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The only good moments in Dark Souls II were entering new areas. Except for one area.
it's kinda of a sentiment really...
Ding ding di-ding ding
Di-ding ....
at least it was until i fucked everything up
Which area?
Still the comfiest hub.
You know the one
Dark souls electric bugaloo
Dark Souls 2
Totally agree.
Dark Souls 2 is not nearly as bad as they say
Dull and lifeless.
>the setting sun
>the soft, calming music
>Bearer of the curse
>the golden hue
>blacksmith banging his hammer
>seek seek lest
ultimate comfy hub
Arriving in Majula for the first time was actually comfy as fuck
that would be the shrino of amana
That's DS1 and DS3 hubs.
Please name one Souls hub that isn't dull and lifeless
Majula is shit because the character just sit still and nothing happens. In DS1 they all have their own quests and plans and reasons for being there and they all leave the hub for their own goals and go hollow. Likewise to an extent in DS3. What do the NPCs in Majula do?
>you will never enter majula for the first time again
you mean iron keep?
i loved iron keep
Best hub in the series's worst game
Not him but wild guess here...
Turn off your brain brah
>tfw replaying it
>tfw being able to go whatever way you want
>tfw you can even go to shaded ruins at the start of the game in sotfs
Fucking hell, why was DS3 so damn linear.
that's its purpose, majula was a place to underline hopelessness and tragedy of protagonist who slowly but steadily loses himself no matter what he does
Except that no.
In Firelink that is what happens. Everyone goes hollow and at the end of the game you're alone and the last man standing. With nothing left to do but face your ultimate fate.
ds1 hub was ok 3s was shit though
That area always reminds me of those harp videos.
so THAT'S why people shit on the area so much. i never even noticed all that lol
I'll never fucking understand this. Why didn't the elevator just go down instead?
Hunters Dream > Nexus > Firelink 1 > Firelink 2 > Majula
tb.h that's like shitting on the chink girl from the new star wars
the whole movie (or game) was full of batshit stupid stuff like that so focusing on just one of these inconsistencies feels wrong
Because there was supposed to be an area in between the two places but it was cut, so they just slapped that shit together and called it a day
>why didn't the elevator go down
Same reason for everything wrong with Dark 2. Laziness and time constraints. In a very real sense, Dark 2 is like 30 hours of Lost Izalith.
Hub tiers
DS1 > DS2 > DS3
3 tried it's best with the new quests for npcs but lots of trial and error were involved in those quests
>oh, you forgot to check a well in an area you don't even need to return to, too bad!
also, why let you teleport from the start and make firelink unreacheable without fast travel?
Oh yeah, I remember one of the trailers even showed a volcanic area near Earthen Peak where you got ambushed by the manequins. I guess that was supposed to be the transition between both areas
but you can reach dark firelink without fast travel :^). They probably didnt't want another Iron Keep happening so fast travel fuck you
fucking pigs
There are actually remnants of it in Iron Keep's skybox, but you have to fly out of the level to see it.
Noone is claiming that Iron Keep is DS2's only problem, just like noone is claiming that the asian Porky Pig is TLJ's only problem
Yet it's practically the only criticism you see ALL THE TIME which is just all kinds of weird
How do people even choose to focus on that specific moment instead of, for example, a much more obvious one, like the completely butchered movement?
Yeah, that's probably it. I always felt DS1 world felt so good at the start of a new game because there is no travel so they actually had to make a good map design. Now they just say fuck it and give you teleporting powers
It's because it's the most absurd and glaring example of the game's faults. Doesn't mean there isn't other stuff wrong with it.
The complete lack of lighting and ps2 levels of polygonal work on some of the areas is also disgusting
The best nexus in Souls, even though I hate Das2.
Hunter's Dream > DS3 FS > DS1 FS > Majula
>Hunter's Dream
Hunter's Dream is boring as fuck
Because it's easier to post an obvious screenshot of a huge continuity error than explain the subtle yet significant flaws in the game's controls?
>The complete lack of lighting
It was added with Scholars of the First Sin though, now they're gorgeous
Don't forget visiting the cat
>entering majula for the first time on release night
>everyone expecting another masterpiece like DS1
>souls series hadn't lost its innocence and the hype was real
It's never been the same since. B-Team cursed this series.
