Nobody comments on your Steam profile

>Nobody comments on your Steam profile.

>people leave ascii dicks on your profile's comments page

>people leave hatemail on your profile because you fucked them up in an invasion

Link your profile and I'll post a lewd comment on it.


>people leave cringeworthy copypasta on your profile page

rate me bros

>make fake accounts to comment on my profile

>233 games
>14.2 hours

The only comments I have on my steam profiles are +reps from when I traded tf2 items 5-6 years ago.

>a Brazilian freaks out for 20 posts in incoherent english on your profile because you talked to them once

>that feel when you realize the person who messages you all the time on steam sees you as his only friend and you see him as a mild annoyance at best

>level 13
Plebians please

>tfw you are a european and don't have to deal with brazilians

>That time I got an official Valve employee to comment on my Steam profile page and they have a special icon next to their name


>your comments are from 2012 because you lost contact with all your old steam friends as you got older.

Post profiles and ill leave a nice comment.

Poor guy. You really should consider being a bit more compassionate.

Get out of there user. Live your own life. Trust me, I've been there. It isn't fun. Especially when you know them irl

>mfw last time I had friends on steam was back in middle school

I should really take down my christmas lights

>people post 9gag memes on your Steam profile

I got a valve employee to comment on my profile too, was fucking awesome when it happened

>friends spam your comments section with dumb memes


Instead you have to deal with Russians, Balkans, Germans, Middle eastern trash and jungle asians

>tfw I have friend who does this
Should I just block him?

>Have a huge list of friends
>Only a handful I've talked to in the last few years
>Would remove the rest but afraid they would be upset if I did

>have private profile
>every time i kill someone in CS:go they call me a hacker
>im not even good

>one comment
>+rep for trading a game with some user
It ok.

That was 10 years ago you faggot

>he doesn't have a valve employee's comment on his profile

I've been on Steam for 5 years and I've never had a single friend on it, nevermind a comment.

this, but I see life as a dating sim and I try to upkeep the happy meter for people I become associated with

>not having a friendlist full of dumb sissy animesluts
Do you even steam?

>tfw i'm a slav and can deal with balkans and russians easily

That's because I locked my Steam profile comments down so no one can drop me any comments anymore

Yes, but I'm not a faggot

Wow you're a big boy now.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

>tfw no steam bf