
>post better joke than Overwatch League and Overwatch Esports

You literally can't

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PUBG esports

I don't pay attention to Overwatch, why is it a joke?

>jeff kaplan living in your head rent free

I hate overwatch so much I need to make a thread about it.

Blizzard is trying so hard to force esports and competitive mode in this casual game that it's just funny at this point


In what way is it casual?

blizzard since d3

>Literally rocket jump button
>aimbot as an ultimate
>random headshots
>shitty you-can't-dodge one shot mechanics
>most of the heroes don't require any form of aiming, because this projectile will hit you anyways
>this game was never ment to have competitive mode, every time someone asked Blizzard about this they tried to dodge the question

Also the game is just shitty and anoying as fuck, hit reg is a joke and net code does not exist

lack of movement or positioning depth. lack of aiming depth. it's one of the most casual shooters that's actually popular.




Define aiming depth. Hitscan aiming is hitscan aiming.

was it iddqd playing soldier?

also mic chat with strangers in a limited team coop setting was an even bigger blunder than league. people were always going to shit fury over everyone else. what was blizz even fucking thinking?

Also I forgot about one, projectiles will disappear after you die

Paladins battlegrounds

Recoil control, which Overwatch doesn't really have. Ammo management, which isn't aiming per se but fits into the same area. Also the projectiles in overwatch are massive and easy to use.

But none of the best shooters have any meaningful recoil. Ammo management is only relevant in arena shooters which also typically have next to 0 recoil.

>best shooters
by what metric? you also completely disregarded my point on movement, which is what REALLY matters in games that are traditionally considered the "best shooters".

Arena shooters typically. Anything with ADS I find to suck. CS also sucks, standing still to shoot is boring. I didn't ignore the movement critique I agree with it. But to me hitscan shooting is hitscan shooting, there's not a ton of depth to it.

it's not even the they're forcing it to be an esport it's the fact they are acting like this is going to be on par with actual sports.
I'm sure at some point we'll get the overwatch superbowl.

Why are all the team names so basic?

well I can compound your joke at the very least, btw these sessions go for 6 hours.


The only viable competitive FPS nowadays is CS, all the other good FPS games are dead. Overwatch is a joke. Ofc you will get high tier players/competition due to $ but the game itself is probably the most casual game ever designed.

$2 million dollar buy in for anyone who wants to host an official league with no revenue for the first 4 years.
Look it up.

I don't like recoil in games, but it DOES make the game more competitive when it's done in a manner that can be compensated for, a la Counterstrike. CS:GO is indubitably more competitive than Overwatch.

That's has nothing to do with whether it is successful though remember halo, counter strike, og doom, and even call of duty were all successful games even through they are garbage competitively

Possibly, but in the most boring way imaginable. I'd rather play nearly any shooting game than that garbage.

>Lootcrates Strike: Gamble On more competitive than anything

you've got to be joking.

>counter strike
>garbage competitively

Yes, it's more competitive than Overwatch. Can you refute this analytically?

I'm sorry that you spend your wage on knife skins user, but you can admit it's a bad game. The only good competove shooters, if there are any, are quake and unreal tournament

Twitch paid Blizzard $90 million for the exclusive rights to stream OWL, but sure Sup Forums, you guys know better right?


He is. The actual buy in is $20 million.

I meant CS1.6

Unironically this. I watched a match and it is extremely cringe.

most of the players in CSGO only gives a fuck about showing off their rare skins. theres nothing competitive about it. CSGO skin gambling videos on youtube have more views than players owning plebs.
Fuck nu valve games

I'm talking about game design user, not the player base. Do you know what "analytically" means? I gave some examples earlier in the thread.

too un polished and rng to be competitive. Ttk is way too low aswell.

>mfw this was a thing

Whats so competitive about opening lootcrates?

20 for team slot, 2 for host

Holy hell Why?

>Why are all the team names so basic?
It's part of their marketing strategy together with the city based shit to sell merch. They want to be NFL/FIFA tier sell-out without having to build a history and a strong connection with the fans first.

Basically they don't understand that people love sports despite all the corporate bullshit and player trading for ridiculous sums, not because of it.

>Literally rocket jump button
>implying rocket jumping is hard to begin with

>shitty you-can't-dodge one shot mechanics
>what is an AWP

They've even started to make a competitive experience in BF1. Which is more of a test for the next Battlefield title because it will focus on the competitive side.
And so DICE has hired a number of competitive BF3/4 players for that.

Do you think they'll try to make player trading a thing in overwatch league because that sounds hilarious

>also mic chat with strangers in a limited team coop setting was an even bigger blunder
What a special snowflake you are

>implying rocket jumping is hard to begin with
It's not but if it was an actual mechanic it would add to this game some skill base movement that would force some players to learn in order to get better at the game.

Overwatch is just a point and click of FPSes, pint and click that doesn't work because of its shitty netcode

i'm going to assume you understand human nature and have played any counterstrike title

trying to make it an indispensable part of gameplay was fucking stupid. did you watch the video?

>shitty netcode
You live in India?

I prefer PFFPSS (player fantasy first person shooter simulator). A progressive genre if you ask me.

OP is bronze

Here to tell you, you are objectively wrong. Overwatch absolutely requires skill. But it is through team efforts rather than solo skill. This is evidenced in the fact that you can almost always predict the winning teams. If there was no 'skill' involved, it would be impossible to do so.

of all things to complain about on a blizzard game you pick net code?

What I find funny is that the teams have literally no connection to the place they're named after.


also blizzard had a fucking goldmine with starcraft and sc2 and they ruined it OW league will never compete its a shitty casual game

Prepare your helms

>a limited team coop setting
The way competitive works in Overwatch is retarded in the first place. Instead of giving the team 30 seconds to build a comp they should have done it, like any other shooter, by starting with a warmup from which the players first have to set themselves ready before things start. Then people have enough time to discuss how they're going to play, which comp they're going to build, etc. At that point, people should still be able to quit without repercussions or have randos backfill, e.g. if it turns out that the people can't work together, which one can usually tell at the hero select screen already.