ITT: Sup Forumsidya jokes
ITT: Sup Forumsidya jokes
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I get it, it's a fart joke!
just for fun haha
I guess this time he was anally destroyed haha.
You shouldn't pay Minecraft you know. The "man" who made it is a toxic jerk. But by all means if your a drumpfist then go ahead. ;)
where is the joke
Holy shit hahahahahaha
Girls can’t game haha
It was destroyed!
What is this thread, I know op is being >ironic but someone out there must have thought these are jokes and not, like, cringe-worthy sentences.
it's a book of minecraft jokes sold to autistic kids to make money
lmao bitch got fukin shrekd
>he respawned
Oh wow, haha this is great. I'm buying copy on Amazon right now. There's also other Jokes For Minecrafters books available from the publisher, Sky Pony Press. I'll be sure to check those out as well.
I actually feel kind of insulted that someone wrote 'jokes' on the same page as these things.
I've heard that the book was written by someone who didn't even know what Minecraft was so they just asked their 8 year old kid what to write.
this is actually funny though
I don't know whats worse, this or that novrl by an anime youtuber.
Im feeling sick, this cant be real
This minecraft youtuber from Spain has his own comic series, I cant tell you if its better or worse
>she destroyed him
>he was destroyed
>he was destroyed
>he went boom
Jesus chirst it is the same punchline everytime. This is so sad, it is like whoever wrote this gave zero shits about it. I remember joke books as a kid and they at least put a little effort into it.
Why is boom! not italicized
They forgot.
normally you would italicise only "boom!" to emphasise that its a sound effect, but since italics was used for all punchlines it was put back to normal instead for the same reason.
because he was destroyed
That's actually funny, even if it's unintentional.
what about stinky steve
How many Megami Tensei fans does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Two. One Persona fan to screw it in and one SMT fan to complain that it's not dark enough.
What did you say about minecraft?
I'll admit it, I chuckled.
You should write a book, user.
How do I not have any laughing reaction images?
I thought this was about Minecraft, not MODERN DAY EUROPE.
>Did you hear about the the player who rode a pig into a void? We haven't heard from him since.
In what way would this be considered a joke
>How do I not have any laughing reaction images?
They were destroyed!
Did you seriously only ask this question NOW?
>he was destroyed
>He didn't make it
>that fucking video where he gives a lever a blowjob
Fuck you got me
Would I regret asking what video you're talking about?
>It was a noble attempt
I actually chuckled
>Autistic "humor"
There's 5 of these abominations?
you know the rules
yeah poptepipic is pretty autismo
How the FUCK is this allowed on youtube?
Actually, that's a dumb question.
that dude in the back looks dope
i bet the comic sucks dick
This should be illegal.
>only 5
It really isn't though, it requires a deep and intricate nuanced understanding of humor itself
Yep, I regret it.
You really have to ask yourself what kind of grown man would be compelled to create something like this.
> it requires a deep and intricate nuanced understanding of humor itself
Is poptepic the Rick & Morty of anime?
No, because poptepic is occasionally funny.
To be fare, you have to be highly educated in culture to understand PopTeamEpic.
>tfw sub-200 IQ
>I remember joke books as a kid and they at least put a little effort into it.
No they didn't. They were all just as bad, but you remember them favorably because you were a kid and amused by textual slapstick. Today's children would find these Minecraft "jokes" just as funny. I know this because my little cousin laughs uncontrollably at dabbing despite there being nothing inherently comical or amusing about moving your arms in a specific way.
Why did I click on this?
Maybe not all of them but many of them at least had some kind of joke to them. They were equivalent to "dad jokes" but still jokes. This has no joke at all, the punchline is basically just, "He died."
because of morbid curiosity user
You know, I looked at these and thought to myself "this looks like the kind of thing a 10 year old who just found out there's a porn of everything online would look up", and it hit me, that's exactly what it is, it's literally babby's first porn.
green haired girl is pretty cute desu
There's really something that just bugs me when I see those ugly bendy limbed Minecraft characters.
>lets take some random Minecraft trivia and repackage them as jokes
what the fuck
>tfw kids are training their brains to get off to minecraft characters
But that last one is just a factual game mechanic, what the hell.
It's almost as if the guy just filled it up with words so that uninformed parents will buy it for their kids thinking they'll probably get it--- ohhhhh.
>five legs
It's more sickening than that, someone makes porn while, I imagine, knowing his primary audience are kids and very early teens.
I know porn creators aren't exactly a paragon of virtue but what the fuck.
Stream where?
Mighty No.9.
Where's the fucking stream ?
>Did you hear a skeleton?
>He respawned
Oh god
Fuck you, the dentist's favorite time being Tooth hurty was way more intelligent than 12 "He was destroyed"