How do I play this game? there is so much shit in the interface that I don't know where to start

how do I play this game? there is so much shit in the interface that I don't know where to start

>hit "~" key
>google "EU4 console commands"

There OP I just saved you hours of useless grinding and learning.

>hit uninstall.exe
>google victoria 2
there OP I just saved you hours of tedium and boredom.

You can't just tell someone how to play EU4
There's a tutorial, play it and learn from hours of trial and error

Just play and read tool tips, you'll need to restart a dozen times and you'll learn something new each time as a mechanic fucks you over.

EU4 is brainlet tier
you should really consider play video game that don't need brain cells like zelda or something

Watch a game on youtube of someone playing an easy country, and then go play that same country.

implying vicky2 isnt boring after you finished forming germany, italy, japan or araby

What the fuck did they do to france?
Used to have much more vassals

are there any free grand strategy games ? I always want to try the genre out but surprised out how expensive everything is.

Europe 2018 colorized

EU4 is free if you look in the right places

>Huecalpixqui Axayacatl of Burgundy

You play a powerful wizard that gains his power by draining the life force of a group of leaders. You use this power to go to war.
That's it.

le likkur me me

>want to play EU4 but felt too lazy

Motivate me.

literally just cheat for the first 20 hours

cheating is training wheels and always has been in parajew games

Trial and error.

Play Portugal, Ottomans and France at least once.


Caztec Empire

EU IV is the most complex game in the series. If you want to ease into Grand Strategy, start with Hearts of Iron III.

meiou and taxes

unironically this

Bringing back population is what we needed in fucking vanilla eu4

How do I play darkest hour?

you uninstall it and play hoi3/4

I already have 670 hours in hoi4

I have no idea, I tried playing it as Germany and I got hilariously destroyed by France and Britain.

>2 in Industry

>start new game
>year 1444
>pick ottomans
>click unpause and watch how the nation plays itself

watch a lets play there are lots on youtube that are guides for the noobs

or just go in blind, your first dozen games you will fuck up all the time but eventually you will learn from your mistakes and figure it out

I always mimic jewtubers
Like that guy in the sailor hat is legit good

You should start by refunding this dlc whoring game

Only CK2,DH,Hoi 3 and Vicky 2 are good.

>Muh victoria

Burgundy got inherited

Shitiest fucking timeline. Literally the only deacrivated ck2 DLC I have

eu3 is alright

Its actually fun to play with the cucktecs

Why do Vicky cucks hate EU4? What the fuck is thier problem?

>600 hours on EUIV
>Never once played France, Ottomans or Portugal.

Fuck that gay shit. I ONLY play a 1-2 province Italian state.

Accumulate mana and mindlessly blob. It's glorified risk.

>600 hours
You are like a little baby.

Yeah, I just butcher them, execute and assasinate

same. I always get more enjoyment out of building up 1-3 province states.

Will someone explain states and when they should be used? Actually just typing this out you do it whenever you don't want to core the provinces right?

How the fuck do I play this? My step bro loves it and begs me to play it but he's too busy working and being on the opposite side of the world to teach me.

Watch a tutorial on youtube and then play ireland which is easy as fuck.

Also if you know nuffin about medieval history you not gonna like it

I'm new to eu4 and seeing the fuckload of dlc which ones are actually good? also any worthwhile mods after I played the vanilla?

just play it bro
start and restart a few times as a random character in ireland, play as much as you think is enough, carefully examine the ui,
everything that you dont understand google and maybe watch some youtube beginners guide (army, economy, council), when you know what everything
on the ui does start focusing on more complex game mechanics, how fighting works, how inheritance works, laws, buildings, relationships with vassals and lords, church, character traits and so on

pirate them all

they're all mandatory

The best version of EU4 is the one after Art of War dlc was released. After that it got worse and worse.

Pirate them
Don't give parajews any cent.
As for mods you can try MEIOU and Taxes which is a fucking great mod.

Install M&T

Any tips for Venice?

