Well that was a dissapointment

Well that was a dissapointment

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you're not even good at fighting games

this, kill yourself OP.

DBFZ isn't a fighting game, it's a party game

Nah, its just slow and the controls are bad. I'll still with real fighting games


You capshills are really shook by the popularity of this, huh?

>Implying I play capshit

despite the disaster that is MVCI is, it has more depth than this game, which is pretty sad.

this game is still fun though, it's just best to recognize it as a DBZ fanservice game first and a fighting game second.

You can't call some shit fanservice if its just trying to copy MVC. Fan-service would be 3D with a story mode

>Criticize this game in any way at all
every time.

No, seriously, its shit

Nu-dbz is shit
Fucking hate nostalgiafucks

it's literally fanservice though, all style and no substance. like the entire gimmick the game is going for is the chars being varied with their own schticks, thus sticking to what DBZ fans know and like.

because of how casual-friendly it is, though, there's no chance it'll ever be a real fightan.

Typical marvelfag

Doesn't matter how casual it is, Any game can be an e-sport nowadays. Namco will throw money at it to keep it in tournaments.

>big dog = people who wanted to play the beta
>lil doggo = the beta
>asian guy = the devs
>the other dog = bandai namco's public response.

Why did they leave a fucking husky next to some small doggos

it going to evo will be worth it just to see the trainwreck

rip dogger o7
had a kitter die basically that same way, spazzing out on the ground after the dog hardly nicked her neck

>party member betrays you

Tell me that one fast fg youre play and are good at

This is why I fucking hate dogs
I don't understand why people are allowed to own and keep these dangerous and unpredictable animals. I hate how I have to walk past people walking their dogs in the street and the dog walks right up to me. If it decided to attack me the owner wouldn't be able to hold it back. Fuck dogs

Game isn't completely lost. Guard breaking and vanish add some fun concepts. Dragonballs are meh. Auto combos should be removed completely. Midair should work a bit like boudoki I think. SUPER COMBOS should be better defined. But you get your snapbacks, pretty solid hard tags and the like. Idk... just my opinion.

does that doggo need a wheelchair



Imagine being this much of a pussy

It's not like you ever leave the house anyway.

zero depth, spam all the way (sure, it can be punished, but if you miss a single one, which is not that hard to miss because of the battle speed, the opponent can take half your health), 80% of characters share the same combo, autocombos even when you miss something becwuse it's so easy to activate them, anime OST locked behind dlc...

Game looks fantastic though, so I might get it when it's 50% off or more.

Apologize right fucking now

Casual friendly... juuuuuuust like MvC:I

yet unlike MvC:I there are no proper fighting game mechanics in place and casual tards will just be happy autocomboing

what a fag

He's in a better place now user

You must be really pathetic if you can't hold off a dog.

DBZ anime was never that good. The quality is all over the place and anybody who says it's their favorite has usually never seen anything else.

well what a shitty way to start this day, fuck you user

I agree, but if you remove autocombos, there is a fighting game system to be figured out IMO. It is just diffrrent. Again I turn to the vanish moves.


Good, those disgusting little rats deserve to be put down like vermin. What abhorrent creatures.

Yeah the game is trash. Can't find a match and when I do, I get hit once and then I'm stuck in a 15 minute combo. So glad I cancelled my pre order.

>fighting game
bet you play smash too you literal scrub lord

Bad posture, cant make eye contact, cant enunciate properly, shuffles around, cant hold conversation, outwardly aggressive to mask how feeble you are mentally and physically, no meaningful relationship.

This is you.

A place with wheelchair access?

How triggered are dogfags?
not everyone loves your loud, obnoxious, potentially dangerous animal. When you invite company over lock up your stupid dog, I don't want it running up and jumping on me and barking.

This is Sup Forums take all your dog shit to >>Sup Forums or better yet >>/trash/

even without the autocombos the game is still pretty generic aside from char playstyles

fun nonetheless but not comparable to other fightan IMO

>when shut-in virgin retards get triggered
please rage more you edgy faggot lmao

Yeah I can't crossboard worth a shit. Same principle applies

Quit implying you even leave your room fag. You're so fucking CRINGE ITS SO AWKWARD DUDE.
Fuck off faggot

should've played the Dissidia beta instead, it is 100x better

u mad fag?

Does anyone have that pastebin guide? I got completely memed on not long ago. I need approach options, ways to get out of the corner, and a brain that remembers to crouch heavy when seeing a super dash.

Again, I agree to an extent. I forgot this was "no fun allowed" Sup Forums

I will go back to kicking ass with Urien when I'm bored.

you're a fucking retard just spouting buzzwords because you have no argument

what else do you expect from normalfaggot retards

you are making no argument yourself, thus you're saying a buzzphrase of "NO ARGUMENT XD YOU MADE ME MAD AND I HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO SAY".

all your post amounted to is "i dont like dogs >:(" and people called you edgy, and you got obviously angry. make more angry posts in response to this so you can show your anger and lack of understanding just one more time.

You just did the same thing you complete fucking idiot.

Not at all fampai