Lol no, all they did was fix the contrast and fuck with the imagespaces a bit, they did NOT add back in the original lighting or fix areas that was missing lighting entirely
Have you played the game? They added some bs that darkens rooms when you enter, forest of the fallen giants has this, that crypt too.
Grand Theft Auto Drangleic
Weren't there a bunch of tall mountains behind the Windmill?
there are but the windmill isnt directly inside of one so the elevator literally goes up into nowhere
There is an intermission that takes place after the elevator where the main character goes over to those mountains and down a bit.
I always found Majula and Heide's Tower of Flame way worse. Like you walk down a couple of stairs, turn right, turn left, walk through a little sewer and BAM! Suddenly you're at the other side of Drangleic.
Heide's Tower of Flame is still the most pleasant looking area in the game.
I think that's the idea, which is why it's torture for Gehrman.
Anyway, correct order is: Nexus>Majula>Firelink Shrine (DaS) = Hunter's Dream>Firelink Shrine (DaSIII)
no there isnt
the music is discordant as fuck you mong
This. DaS2babbies are very good at pretending to be retarded if you try to talk to them about more 'complicated' ideas like the movement/animations/mechanics/deeper design flaws but they have literally no answer to the Earthen Peak -> Iron Keep stupidity.
Yes there is, it's like elevator at the end of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory. From just didn't have the budget to display it.
People still don't understand that the theme of losing your memory is represented in the landscape of Dark Souls II. There are implied transitions over distance, such as the short walk to Drangleic Castle having a dramatic disparity in weather between two very (seemingly) close areas.
Yeah, same with me. I was little annoyed by ugly as sin tutorial area with troll blobs. But when I entered Majula, it was like magic. Maybe not perfect, but totally different from firelink shrine in a good way. And then actual game started. And when I'm not a hater, I can agree with some arguments that supports DaS2, but I literally couldn't stand ugly color desicions in this game. Everything looks like mud. Sandy mud, green mud, brown mud or grey mud.
So magic has vanished. I played for, like, six or seven hours and never returned to the game.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say. do you mean the elevator went up and then flew over the mountains like this?
No, DS2 was just cobbled together bits of half-finished shit. That's the only explanation for anything in DS2
>do you mean the elevator went up and then flew over the mountains like this?
Yes exactly like that.
Don't try and equate lazy and badly though out world design with some sort of deep intentional symbolism
There's a difference between the signposted and clearly intentional transition between the Shrine of Winter and Drangleic Castle and the blatantly cobbled together Earthen Peak and Iron Keep transition.
In this case, it's pretty obvious that it's because they needed to give you the impression that it's far away. Walking the whole distance by foot would just be boring and wouldn't add anything to the experience. But yeah, it's still jarring as fuck.
There's also the fork road where both the left and middle road end up in the same physical place, and the short tunnel before Drangleic Castle that completely changes the scenery (and weather). DSII is packed with physical places that act like fast travel. After Dark Souls where everything ties so neatly together, this does feel cheap.
>You did it Mr. FromSoft! Congratulations!
surely you're joking. no one can be this fucking delusional.
I'm serious, and don't call me Shirley
>a series known for its world building and level/world design
"turn off your brain bruh"
then you're a fucking idiot, shirley.
It used to be tho, look at DS3
Worst nexus in the series, even though DaS2 is my favorite game.
You and I are enemies now.
There's something nostalgically nice about Majula
24/7 Golden Hour. Pretty cool.
Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3 are all really, really great games. They all have issues here and there, but not a single issue is game breaking like other infamous franchise black sheep.
why nostalgic?
Based bearlestlestseekposter
i only played through this faggot game once. had countless das1 and bb runs.
incidentally I only played through das3 once too. didnt even bother completing its dlcs. these two games were so mediocre in comparison to das1 and bb.
Agreed, Bloodborne and DeS are underwhelming.
Mostly this
Oh look a bandwagoning faggot who can't think of his own opinions
How does it feel spending shittons of money on full price games and not really playing them? But's fine right you get to be with the cool kids who only like Zelda and Deus Ex
In defense of Dark Souls II, the entire game covered the entire kingdom of Drangleic. Guess it was more difficult to put together seamlessly than the smaller chunk of Lordran, Anor Londo, and whatever was underneath that we got in DaS.
the retarded world building is probably one of my favorite aspects of dark souls 2
Least it was before I hollowed.