>1k hours in Hoi4
>Play only like five nations over and over again both in vanilla and mods
>500 hours in EUIV
>Only ever plays as Bohemia

Don't blob inland since naval forcelimit is the most valuable thing for you
Get at least one valuable province per upstream trade region, so you can build your trading post
Get strong allies like France, just for dissuading people from attacking you for your lone trading provinces

Make sure Austria and Ottomans don't fucking rape you, get a strong ally.

Legitimately just cheat for the first few games to learn the interface.

Will Waking the Tiger finally make HoI4 good?

I wish there was something to do in this game apart from mindlessly expanding your territory

Give up right now OP, it will just infuriate you. You have to have a really special kind of Autism to enjoy games like EU4 and Crusader Kings. They are the most overrated grand strategy games ever posted on Sup Forums. They are a bore fest, refund while you still can. Here come the armchair generals.

How does anyone put so many hours into these games without realizing how boring and predictable they are beneath the surface?

more like wanking the tiger lmao

No, but you'l probably get 4 fun playthroughs from it.


Might finally make KR functional, thanks to decisions

Mods I guess.
Vanilla HoI4 is fun only when playing multiplayer, vanilla EU4 is actually pretty good

>They are the most overrated grand strategy games

thats because other gsg are shite


What better grand strategies are there?

It's honestly not anywhere near as daunting as it looks.

Victoria 2 is great.


You seem triggered, and Prussia/ Germany is one of the least fun countries to play.

>armchair generals
>crusader kings II

You fucking wot m8, CK2 is more of a comfy RPG/medieval sim than it is grand strategy. No one is playing CK2 for a strategic challenge

you will be triggered when paradox fucks up victoria3

Nothing could make that shit game good.

You can check out matrix games etc. but then you really do need a little autism.

I'll be praying for paradox to get truck of peace'd.

>implying they will ever make it
>implying I expect it to be good

>1200 hours in EU4
>get absolutely rekt by Ethiopia in the fucking tutorial for HoI4
Am I just a scrub? Is the tutorial badly designed like everything Paradox does?

What do I do to git gud, or should I just consider sudoku?

Play Darkest Hour.

Speaking of Victoria 2, I spent hours playing a campaign as China. I managed to westernize and create multiple stacks of doom, I was basically fucking unbeatable since my industry and military were unstoppable. After curbstomping everyone I realized just how simple and shitty the game is.
What a kuso meme game.

Uninstall it and install TW instead. It's not even that complex, combat resolution uses rather primitive and gamey mechanics.

The "battle mechanic" of HoI4 is literally drawing a line and letting your units go fuck the enemy up.

I expected something even better than Civ, but the screen is poluted was fuck.

What is the diference/better: EU4 or CrusaderKings2?

That explains it, I'm used to the discrete armies of EU4 marching around and sieging shit or hunting enemy armies.
I'm not playing the same game by the same people but with shittier graphics from 15 years ago

It's like the graphix in painter sims ever did an improvement in 15 years

I'm pretty sure you're just (you) collecting, but I'll bite anyway. Try playing any of the every other country in the game. Historically China has always played by a special set of rules and that manifests in the game. Paradox didn't bother to create special rules for them.

you don't


In EU4 you play as a country, diplomacy is with other countries
In CK2 you play as a dynasty of characters, diplomacy is with other characters (who may or maynot rule countries and other lands)

EU4 is for people with map autism who wish to paint the map.
Crusader Kings 2 is for people with dynasty autism who love incest and spreading your dynasty.

Thanks. Só CK2 looks more like something new, worth of learn all the similarium tutorial/book.

How is that even possible?

Is it true that adding heavy tank batallion actually decreases the survivability of your divisions in HoI 2?

>get told to beat up Ethiopia
>ok cool I'm Italy so I've got buckets of ducats and probably a tech advantage too
>order all my units to Addis Adaba to siege it asap
>get absolutely btfo by Ethiopians
Apparently EU4 logic is worse than useless here