was predictably shit