Good lord what has happened to the YouTube gaming community

Good lord what has happened to the YouTube gaming community

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You know these youtubers are awfully similar to Let's players

Oh no! Patented Virtual Youtuber! Long time niconico recipe

Markiplier and others like him happened, tumblrinas flocked to him and made him popular.

YouTube's "gaming community" has always been just a bunch of mongoloids.

Everytime I see a Markiplier video once every 5 months it's him going
>I looooove making videos
>I looooove interacting with my community
>I looooove where I'm at right now
>borderline crying on camera
Then literally 2-weeks later he takes leave from depression like clockwork

Apparently he's bipolar, so that explains that.

>Youtube """"Community""""
>anything but shit
Okay there are a few exceptions like YTP community

You know, these games are quite similar to the ones they have on the Wii U.

Oh no. Patented Switch games! One hundred percent Switch!

Oh, no. Portable handheld games, old Nintendo recipe.

And you call them new, when they're so obviously ported.

You have to answer using the script of the original draft retard. See
>One hundred percent Switch!

>YouTube gaming community

It's almost like the autistic streamers and attention seekers are creating copy cats and teaching a generation to be toxic.

I've played Wii U games hundreds of times and these are identical to Wii U games.

Ye- You know, the- One thing I should-
Excuse me for one second.
Well, that was wonderful. A good time was had by all. I'm pooped.

PewDiePie started a trend of yelling and screaming into a mic on a webcam and it evolved into what we have today because of people "copying" him. The death of the YouTube gaming community started a while ago.

Further more; Low effort content is low effort

You're asking that about 5 years too late chump.

It's kids.
These channels thrive on creating a dependency with kids. A false friendship behind a pane of glass. That's where they get their views.

Funny since Felix stopped doing that because he was getting tired of it.

I would be depressed to if I made fat stacks off of playing vidya and being an obnoxious faggot. I'm so happy at my current job...


But what if... I posted obvious offtopic shitposting, and disguise it as my own videogame discussion?
Ohohoho, delightfully devilish, OP.

...and you call them 'games' despite the fact they're obviously movies?


Minecraft borealis

stfu noob PewDiePie is literally /our/ guy, he started out posting on Sup Forums and made his videos for us. everyone just started to hate him because he became popular, before that everyone loved him here

Never typed it was his fault, it's those who followed in his footsteps.