Is it really the peak of the action genre?

Is it really the peak of the action genre?

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Most likely.

There is no one singular action game that excels at everything. No. If you're talking the freeform combat and combos, maybe.

It's the only one that did everything (except for environmental art, grey and more grey) right.

Enemies being tanky and attacks weak as fuck isn't everything right imo. It's a flavor though and that's the appeal to most people. I prefer my attacks to seem like they're doing actual damage most of the time myself.

Are you using DTE ? Besides that the enemies are made to be juggled

>Enemies being tanky and attacks weak as fuck isn't everything right imo
Did we play the same game? The only enemies that are "tanky" below very hard mode are spiders for some reason.

If you want to see tanky enemies, play DmC: Devil May Cry. All your attacks are weak as fuck and enemies takes ages to kill, don't even get me started on the ones that can only be hurt by hitting certain weak points.

Adding to my post, Royal Guard breaks the game and massacres enemies with Just Guards and Releases.

I'm not knocking the game, just saying there can be preferences to what someone looks for in their action games. Sure, you can cheese with a few moves that are relatively stronger than the rest of your toolkit, but that's not really the flow of the game. Yes enemies were made to be juggled, that's by design. What it does, it does well.

I think so. Most complete I guess. Dmc4 has a lot of fantastic improvements to the style system but the rest of the game can have a lot to be desired.

DMC4 has slightly better gameplay but 3 is a complete package

>Better gameplay

He was talking about the combat

Then he probably should've said combat.

by gameplay I'm talking about combat but I guess thats just not clear enough for fucking retards like you

You can't style switch in 3 without mods. If you could, then 4 would be objectively inferior in every way.

Only underages think the only gameplay aspect of a game is combat, you're the same person who claims Fallout 4 has the best gameplay in the series.

4 has better graphics, animations and models.

He even said 3 was at least a complete package, implying 4 was unfinished. I think you are the one with the smooth brain, user.

hard as fuck boss fights to filter plebs, would of been an even better game if Dante had the bike as a weapon

I think just about the only thing DmC did better was the camera and making drive usable and effective.

>I think just about the only thing DmC did better was the camera and making drive usable and effective.
Soundtrack, too.

revengeance > dmc

>Soundtrack, too.
Kek. Overall OST has been a weak point in the series since the first 2 games.

the term you are looking for is level design

>Weak point

Yeah, kinda. Closest competition is Bayonetta and, for different reasons, God Hand.

bayonetta did it better

You act as if music isn't wildly subjective. It's just not my taste.

Where the fuck is Ninja Gaiden.

Level design affects the gameplay of a game, it's one of the core reasons why Dark Souls 2 is a pile of shit.

NGB is better for sure

still better than 30fpSouls 1

Bayonetta and MGR are better

That's what you get for playing on console.

opinion discarded

>tfw recently got into dmc4se
>tfw forgot that dmc4 is legit kinda shitty
'least i can play as lady


nah prepare to die edition m8, Dsfix dont fix shit

NGB is exempt because nothing can even come close to challenging it

I liked the first one better.

Lucky for you, there's a remaster coming out in a few months that'll run at 60 natively.


I prefer Ninja Gaiden 2.

is that a cutscene or actual gameplay?

I didn't think it was possible to have taste this garbage, but these two proved me wrong. Where does your contrarianism end?

I like ZoE2, but it's not that good.

I'll be really lucky if ninja gaiden black comes out on PC

Replace that garbage at the top with God Hand and it's good.

Lol, you're the contrarian here if you think MGR is actually a servicable action game worth comparing to the big leagues. Run along kid

dmc godhand and ng are the top three imo. Bayo is good but not good enough.

he should probably replace it with God Hand or something.


problem with NGB black is that it's got the most inconsistent quality this side of DMC4. Only like 3 bosses are actually any good instead of super annoying, and the game is intentionally designed around spamming UT instead of actually fighting the enemies.

Not when this exists.


Have you played it on extreme?

Nah Dark Souls has the best combat. DMC and DMC-like games are too floaty. None of your attacks have any weight behind them and sure you can drop a 70 hit combo. But just one clean hit from any weapon in Souls feels better than the whole of that combat.

it's from a gameplay demo in the game
but you can actually do all of this once you unlock the moves and git gud

>style over skill

Look at the back in forth in the previous webm. DMC ones are always so one-sided.

>Dark Souls has the best combat
aaaaaand stopped reading.

souls is the series where you can hit someone a dozen times before they react, meanwhile in DMC you can send people flying across a room with one hit

Why are you comparing an ARPG to a fully fledged action game?

>but you can actually do all of this once you unlock the moves and git gud

nice. Is sigma a good version of the game?

Don't be calling zone of the enders garbage, you piece of shit.

I disagree, apart from Chpater 2 boss and the disappointing Final Boss (and overall disappointing Final Chapter) all the bosses are appropriately challenging
they have tells and ways you can avoid their reach, even Awakened Alma is feasible once you get a good idea of her moveset

I'll agree that people who make webm's of juggling a solo enemy are lame, but in DMC3 in order to GET that juggle on DMD you have to seriously put in work

in NG on master ninja the entire game devolves into doing huricane throw, flying swallow, on land UT and the odd poke from one of your weapons if you can't do any of the above yet

no, this is

Legit my favorite in the series. This and Ninja Gaiden remain my favorite action games to date. I'll take brutal efficiency over flashy combos, not that there's really anything wrong with that.

