Looking to fill up my Steam library with some good games, any suggestions?
Any must have Steam games?
Fallout 4
Deus Ex
Talos Principle
Mount & Blade: Warband
Total War: Warhammer
Tekken 7
Duskers is really fucking good.
This really depends what kind of games you like..
Willing to try anything.
Half Life or Black Mesa
Half Life 2
Portal 2
Fallout 3
Fallout 4
Borderlands 2
Counter Strike Source
Counter Strike Global Offensive
Rocket League
Stardew Valley
people with good taste will add the rest
Earth Defense Force 4.1
Depends of the genre of games you like.
Personally, Portal 1 and 2.
Civilization V
Battleblock Theater
Castle Crashers
Arma 3
Hotline Miami 1 and 2
>Counter Strike Global Offensive
I heard the lootcrate system is very addictive and youd be spending thousands on keys. Why do you recommend it tho?
To share the pain and turn more people into Gabe's cocksleeves.
Neir Automata
Shadow tactics (commando type strategy game)
The divison
Witcher 3
Conan exiles if you like survival games
Mad Max
Dark souls 1,2,3
Borderlands 1 and 2
Dawn of war 1 and 2
portal 2
Space marine
shadow of mordor
crysis 1,2 and 3
dead space 1,2,3
black desert, Tera and elder scrolls online if you like mmorpgs.
Farming simulator 16 (yes I know it sounds lame but it's surprisingly good and addictive)
Core gameplay is simple but hard
Killing in this game is satisfying
Lots of realistic weapons
This game is really intense depending on the situation
Flaws: The Competitive mode is the only good mode
Unless you play with friends matchmaking will put you with faggots most of the time
I see you're a man of culture as well
Sounds just like condition zero but without the microtransactions.
FTL: Faster than Light
>tfw there will never be Condition Zero 2
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games
Danganronpa 1, 2, and 3
The Holy Trinity of FPS/RPG hybrids
Deus Ex
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Fallout: New Vegas
The Serious Sam games
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Crimzon Clover
I could suggest 100s of games
Narrow it down a little
Rainbow Six Seige
uhh no
Total War: Whatever
Resident Evil
Stardew Valley?