
I didn't see any threads about Castlevania here or at /vg/.
So let's have a Castlevania thread. Favorite moments, favorite game, etc.

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Really? Page 8? The first post itt has to be a bump from OP? I knew Sup Forums was idiotic but god damn.

Havent played any of these in so long, so i'll say when I got to the 2nd stage on super castlevania amd the theme started playing. Fuck I love that song and the stage's aesthetics

I'm going to replay SotN because why not.
What 'bonus mode' is the most fun? I know there's a bunch like one that makes you have a bunch of luck, one that lets you play as some enemy type, one that lets you play as alucard, etc.

Favorite game? Maybe OoE or PoR

Favorite moment? Either fighting Julias in AoS, or fighting Richter in SotN. I love hero battles, especially when they remix the hero's themesong as the boss battle music.

I also really liked Circle of the Moon a lot, but not as much as PoR or OoE.

>favorite game
Classicvanias: 1
Metroidvanias: PoR
>Favorite moments
Every single time I got the herb in X68000. Call me a casual, I don't care. That game is relentless.

Favorite: SotN

Moment: Death killing Brauner
Best song

I like Gaze up at the Darkness just a little bit more. Does Trezire de Spirit count? Well it doesn't really matter. Daybreak crushes absolutely everything else anyway. Best song in the whole series.

I miss these games so much holy shit. Why did it have to die?

Explain this, atheists.

I'm playing it right now, the music is OP, currently in the reversed castle

Blame Kojima

Because companies convince themselves that 2D is a dead end and try to break into 3D with only moderate success, if that.

If you like Metroidvania you might want to give Valdis Story a shot. It looks nice, plays nice, and has a solid premise. The story and dialogue is a little weak but not that bad, and the music is amazing.

that skeleton is like atlas but instead of earth he lifts up the castle

i played sotn once, but couldn't break through. maybe one day i'll try it again, i still have a disk an my psx is still working.

netflix animu was cool, got me wondering if i should give it one more try

The castle is a living thing and it has a sense of humor sometimes.

>you might want to give Valdis Story a shot.
It's one of the 150+ games in my Steam library that I will never, ever complete.

Hanged on the right, impaled on the left.

Except that's obviously a rope in both pictures moron.

Does anyone find Sotn to be pretty dull? I really love the presentation but I got bored by how easy it was by the time I got to do the reverse castle.

I also feel like the powerups are really lame.

Probably the most overrated series ever

Nah, that title goes for Metal Gear

Why the fuck is there not another game with the controls of Super Castlevania 4?


I found the inverted castle to be quite boring.

SotN starts off with a reasonable difficulty level after Death mugs you, but it only gets easier from there and later in the game you're pretty much an unstoppable juggernaut. But I didn't mind the lack of balace because I'd fallen in love with the game by then.

Would SotN have been better off without the inverted castle?

>Didn't start up the link, just read the title name
>Hear the song in my head
Damn, I guess it is memorable.

OP here. I wish I could contribute more to the thread. I really haven't played any castlevania. The most castlevania I played was a castlevania roguelike in 2010. I think it was 2010.

>tfw get nostalgic over SOTN, even though I didn't play it until autumn 2011

Sorry for the Sup Forums buzzword, but that game is honestly really comfy to me.

I didn't mind it. More to explore and more enemies to fight, and bosses. The game would be shorter and thus worse for me unless it was replaced with something else. Familiar but upside down was a neat concept though, as far as padding the game length goes

Because it was shit?

Netflix series is based off 3. So play from the beginning if you haven't.