>Ninja Gayden
It's almost as saying
>MvC is a better fighting game than Guilty Gear because the AI kicks my ass

user please. The first game is not even worth a mention in a character action game thread. Save that 'wanna-be-Resident Evil' for a horror game thread.

>Dark Souls has the best combat

>nice. Is sigma a good version of the game?
I haven't played it but I hear it's less than ideal
if you can't get a version of NGB or the original release, I guess you could do worse than Sigma
just don't play the Sigma version of NG2, that one is pure shit, but NG2 isn't that great anyway

I didn't say they were hard, I said they were annoying. Does anyone actually enjoy having to fight the tentacle boss three times? Or the dragon and skeleton dragon where the entire fight is avoiding their grab and hitting them until they fall over? Or ghost doku and the vigoor emperor where the camera is legtimately garbage? How many times do you fight those fucking worms in the wall?

really any boss that isn't alma, doku, fiend ryu or murai is pretty damn lame, the regular enemies are often more interesting and varied than the bosses in NGB

The camera angles look like they might be from a trailer, but that's definitely gameplay.
The fiend Ryu fights really are like that, and there's nothing in there you can't do in-game, even the izuna drop off the ledge.

You're wrong. I know that dark souls is one of the best games out there but you're unequivocally wrong. Dark souls feels floatier than DMC4. Sword strikes are particularly bad in DaS.

>the game is intentionally designed around spamming UT
Are you sure you are talking about Black? I could relate if you were talking about Ninja Gaiden 2 on Master Ninja.

>action games are defined by how many pointless flashy combos you can do

Go back to rebbit.

Ninja Gaiden on normal is harder than any DmC on its respective hardest mode and the only way you'd deny that is if you hadn't played either franchise.

> Save that 'wanna-be-Resident Evil' for a horror game thread.
You just say trash like this to bait. DMC1 is still an entirely servicable action game, anons just don't want to play it on it's own level because they usually see 3+ as the series identity.

all of the karma scores are built around doing UT, in many cases by using the "keep essence from the last fight on standby instead of absorbing it" trick. There's a reason that in black you can now charge up UT manually unlike in the original game where you HAD to use essence

you're not wrong that NG2 is even more of an UT/OT spam fuckfest because the enemies are way faster and aggressive, but even NGB has shit like spider ninjas throwing explosive kunai which requires that you spam iframes to avoid the damage from if/when you get tagged

I didn't like it enough to replay it on higher difficulties, but I don't think the gameplay mechanics are complex enough to put it on the same list with dmc or ninja gaiden.

Nobody plays these games because they are hard
If you don't want flashy combos then go back to Roll Souls and pretend you're good at something

you can't even compare the combat in the games. dark souls has about 1/100th of the moveset in a dmc or even ninja gaiden game. also no jump button

I'm gonna assume you mean black, because if you meant the original ninja gaiden you're a huge dumbass because that was the game where every enemy and almost every boss including the final boss could be looped to death by flying swallow

Dark Souls is one of my favorite games of all time, in large part due to the feeling of weight the combat and movement have, but you're literally comparing apples to oranges here.

no this is

>Nobody plays these games because they are hard

Literally underage. Ninja Gaiden was hailed as one of the most challenging 3D video games before the Souls series took its mantle.

>harder than any DmC

Well, yeah but Ninja Theory purposely made it easier for the casual western market.

Ninja Gaiden isn't better because muh difficulty
it's because better enemy AI that respond to your inputs and aren't just fodder

this is the exact same argument as "DMC is easy because I played it on easy mode and did stinger over and over" or "I played ninja dog and did flying swallow the whole time"

Ninja Gaiden is piss easy
Only a literal retard like you would find it hard

NG2 is pretty great, it's my favorite Ninja Gaiden. I can see why some people could be upset with the direction it took though.

>Beat God Hand without using Roulette or the God Hand
>Beat DMC3 on DMD
>Beat Bayonetta on NCIS

>Couldn't get past the first Shadow fight in DMC1

If yo9u want flashy combos go play a genre actually built for them like fighting games. Jerking off a sandbag in 100 different ways isnt gameplay.

That is literally how you can tell a good action game from a bad one. How overdesigned the combo system is. If you can't make an AMV/MAD video out of it, it's worthless. The entire appeal of kamiya and platinum games is the flashiness. Taking your knowledge and skills to the absolutely limit and making art in the process.

>The enemies button read and automatically counter you if you do flying swallow as a simple fix to the fact that in the older version that move was literally unstoppable
>That makes it the better game

Have you beaten DMC3 on DMD? A simple yes/no will suffice.

It's risk vs reward. You have to autistically have the timing down for every enemy in the game in order for it to be at the point where it "breaks the game". Your posts are shit

DMC3 has a lot of enemies with difficult AI, especially bosses like Vergil
You'd know this if you actually played the game

t. ninja gayden fan

or you can just roll/jump block

the final fight with Genshin is 10/10, it's just a shame that once you reach that part of the game the frame rate drops to 5
also not a fan of having to wait for pause screens to load