Sup Forums should I get an Xbone or ps4

Sup Forums should I get an Xbone or ps4
All my friends have Xbones but I kinda want to play some weeb games

If you plan to play a lot of multiplayer games with your friends get the xbone.

If you're mostly single player with only the occasional multiplayer get the PS4.

Just bee urself ,':^)


This is a good combo. The only other thing you need is a laptop for some PC games.

You need better friends tbqh. But is a reasonable answer.

You'll probably get more use out of an Xbox if that's what all of your friends are playing on. If you all are getting the new Monster Hunter, go with the Xbox as it will probably look and run the best.

>go with the Xbox as it will probably look and run the best.
or the worst depending on which Xbox One you get

I have an Xbone, I think it sucks but that's also partly because all of my friends that had a 360 skipped the bone.

What do you like aside from weeb games? If you like dudebro shooters like Halo and shit then Xbox is for you. Remember though most games these days are made for both.

i have an xbone, a ps4, and a switch

i like my xbone the least of them all, but i can't hate it because i got it so cheap
but fucking hell is the ui dire, it's so fucking slow and unresponsive. i swear it takes a good five seconds for it to register buttons sometimes.


honestly, i'll be browsing the store and it'll take two seconds for it to register i've said scroll down, another second for it to load the games, then another two seconds for it to recognise i've actually clicked on one of them

it's fucking abysmal and i don't understand why, it even takes like a full fucking minute for it to boot up after the initial XBOX ONE screen comes up

What the fuck did you get it used?

I have an ps4, ps4 pro, switch, Xbox one X, and a decent gaming PC. Lately I've been enjoying my Xbox one X more then anything. I have a kickass 4k TV with a solid 7.1 setup in my man cave, the pro has a few select exclusives that I enjoy, but if you're into multi platform AAA titles, id say go for an Xbox one X if you got the money.

Either that or its defective or he's just shitposting.

yeah but i can't really see that being the problem, although i guess it could be as i've never used a different one to compare my experience

Not sure if you have an OLED or not but if you do, kudos because it's easily the best picture you can get. HDR on it was so gorgeous when I watched a Forza 7 demo in BB.

What games have you been playing? I've been playing halo 5 and quite frankly it looks like a new game it's fucking great! I could only try it at a friend's house since I don't have a 4k tv myself but it still looks solid on my 1080p tv

I don't have a 4K tv and I'm really enjoying these updates and enhancements. Absolutely no jaggies on any of my games now and it must be because of the supersampling they use in the machine. If you haven't tried Forza Horizon 3 yet, give it a spin because it looks so much nicer now.

friends > shitty weeb games

I bought a shitload of games for it at Xmas, been mostly playing Forza 7 and Horizons (since it got the 4k update), and a crapload of ESO. Looks amazing in 4k. I bought Assasins Creed, Halo 5 and Gears of War 4 too, just having a hard time getting around to playing them.