Bayonetta 1 & 2 launch on switch in 1 month, I missed the first game on PS3/360...

Bayonetta 1 & 2 launch on switch in 1 month, I missed the first game on PS3/360, got the double pack for Wii U the same Christmas I got Xenoblade Chronicles 1 so never played either of them and now finally I've got a decent chance to play these games and I'm pretty hype.

Bayo hype thread I guess?

I like 1 more for the story and the varied locations.

>Can't get Bayo 1 Physical except with the Jap special edition

Fucking why did they do this?

I like 2 more because it has less boring down-time in-between fights and the combat feels slightly more fluid. But at the same time it fucks up with making witch time mandatory for certain fights rather than just a bonus.

>I like 2 more

Worrying lack of details for a game releasing next month

What details are needed? It's Bayo 1 & 2 now on Switch, one's 8.5GB the other is 13GB and they cost £50 together digitally or physically..

what details do you need, we already know about these games

We have basically no details from Nintendo. Resolution, framerate, any improvements for the Switch version, etc. If it's a straight port, bugger that.

I thought the consensus was that 2 was better?

I'd like an incentive to buy this version desu.

well it's bayonetta on handhelds, it's up to you if that's enough or not

for me it is because it means I have no reason to keep my wii u

Arent both games 60FPs on Wii U anyway? the Switch version of bayo 2 has amiibo support for unlocking the nintendo costumes early, the tag climax mode is now playable locally as well as multiplayer

they targeted 60FPS, but it had a lot of drops that caused the game to slow down, I hope they fixed that at least


>slow down

Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 skip frames, they don't slowdown.

They better have a direct before this releases and announce a similar SE for US.

I want to lick that extra bayo cartridge so bad.

2 is better in every way except for the combat which is kind of shit because of the balance around WT and UC and changes to the scoring system which mean you can't really get stylish like in the first one, also the Lumen Sage fights are awful. Depends on what you're looking for though because 2 did remove a lot of the Kamiya garbage from the first game which I don't think anyone missed.

No one in their right mind thinks 2 is better. It broke nearly every single mechanic from bayo1 and reduced the game down to lol, just use wt. Hashimoto thought he could force a square peg into a round hole and make bayo play like mgr. Infuriatingly boring and broken.

As a game, 2 shits on 1, yes

You'll no doubt get all that shit from digital foundry the day or day after release.

they aren't consistent 60 fps

What about

Sadly, no console version of Bayo is a consistent FPS. IIRC, in terms of frame rate, it goes like this for Bayo 1.

Xbone BC>Wii U>360>Chadstation 3.
Of course PC runs like a dream even on toasters. I'm hoping the Switch will at least be between the Xbone and Wii U.

Throw in some extra >>> for the PS3 version, some weapons only do half damage in some instances because of the frame rate. One of the worst ports ever.

Outside of Sup Forums it is.

You weren't ever allowed to say 1 was better without being accused of not even owning a Wii U by the usual dipshits which make up 90% of the active posters on this board. I'm probably in the 99 percentile when it comes to buying Nintendo products, and I say it's virtually impossible to discuss any flaws with Nintendo games soon after they release. I guess everyone on this board just shitposts or counter-shitposts.

I played both for the first time on Wii U and thought 1 was a lot better. I assume Kamiya made the difference. But, no. I must not have even played 2. Niggers.

He is wrong.

Literally all of this.

Or maybe you played 2 but you are mentally challenged, both options are a possibility in this universe of infinite retards.

A lot of Nintendo "criticism" is shitposting, so it's hard to determine if someone is baiting or not when it comes to discussing a game on their platform. I mean look at Zelda. It's literally impossible to discuss that game on this board.

So in terms of Bayo2, I hear it's good for a single playthrough but not as good on multiple playthroughs like Bayo1 since there are fewer ways you can play

Pretty much, the highest difficulty is also completely fucked and just makes the game incredibly tedious.

