What are some games really depressing games?
What are some games really depressing games?
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What are some games where you really fucking care about the MC and he keeps getting beat down and has to suffer through horrible shit? Hard mode: No Spec Ops: The Line.
i get depressed everytime i launch dota
What are some games where internet hipsters identify with the newest piece of hauté media even though it's not profound or compelling?
you're mom
Mad Max isn't exactly the most depressing game, but it's sad at parts and I'd like to keep this thread alive
I am mom. Got it.
Why is Mad Max sad? I own it but never bothered beating it.
What are some horribly overrated games?
Neverwinter Nights
would you really call 2049 depressing? I mean, sure, it paints a pretty bleak picture of Ancapistan, but I think the main character actually found meaning in his life at the end and was satisfied
It ends with Max alone and everyone he connected with dead.
I wish that game was more substantial.
Deus Ex: HR is kind of similar in tone. It's not overly depressing or anything, but you would probably enjoy it.
Pretty typical. Wife and daughter killed by retards. Later in the game random lady and lady's daughter also killed by retards.
Pretty sure it couldn't mess too much with the movies canon or some bs
I guess games where the main character goes through much suffering before the end then
Dark Souls games are pretty depressing in that you can choose to kill yourself or kill the world.
The story was fine the way it was.
I meant more substantial gameplay-wise. It was fun and I liked a lot of the systems but the whole "Drive-Crash-Punch the same enemies except this time they're pink" cycle wasn't enough.
And you know it
Nier and Lisa
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, if you realize who the real protagonist is
Heavy Rain, if you let people die
Until Dawn, if you let people die
The Letter, if you let people die
LISA, though I didn't like the protag all that much
Blade runner 2049’s romance story line is taken straight outta Her. I don’t get why people praise the movie so much.
I was cool with it. Although I probably would've liked a bit more camps and convoy circles(don't remember what they were called)
Convoys raid, or whatever they were called, were the best part of the game only because it reminded me of the movie.
>Chasing a convoy
>Sandstorm starts
>mfw Brothers in Arms starts playing in my head
That reminds me. Better rewards for shit would've been nice too. I almost never changed my hood trophy things either.
I enjoyed my time playing the game but It felt way too shallow.
My life.
I think it's because the romance part is just one of the many ways that K is fucked over during the movie. Every aspect of the movie blends together really well that by the end, the conclusion is really satisfying
Planescape Torment
Tales of Berseria
Nier Automata is pretty fucking depressing. Every playable character, villian and NPC is dead at the end, and not all at once. Something terrible happens at the end of every level and the 3 main characters eventually succumb to their miserable, meaningness lives.
gameplay's not exactly 10/10, and its pretty damn weeby, but if you're looking to depress tf out of yourself, this is a good option.
Good music/pretty environments, too.
Real life.
I'm the only person I know that'd say Kratos but here you go.
the lack of vsync is definitely depressing. game has screentears out the ass. How can I force it? GPU control panel doesn't seem to work for this one.
The cat lady
I never had that issue. Is it the same in windowed mode?
how the fuck did Ryan Gosling, a guy who by all means should never have been anything more than woman-bait in romance movies, end up being one of most kino actors of our generation by doing nothing but act autistic?
I liked this game but it got way too fucking goofy as it went on
this game was amazing until the end with that internet troll shit
By being a good actor. It happened to Brad Pitt too.
because he is a real human bean.
Why does this character resonate so strongly with neets and betamales? Is it because K has no friends and his only female companionship is a virtual waifu?
I dunno, I thought he was pretty suave in 2049
>half as complex, but twice as elegant babe
Yes, what else would it be
Youre probably some weird fag. Goose has been The Driver in about 4 different movies now
MGSV can get pretty depressing considering what we know now
He actually has pretty good range. He was pretty funny in The Nice Guys, but everyone wants to cast him as le autistic man because the only things they ever saw him in were The Notebook and Drive.
To be fair hes probably the GOAT at playing a high functioning autist character
I don't know if he just has a great agent or what, but for the last five years or so he's basically been in nothing but great movies
>No Spec Ops: The Line.
somebody isn't feeling like a hero yet
I thought he was good in The Big Short and he didn't act like that there
imagine being such a faggot that you create or repost this image
Well goose is pretty autistic.
The question was depressing games, friendo.
Possibly, also you have to remember, K has been implanted with memories believed to be his own. He goes through most of the journey believing his special, he's unique, he's not just some average schmuck only to be forced by the hand of reality that he's a nobody and realising that the only thing that he thought cared or loved him, was just a product designed that way for everyone.
All in all, K is the representation that nothing truly matters, and most of all, we don't matter. A dark realisation for many.
too bad dingaling is going to fuck up ninja tears
>throwing Rick in there
>even making this image
What were the other 2? I need more goose
Why does everyone think the Joi thread is that simple?
There's a reason the advertisement-version of her had black eyes while hers were realistic.
what are some games where I can ascend to the 2d plane and be with my waifu
>Blade Runner
way to miss the entire point of the movie, jesus christ
"How much can we make the protagonist suffer?" the videogame.
Oh you mean how the best we can hope for is small personal comforts in a world overrun by ruthless capitalism?
Yeah man, not depressing in the slightest
What's your take on it?
Axiom Verge
You never decided shit, the robots were just using you to heal and do their dirty work and set up the sequel
Her journey reflected K's perfectly. She was a "real girl" the same way K was a "real boy". Their experiences made them realize they could be and were more than what they thought they were.
The advertisement is a soulless version of K's Joi. Her "life" made her more than just a VR sextoy, just as K's made him more than just a murder-tool.
Luv and the prostitute replicant looking down on Joi clearly mirrors the way humans look down on replicants. It's comparing the two and ringing up the idea that if replicants can be considered "real", with which the movie assumes you agree, why not the AI that also shows all signs of being alive?
Also, the idea that she was made to love someone is irrelevant. You don't choose who you love, chemicals or "programming" in your brain picks that for you. This is reflected in the scene where Wallace muses about whether or not Deckard and Rachel were made to love each other.
Because he thinks he might be important, he thinks he'sloved. Then he realises he's not important at all and was lying to himself.
Post more games that feel like this movie.
Are there any older RPGs with this feel?
Dead space
This. JOI was so good because of the layers of "artificiality" that she added to the entire thematic landscape of the film.