Why do you weak pathetic basement dwellers play dark souls and fsp trash when you can enjoy girls AND tanks? fun...

Why do you weak pathetic basement dwellers play dark souls and fsp trash when you can enjoy girls AND tanks? fun, pure combat and arcade action: no memes, no DUDE THE ITEM, etc.

I'm not a weeb

You're not gonna convince anyone to play your game if you call a game they like trash and leave it at that. If anything you're going to push people away from the game you're trying to get people to play.

Not on PC. A damn shame.


>no memes
What did he mean by this?

Because GuP is NEET-pandering trash for loney weebs who think reading a single wikipedia article on WW2 armored warfare suddenly makes them a tank expert.

how is that different from dark souls and bb fags who spend all weeks watching youtube lore and doing multiple builds?

me as the PJ bottoms

Release on PC and I'll buy it immediately.

Dark Souls is at least tonally consistent. GuP is a mess of concepts smooshed together to try and garner maximum trash-otaku appeal. The fact that not one character has been torn apart by jets of molten copper is evidence that GuP is utter shit aimed at only the most pathetic of weebs.

You can be a normal person and enjoy arcade fun
You don't have to be otaku or Lost Pause

the moetization of war has always bugged me.

Was there a new GuP game? I think there used to be one on Vita or PSP but it wasn't very good.

it's like E.D.F I don't see it as a war game

Don't shit post with GuP images.

Because those games are good, unlike your trash tie-in game.

We need a game that shows cute girls directly experiencing the horrors of war

War games are boring AF and need stylization and characterization to be entertaining

Because I don't need moetrash to find something appealing.



I have never met any person with a specific interest in tanks who was not a disgusting fat autist fedora, even by history buff standards. Tank obsessed fags are always the fucking freaks. It’s always THE most shit section of any FPS war game.