>order climax edition from Japan through nin nin
>getting two physical copies and a buncha goodie, pretty happy
>cleaning out emails
>see email from nin nin
>"Some shit went wrong with the currency exchange or something, would you like to pay the difference or cancel pre order?"
>dated 1/08
>saw it 1/15
>Check my order status

Bayo 2 does a few things better and quite a few things worse than Bayo 1. Combat is better in Bayo 1, but that only becomes apparent on higher levels of play, so someone new to these games might not notice. Bayo 1 had some retarded shit in it that was fixed in 2, like instakill QTEs with fairly harsh timing, hidden fights that make you backtrack through half the level and having to play through an eternity of Space Harrier to get to the best boss fight. The QTEs and hidden fights in particular are something you can get used to on repeated playthroughs, which is part of the reason why fans tend to prefer Bayo 1 and people who don't put as much time into the games may prefer 2.

I just want Bayonetta joycons. It makes so much sense with the red and the blue. What the fuck Nintendo?

>Through nin nin
The hell is that?

import website.

Designer Joycons for FZero, Bayo, XC2, NMH, Octopath would be great.
Would the Bayo ones form the sigil when they get held side by side?

For me 2 wins automatically for no longer have annoying QTE's that can ruin my rank.

Bayo 1 QTEs are practically a nonissue. If you think 1's have hash timing you should play Resident Evil 4, that game has significantly worse of a QTE problem that would make Bayonetta blush, yet everybody gives that game a free pass.

Any mentions of QTEs in Bayonetta is shitposting because it's a substanceless criticism.

I Pure Platinumed 1, if QTEs "ruin your rank" you are a shitter who should kill himself. You're not running for rank. You never ran for rank. You don't actually care, you just shitpost.

Fair enough. I'm not very good at action games and I only really enjoy them for one playthrough, so this didn't cause any issues for me.

They're shit in both games. RE4's was at least vaguely consistent in that they happened whenever there was an action sequence involving Leon. Bayonetta's issue is even worse given the over-the-top nature of the game in that QTEs are often placed arbitrarily and there are many scenes where Bayonetta is doing crazy shit without requiring the player press a face button.

They're out of stock, I presume.

Yeah I agree, there ARE only about 5 QTEs in the cutscenes of the entirety of Bayonetta, and they're not a problem at all for someone who's played the game more than once, thank you for agreeing with me.

Unironically this, its funny how, without fail, the only people who complain about QTEs in the first one are casual shitters.

If I buy Bayo2 digital will I get a download for Bayo1 as well?
So far I have an all digital library and would like it to stay that way.

>but muh five qte ruin the game

everyone is. shit sold out in a week.

I've only failed a QTE in RE4 once, and that was after I put down my controller, expecting a regular cutscene. In Bayonetta I die when I'm not 100% sure which button the upcoming QTE is going to use.
>Any mentions of QTEs in Bayonetta is shitposting because it's a substanceless criticism.
>literally defending QTEs

Spoiler: You're shit at the vidya

>QTEs are bad!

This game looks pretty good you know

I read it's only 720p in handheld mode

Second best Wii U game.

Have any 3D Switch games run at 1080p in handheld mode?

>If you don't like Bayo1 you're a shitter who needs to git gud
>If you don't like Bayo2 you've never played it
>If you like both you don't exist
Bayonetta threads have really gotten aggressive lately.

That's some riveting gameplay right there.
I like TW101, but that part is only fun the first time.

The problem is people who play both once each on Normal then think their comment is worth listening to. The same problem goes for DMC, Ninja Gaiden, God Hand, and so forth. The ultimate problem is casuals, and always will be.

It was, but because that became the general consensus outside Sup Forums too, contrarians have to believe the opposite.

2 is better but it's a nintendo exclusive so of course Sup Forums hates it

I don't know if you can call what W101 has QTEs since you can get ten whole seconds to resolve them

I mean there isn't any reason to play Bayo 2 on anything above Second Climax unless you want a more frustrating and tedious experience.

Seems very elitist.

Happy for those that didn't play 2 yet.
As for myself, I'm eagerly awaiting more infos about Bayo 3 but I'm not going to buy 2 (and 1) again, even though that collector edition is sexy as fuck.