Been years since I played it

>been years since I played it
>try out osrs from with a new account
>time flies
How the fuck is this game so goddamn addicting? Why can't modern games capture that "just one more X" feel?

I'm waiting for mobile. Seriously gonna get lost in it.

It's literally grinding: the game. How you can wrapped up in it without a few friends, I have no clue.

A good way to break the addiction is to get cleaned at the sand casino

Crafted double nats 91-99. All gone.

Anyone know a decent private server other than Sup Forumsscape? I've been trying to find o e with good XP rates that doesn't front load you with shit an has a decent amount of content. I don't give a shit about player base since I was planning on doing Ironman.

that game has always been me playing it during fall and some of winter, then completely abandoning it until next fall.
it's been happening for 4 years. god help me

>Private server

It's just full of achievements in all sorts of areas... I mean, personal ones. Like, back then it used to be to get a full rune set. Then it may be to get a trimmed set. Then lvl X some skill to get more gp to be able to get better at any other skill. Etc... it's like no matter what you do, you're gonna make your own personal objectives. Crafting skills were actually more important than combat itself, for many.

Usually typical games have very few achievements. It's the same for everyone.
Kill monsters > get better items > to kill better monsters > to get better items
that shit gets old quick.

I've got no job and enjoy the grind. I'm just looking for something to pass the time.

Just play OSRS?


me too, hell let's face it. it will basically be the game for mobile, the same way pokemon go was during the first 4 weeks of its release. except it will be like that for the rest of the year.

it sucks because i was hoping to play during break from college, but those fucks keep delaying the release. it was supposed to be released the first week of december, now rthey're saying maybe the first week of februrary. and i'm in school next week

OSRS has a free version and you can buy membership with gold ingame.

I never fully got into Runescape, I played others like RO and Ultima in that time, but I've been interested in getting into it and mobile just sounds like the perfect time.

Why, user?

I haven't really touched OSRS how hard is it to grind out bonds for membership?

Fishing LVLs?

>start playing OSRS
>300 hours in 30 days
>force myself to quit
I've done this like 5 times now.


it's the same game too. so unlike other free mobile games everything in it has been tried and tested for essentially over a decade, no bugs, no cash to win. honestly surprised no one has thought of doing this earlier. like even the shittiest cell phones could have run this game years ago

/vg/ runs a server dedicated to replicating the 2007 pre-grand exchange game without the pay to win shit every other private server has.

